Babies in the public pool with diapers, what do you think?
A few days ago when the temps were above 100 deg. the pool at the apt. complex my Christian Brother lives at was crammed full. There were a few parents there with their children who had diapers under their swimwear. There was no kiddie pool so the parents waded in the water holding their youngsters or held onto them with floaties, etc. My thought was the kids are in diapers so they are not potty trained, what if they go and something escapes? If that happened would they have to empty and drain the pool, add tons more chlorine? Even if they did add tons more chlorine would you still use it? What do you think?
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35 Answers
Better than without diapers?
it had to be said
You’ve swam in worse… and no, they don’t drain it.
Better with diapers than without.
When my grandkids were of diaper age, their mom bought them special swim diapers that had extra elastic to hold things in. It seems to work.
Oh hell. I peed in the pool all the time as a kid, even as an older kid. Nobody died.
Of course I’d still swim in it, unless I had reason to think the kid had typhoid fever or something.
They make swimming diapers for them nowadays. When my kids were little I just put regular panties on them, and a plastic panty thing over that. No, it isn’t going to keep the pee in, but it would keep the poo in.
Regular diapers will explode if and when they get too wet and swollen from pool water.
Yep. Plus the kid would sink like a rock!
Wow, are you expecting public pools to be clean if babies with diapers aren’t in them? What about the people wearing little water shoes to protect their feet that maybe stepped in some poo walking there? Or the very arthritic guy who can’t reach very well to clean himself because of joint pain? Thinking you need to stay out of the pools if this is your concern.
At my pool club, there would occasionally be “hygiene incidents” and they would close the pool for an hour or so while they put shit-eating chemicals in it.
But yes, babies now wear swim diapers mainly, I believe.
”...what do you think?”
I fink iz time fo’ gettin’ out ‘da poo.
I think that’s one of the many reasons that I don’t go to public pools.
And I thought it was the chlorine that made my eyes sting.
they have special swim diapers that the babies in my local pool must wear. Once last summer a mother took her baby into the pool without swim diapers under the bathing suit.
This might be gross, but the baby pooped, it floated out of the kids bathing suit and they made everyone get out of the pool and closed it down for an hour. BTW it was a really hot day in the 90’s and every kid there was furious at the mom who had her baby in the pool without a swim diaper.
same as swimming in underpants! swimming shorts are proper, decent and more sanitary.
2TFX We’re talking about non-toilet trained children here, not decency.
The first thing that comes to my mind is E. Coli
As many have said, swim diapers make it reasonably sanitary. Basically, the chlorine is there for a reason, and bacteria should not get out of control for small accidents.
@Dutchess_III Pee is not the problem, people pee in the pool all the time, anyone who thinks people don’t is fooling themselves. Generally it is thought that pee is sterile, but of course if somene has an infection that is not the case, and now there has been some new evidence that bacteria actually is present. Honestly, I was shocked when I first read years ago urine is sterile, it just doesn’t sound right. Not that it matters, our skin has bacteria on it, we don’t have to go inside our bodies to find bacteria.
Fecal matter can contain contagions that can get people pretty sick. Certain disease are passed along that way, like polio is one. If a child recently was given the drops rather than a shot, they can shed the virus and people not immune can catch it. It’s not likely in a pool, because pools are chlorinated, and of course in America Polio is extremely rare, but it can and has happened with grandparents changing their grandchildren and not using clean practices. The grandparents were never vaccinated. This is much less likely now as the years pass and almost everyone has been vaccinated in the US. Also, ecoli can make people sick if ingested. Etc.
It is sterile. Won’t hurt any one, unless the peeer (?) has certain diseases.
@Dutchess_III Poop is the real concern, not pee. Poop has ecoli and other bacteria that can cause stomach upset, and can cause some people to be deathly ill, especially young children, fecal matter also can have Hep A, polio, cholera, and some others, all of which are rare in America, but that is the concern with fecal matter. Not everyone on fluther is American. Some countries have enough Hep A that it is more of a concern, but I would think still in a well treated pool it should be ok. People get Hep A because some restaurant worker or relative is infected and doesn’t wash his hands well after using the bathroom and then they prepare food. That is one of the main reasons for diligent hand washing in restaurants, along with ecoli and some other bacterias that can cause illness. My husband is Mexican, as you know, and he and both of his siblings went through having hep A, do you know anyone in America that has had it? I don’t know anyone. It does happen here, but not often. One day they were talking about it and I said to his sister, people in America aren’t used to hearing hepatis stories. She had no idea. Anyway, I’m kind of off the topic of the pool, sorry to go down that tangent, I am just pointing out some diseases have the transmission route of fecal matter tainting water and then the water is drunk by others, or someone comes into contact with fecal matter and then winds up touching something that goes in their mouth or puts their fingers on their lips and they allow the bacteria in.
Are you asking me out for coffee? Or, do I have some crazy typo again?
No worse than the adult pools, where people get in and don’t shower before they enter. Goodness knows if they even wipe effectively.
Well…they ought to make drowning diapers. Now that 4 bloated human carcasses were pulled from my local lake a few weeks ago after mouldering away after a speed boat accident and not being recovered for almost 2 full weeks…well…I’ll take a pissy pool. haha
@Pandora Ewww…yes, excellent point. I had a hot tub for years and always showered before I got in at the end of the day. Gak!
Seriously? I can smell the chlorine from our public pools from a mile away. I’d be amazed if any escaped poo was still brown by the time it hit the surface.
Biggest thing I’d worry about was a clogged filter from exploded Pampers. My son wore cloth. No worries there. Either way I prefer the beach or a river. Good clean alligator poo to swim in.
Chlorine or not, babies or not, I always assume a public pool is a giant petri dish.
I never got sick from one.
@funkdaddy You’ve swam in worse… and no, they don’t drain it.
If it is not the ocean or a high-mountain river, II am not getting in it. Since most of the time it is too cold for my taste, even then I will by pass it.
@elbanditoroso When my grandkids were of diaper age, their mom bought them special swim diapers that had extra elastic to hold things in. It seems to work.
True, they may work 18 times but if they fail that 19th time then it is a wash.
@Dutchess_III Oh hell. I peed in the pool all the time as a kid, even as an older kid. Nobody died.
One other reason for never swimming in anything not flowing unless it is a warm private pool.
@canidmajor What about the people wearing little water shoes to protect their feet that maybe stepped in some poo walking there? Or the very arthritic guy who can’t reach very well to clean himself because of joint pain? Thinking you need to stay out of the pools if this is your concern.
You are slow on the trigger with that advice, for those reasons you mentioned, and others, I avoid pools other than private pools of people I know.
@syz I think that’s one of the many reasons that I don’t go to public pools.
I am right there with you.
Right, because people never pee in private pools.
^ ^^ Eventually the current takes it away, I would not be trapped in some bowl with it hoping the Chlorine was working.
Some people just worry about silly stuff.
They do have swimsuits on @2TFX, just not diapers. The OP didn’t say they were naked.
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