Who loves the big cats?
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Coloma (
June 18th, 2014
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29 Answers
What a monster, purring and growling. haha
Just sayin’, this would have been an excellent opportunity for one of those freak-out videos.
I am always amazed how gently rubbing a big ole pussy like that can really get its engines purring.
The big cat is just feeling too good to ever knows who is playing with it :)
I really love the big cats, great video,thanks.
My husband! He absolutely loves watching big kitties. I just sent him that video. Have you seen the video of the lion named Christian that was bought at Harrod’s by two men who raised him and later set him out into the wild? They eventually go to find him and when they are all reunited it is unbelievable. The film quality on my link isn’t very good. There is a longer version where you can see clips of Christian in the back seat of a convertible driving around town and that later the men met more of the lions in Christians pride.
Big cats are nice and all but don’t forget that these cats have a reputation for attacking humans. Not really something you should have as a pet. They should stay in the wild. It is best for them and humans alike.
Did you notice that the poor cat had been declawed?
Aww I watched all 2 minutes and 24 seconds of it cause that jaguar was so adorable! I wish I could get close without him ripping my face off. His purr sounds menacing.
^ It’s not actually a purr, more of a growling vocalization (you’ll notice an occasional hiss, too). Bog cats have bony hyoids (as opposed to cartilaginous) and cannot purr.
@JLeslie Yes, I love the Christian the Lion story.
@syz I wondered about the claws yes, this is a rescue so the cat was probably already declawed when they took it, perhaps, I don’t know for sure. Purr or not he seemed to be enjoying being touched.
@flip86 I agree…I am in no way advocating keeping any wild animals as pets, the whole reason there are rescues, tragic so many of these amazing animals are kept in hprrible backyard conditions.
That is a gorgeous animal. Get a bit sad when I see stuff about big ass wild cats like that being kept in captivity though. How can they be happy? Unless they’re too weak to survive out in the wild I guess. Or if you raised it from a baby. Then it will be used to people and being confined, I think.
You’d think they might want to run around and shit though.
Reminded me of when I went to the zoo and they have the section with these eagles. Eagles are fucking huge, a lot of them anyway. They’re in these cages, big ones, but not enough so they can fly. Must be miserable in there.
But yeah big cats are cool. Not sure I’d randomly pet one though. Look at the teeth on that thing. At that same zoo I talked about there was some tigers, and one guy we were with stuck his hand in the cage and started petting the tiger. The tiger didn’t mind, just laid there and barely registered. But I was biting my nails lol, what if it decides it DOESN’T like it? Tigers are way quicker than any human can ever be.
@Symbeline I agree.. it is tragically sad. That video is from a rescue group, still not perfect conditions always, but much better than what most have originally been kept in. There are some really good rescue groups that provide decent enclosures and care. I have seen videos of rescued big cats kept in small cages, horse trailers and all sorts of inhumane and neglectful situations. So sad.
Yeah, and there was some news thing a while back about a zoo that neglected its animals so much. They had tigers that were starving, all skin and bones. It sucked.
@Symbeline Man..if had millions of dollars I’d have the worlds most awesome animal recue, thousands of acres of awesomeness. haha Aaah, to dream.
The description of the video said they were felines who had been abandoned or neglected.
@dxs Yes, it is a rescue, not some backyard weenie keeping a Leopard.
The big cats are the only cats I really do love. I will tolerate a well behaved domestic cat but would not hesitate culling a bad one.
@cazzie What do you consider a “bad” cat?
One that is feral in a bird sanctuary area.
@cazzie In that case the poor thing needs to be trapped and either, if possible, tamed down or humanely euthanized.
Cougars are great, but I am too old for them now…..
@cazzie What do you mean by culled?
(I will tolerate a well behaved domestic cat but would not hesitate culling a bad one. )
That’s a pretty cute big cat.
@Dan_Lyons They would be trapped and put down, or professionally shot.
@cazzie Professionally shot? Shooting cats would be illegal in the U.S. professional shooter or otherwise. Humanely trapped, rehabbed and adopted out even as barn cats or, humanely euthanized is best.
@Coloma Not when they are on a bird sanctuary. Ferral rats and cats are poisoned, trapped killed. They are vermin in these areas.
@cazzie When I raised chicken in Arkansas (20,000 birds per coop on a ten coop ranch) I was always amused by how they used the word cull when they meant kill.
@Dan_Lyons When you cull numbers of animals you kill them. Didn’t you know that? A culling is when you take a census and know that a certain number needs to killed-off to preserve the environment. On bird sanctuary islands in New Zealand, the exact allowed number of rats and cats allowed to live are zero.
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