General Question

talljasperman's avatar

What accommodations are available, or should be available, for students with schizophrenia in college?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) June 9th, 2014

Including High school.

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9 Answers

DWW25921's avatar

I think schools have special classes for questionable behavioral issues. I knew some folks in school that has a class set apart. They were just as smart as everyone else they were just different. Maybe there already is an accommodation? Seems to me that it would make sense that there would be.

GloPro's avatar

Most schizophrenics are not hitting their prime and getting diagnosed until their 20s. Unfortunately people may just bully them for being different through high school.

JLeslie's avatar

What specifically do you mean by “accommodations?”

My university had services for mental health issues. Counselors and psychiatrists were available to see students who needed psychiatric help.

Or, do you mean professors giving extensions to students for work becuase the student is going through some sort of psychiatric episode?

@DWW25921 Your college had classes set apart for certain students? I have never heard of that.

DWW25921's avatar

@JLeslie Community colleges are only colleges by technicality but yes.

JLeslie's avatar

@DWW25921 I have nothing against a community college, I feel my education at my community college was rather good, although some community colleges seem to encourage professors to pass along students who are not really performing well, which I have a big problem with. I’m sure that might happen at the university level sometimes also, depending on the situation. Not that people with schizophrenia are passed along that way. My grandfather was schizophrenic, and definitely not stupid, and we have many jellies here with rather serious psych diagnosis who are extremely smart, well educated (some ivy league) and successful. The students I am talking about who get passed along are not performing on a college level, which is more a function of IQ, college preparedness and/or the effort they put in.

I know nothing about special classes though, unless you mean some sort of special class to help the student get through college? Like a class that helps the student organize their work and guide them in some way?

Dutchess_III's avatar

That would be difficult. Should those students expect to have to pay more for such “special accommodations?” If they can’t make it in the mainstream in college without “special accommodations,” how are they going to make it in the work world where there are no “special accommodations”?

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III If the psychiatric help is included in their “medical coverage” from the school then I don’t think it should be extra, but whatever the medical cost is for any student.

I don’t think I am in favor of any special classes, except maybe if there is an actual class like a study hall maybe, and that would be paid by credit hour like any other class. What do you think?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I agree….maybe one special class, like a study hall, @JLeslie I don’t think it would be feasible to have one regular regular class for the majority of the students, and a separate “special” class for a small percentage of the rest. I mean, colleges offer how many hundred classes? And the real life they’re preparing for won’t have any special consideration.

DWW25921's avatar

@JLeslie The community College that I went to had a GED class for special needs adults who couldn’t handle or go back to high school. I should have specified it was the GED program, I suppose that’s a little different.

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