Social Question

What would you have said to your child under these circumstances?
I used to have a daycare. It was my sole means of support for myself and my kids and I made just enough to pay my bills.
Often I had all the kids (7 of them) in the van with me, running errands. When I did this, I’d always go through the McDonald’s drive through and get a medium coke for myself. It was an occasional, special treat for myself. I’d ask the kids if any of them wanted water, and if they did, I got them water.
At one point one of the parents complained because their kid was whining that he didn’t get a coke too. She said she didn’t think that was very nice of me, and gave me money to get her kid a drink as well.
That, of course, left me between a rock and a hard spot. Couldn’t very well buy just one kid out of 7 a drink, and I couldn’t afford to get them all one, so I just quit getting myself a coke. I missed it when I quit.
Whenever I went to a convenience store I let all the kids come in and choose a piece of candy from the “bottom row” which was where all the nickle candy lived.
I did a lot of special things for the kids. Each kid got their own birthday party when their birthday came around, which took several hours to put together.
We’d go on a field trip every Wednesday, either to a park or to a nature trail in Wichita where we’d have lunch (grilled hotdogs or burgers.) All of this required a lot of work on my part, and they weren’t lacking for attention.
If one of my kids had complained (which I don’t think they would have) I would have told them to just deal with it. Grown ups get special privileges that kids don’t always get to share in, because grown ups work so hard.
What would you have told your kid?