General Question
Are the double standards concerning statutory rape justified? (possibly NSFW)
I’m asking this question based on the presumption there are massive double standards concerning statutory rape and the sex of the perpetrator and victim.
It seems very obvious to me that when a male teacher has sex with a female student everybody wants to gouge his eyeballs out (putting it mildly). However, when a female teacher has sex with a male student it’s usually the student who gets ridiculed while the hostility towards the female teacher doesn’t appear to be as severe. I don’t hear of people threatening to do the same things to female perpetrators as I do with the male ones. This issue extends beyond just people in positions of authority in an institutional setting, and I was just using an example here.
I know there are many exceptions to the above examples, and many people think the same standards should be applied to female perpetrators as well. However, it’s very obvious when one looks at comments online, comments made by media personalities, attitudes of the general public and the harshness of penalties themselves it’s very obvious women sleeping with underage males is not generally seen being as harmful as men sleeping with underage females.
Unless somebody can provide me evidence that my presumption is wrong here concerning the general public’s attitudes on the above, including female perpetrators usually receiving lighter sentences than men for the same offenses, I wanted to ask several questions related to my post here.
This question is in general because I want to ask two questions here:
1) Is there any evidence demonstrating whether underage males having sex with older females, even seemingly willing males, can end up having problems either now or later on in life as the result of this?
2) Do you think underage females are affected differently than underage males in situations where statutory rape is involved?
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