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tinyfaery's avatar

What are your favorite 3-5 live albums?

Asked by tinyfaery (44316points) June 18th, 2014 from iPhone

There are a few live albums that I loved so much I became an instant fan of the artists.

What are some good ones? I don’t like country, anything too hard or rap. I like some R&B, but not much.

What is it about that live album that appeals to you?

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14 Answers

rockfan's avatar

Live at the Regal by B.B. King

rockfan's avatar

Also, When Hell Freezes Over by The Eagles

filmfann's avatar

Probably the biggest selling live album of all time is Frampton Comes Alive.
My favorite is probably paul simon’s Live Rhymin’

filmfann's avatar

Another great one (and terrific video as well) is the Talking Heads Stop Making Sense.

Blondesjon's avatar

Over The Years and Through The WoodsQueens Of The Stone Age live show in london. great fucking band=great fucking show.

Small ClubPearl Jam live in amsterdam ‘92. they do a cover of the beatles’ I got a feeling

Dan_Lyons's avatar

The Who Live At Leeds
Bob Dylan The Bootleg Series
Grateful Dead Live Dead
Rolling Stones Get Yer Ya Yas Out
The Beatles Sgt Pepper’s Lonely hearts Club Band

Seek's avatar

Live After Death
A Real Live One
A Real Dead One
All Iron Maiden

Live in Japan
Deep Purple (with Ian Gillan’s sexy sexy seeeexxxy voice)

In Live Concert at the Royal Albert Hall (yes, that’s the name)

dappled_leaves's avatar

Probably the only live album I play regularly is Santa Monica ‘72.

zenvelo's avatar

The best, in my opinion? Woodstock

And @filmfann names two of the best: Frampton Comes Alive and Stop Making Sense

Dan_Lyons's avatar

Awesome @dappled_leaves. I haven’t heard Width of a Circle in a long time.
that was a great year for music!

filmfann's avatar

@Dan_Lyons Sgt. Pepper is not a live album. It’s just audience sounds added in. Same with Elton John’s Benny and the Jets.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

These guys were always underrated
Maiden of course I wore this album out as a teenager.
Iced Earth
RIP Randy

St.George's avatar

Talking Heads, Stop Making Sense

@jaytkay LOVE Nina Simone, thanks for those links.

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