Have you ever up and gone from a stable job right into something new?
Asked by
June 15th, 2014
From a job where you had been for years either to a new line of work, taking a risk to do something else. Or perhaps leaving everything behind to get married in another town/city?
Did you have regrets or fears about whether or not you would ever manage to do anything else after that? Did it work out?
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10 Answers
I might be doing that now, not sure yet, and yes, it is scary but also exciting.
Sometimes we have to jump off a cliff with our eyes closed and hope we land on our feet. Usually we do. I might be leaving the area I have lived and worked in for the last 23 years.
I am weighing the pros and cons and so far, inspite of feeling really vulnerable, if, the few things I am waiting on the make a decision come together I will, most likely, jump.
Yes. I quit a stable, comfortable, well paying job with a big company and started my own company. Things have taken off so quickly I can barely keep up. I now have 6 people working.
I used to be able to relax in the evenings and on weekends. Now there’s always a list to do. People depend upon me.
It sure is exciting!
@LuckyGuy, so for you it wasn’t a question of “rather the devil you know than the one you don’t?” You just jumped over hoping for the best? I really admire that attitude in people, I am fed up with being afraid!
@ZEPHYRA To be honest, I had enough of a cushion I could last 2 years if everything went down the tubes. I was also very confident I had marketable skills. It took 3 months and I landed a contract. Then another landed. And at 18 months a really big one hit which has turned my life upside down in a good way (sort of). Sometimes I feel like I caught a whale. It is one hell of a ride.
@Coloma Being afraid is natural, I am doing that…OMG..I’ll have to find a new dentist and mechanic and, and, what if, what if this, what if that…wtf! haha
@Coloma Actually the meaning was perfect. It sounded like you were psyching yourself up!
Actually yes. I was making about 40/k a year in the military as a single guy, too. But I wanted more of a regular life so I left and now I make about maybe 25–28k a year but I’m a lot happier so sometimes the grass is greener on the other side.
The military has outstanding benefits and pay after you’re in for awhile, but all of the extra stuff gets to you after awhile.
Yes, just last August I left a stable office job with a pension that I had been in for 7 years, to work full time for a brand new company. It was a massive risk but well worth it as I am now doing something I love. It is still early days but things are going well and, even if it doesn’t work out in the long term, it was the best move I could have made for the sake if my career.
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