Has the futility of life ever made you give up on something or not even go ahead with something you had planned?
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June 14th, 2014
When you sit down and consider the waste of it all, the zero outcome of life, has this idea ever made you give up on something, abandon it or not even set off in the first place?
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13 Answers
What futility? I find life fulfilling and highly enjoyable.
There was this one time when I was close to giving up, but that’s when I met creator and, well, no one wants to hear that story…
No, I don’t find life futile. I find it an interesting rewarding journey.
Yes. I’m teetering on the edge of that cliff now. I’m a boomer gone bust the last handful of years and am facing a lot of uncertainty in my future right now.
I am all about quality over quantity, and while I am still putting one foot in front of the other I also am pragmatic enough, intelligent enough and grounded enough to see the futility in struggling to preserve my organisms survival instinct at all costs.
At this time I might be embarking on a new adventure and am hoping it might prove to be just what I need, however, as time marches on if I find myself living in poverty as my old age advances I have every intention of checking out.
I am too much of a life lover, freedom lover and independent spirit to settle for a less than quality of life, that goes not only for the physical, but the financial, emotional, creative side of living.
@Coloma is there any hope of escape from this issue by turning to some kind of communal life? I DO realize it is not easy and may even feel like defeat, but is there such a way out?
@ZEPHYRA I am considering a move several hours away right now to take up work and residence with a master sculptor who trained in Japan ( one of my passions too ) that has a 2 yr. plan to start an art school and guild on their 8 acre property in NW CA. I am meeting with them next week and am excited. :-)
@Coloma I wish you all the very best, hopefully the universe will be emitting positive energy at that time so things will go smoothly!
@ZEPHYRA Thanks…I am ready for a change again, and this could be a really great arrangement, we shall see.
Not the fultility. The pain of life has made me inclined to give up at times but I keep going and something good happens along.
After fighting the uphill battle to recover from the ‘08 crash, yeah, I am pretty damned jaded. It has only gotten worse, and I see zero light at the end of the tunnel, financially speaking.
Sure, I am reasonably intelligent and creative and artistic, but none of those attributes are marketable in my current environment. The only available jobs really are in commission-based sales. And frankly: do I come across as the kind of person who is capable of talking someone into buying some shit product they probably don’t need? Because I’m not.
Yes. I have focused on futility to accept things I don’t have that I wanted. I use it to try and get me through when giving up seems to be the most practical answer. Ugh, that so sucks as I write that out.
@Seek I’m right there with you girl. Is sucks the biggest banana ever.
Same here, all you mentioned and yep, I’d rather die than work at walmart or some other horrible sleazy sales job. Bah!
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