Meta Question

janbb's avatar

Do you gotta love Spamglish?

Asked by janbb (63365points) June 17th, 2014

It seems that most, not all, spam I see here is written in some bizarre, bastardized version of English. It is delightfully funny to read. Do you enjoy it too? Bonus points for anyone who attempts a parody in their answer.

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21 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

We’re getting a ton of it lately. I think I’ve seen everything except male enhancements, but I may have missed that one.

marinelife's avatar

I am liking it very much. Do you have trouble with you (fill in the blank)? We have amazing web site that can help. See link.

longgone's avatar

You can’t if you offer good product be worrisome about the grammar too. The customer service is forbidding. If you find this problem on the soul, help is in the advanceous:

cookieman's avatar

Sadly, I had a student once who spoke like this. Sounded like she swallowed a thesaurus after it had been run through a blender.

This from today is very funny:
That against maturing serum takes away numerous lines and expense free frameworks that are shown up about the skin we have. Joven Skin Care to maturing serum conveys all of us numerous noticeable points of interest without endeavor.

janbb's avatar

@cookieman Reading that spam is what sparked this question.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

@longgone Nice catch on the word wondrosity!

Mimishu1995's avatar

@cookieman That’s nothing compared to this:

Super Male is a improving product will help you “love” good on bed and please your life friend. Extract from nature material, Super Male is a product help increase concentration testosteron in body of men. Hormone Testosteron is a hormone decrease when you begin have age, and decrease hormone Testosteron will lead to very many consequences like heart hurt, paralyse positive, and pee sugar. However you can protest that phenomenon by Super Male. Use Super Male, you not only strengthen ability to relation with your life friend but left protest disease of men old age. Please buy Super Male right today! Price is only 5$. Like grandparents says: “Money what thing there”!

Understand have award :D

Coloma's avatar

Oh my yes! Infact, this is my fav. website for instant laughter.

Stinley's avatar

I like spamglish. With French on Facebook and if I translate the messages and responses that impact other French funny. Facebook uses Bing, which seems fun than Google Translate. Or it may be grammatical and indigenous people tend to use on Facebook

This is what I put through Google Translate:
I love spamglish. I have a french friend on Facebook and when I translate her posts and replies from other French people the effect is hilarious. Facebook uses Bing, which seems to be much funnier than Google Translate. Or maybe it’s the grammar and vernacular that people tend to use on Facebook

Stinley's avatar

i’m actually crying with laughter looking at that website @Coloma. And I’m at work… Look at this one (nsfw)

cookieman's avatar

@Mimishu1995: And don’t we all want to please our life friend? :^)

Berserker's avatar

@Mimishu1995 Yeah I gotta say, that pretty much takes the cake right there. Pee sugar wtf.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Male enhancement Spam….that is just too lonfg and too hard to read.

Berserker's avatar

Lol you just had to go there didn’t you. XD

Seek's avatar

Aww… isn’t real. :-(

Dan_Lyons's avatar

Hahaha, LMAO @Seek

I tried it too! Wondrosity is a word I invented for the words we’ve coined thread!

longgone's avatar

@Seek and @Dan_Lyons Ha. Your click on my link is activated a trap many of your moneys is been send to my account of Switzerland. You endeavour to receive my greatest heart feltst thank you.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@dappled_leaves At least the Chinese won’t read the English translation :)

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