Are there any problems in the world that could be solved by leaving them alone?
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12 Answers
Yeah, leave kids alone, let them be kids & stop forcing them to grow up so soon.
A whole load of problems would then be gone, young teen pregnancies being a primary target.
If people would stop worrying about relationships other than their own. Gay Marriage equality!
If everyone kept their religious beliefs to themselves, the world would be much better off. It’s a source of friction in the US, it’s the cause of terrorism and disruption in the Middle East.
Actually, our economy would recover if we stopped putting roadblocks in the way. government is not helping with a recovery but rather delaying it. If they would just stop it would recover.
Conflicts in the Middle East. Stop getting in the middle and just let them sort it all out for once.
The environment. If we left it alone it would be fine.
@flutherother when you say leave it alone do you mean let us continue what we are doing without bothersome regulations or do you mean let us minimize our impact upon the planet so as to not effect the environment?
I’ve wondered this regarding racism in America. That maybe it is time to stop discussing it and let it work itself out. Maybe discussing it and focusing on it keeps the whole topic alive. I never would have said that 50 years ago obviously, but present day is different.
I think children are pushed too much at young ages now. Leave them to pretend and play and create. We are force feeding them academics at such a young age now. I worry it is counterproductive in some ways. Maybe it would solve some of the pressure young children feel now. Maybe it would change the future of the world if children are allowed to try and fail and figure things out on their own. I wonder how many of our greatest minds showed incredible academic skill at age 4 and 5? I have my doubts.
@rojo I mean we should leave it in peace and not ‘improve’ or pollute it. Take the Amazon rain forest. We should not build roads through it, chop down its trees or exploit it for any reason whatsoever. We should certainly not continue what we are doing or there will be no forest left in the years to come. To continue as we are doing will lead to disaster, not just for the environment but for us as well.
1) Social interactions. This obsession with confidence mantra has nothing to do with feeling good about yourself, but is really nothing more than conformist propaganda. Most self-help is nonsense to me. Leave people alone, and they’ll naturally blossom when they realize they can be themselves without ridicule.
2) Dating rules and advice. These create more problems than they solve. Most dating advice centers around mechanical initiation methods, confining actions to the birth sex of a person, stereotyping each gender/sex and other outdated rules. These actually prevent many compatible people from meeting each other, when there’s nothing simple about human personalities.
3) Religion. Religious intolerance is the cause of a great deal of turmoil, which should be expected when one’s ‘Truth’ supersedes making the world a better place where people can peacefully co-exist with others. People should be more spiritual and less religious, and if one’s religion forces one to make others convert, they either need a more spiritually based religion, or no religion at all then.
4) Overpopulation. Why worry about this? The Earth will inevitably take care of this problem for us itself one way or another.
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