Does this "joke" make you laugh, or make you feel sad (see link)?
Someone on fb posted this.
I said, “That’s about the attitude of the world today, and it really makes me sad.”
The guy who posted it said, “I found it hilarious, guess I’m part of the problem.”
I said, “I just view every kid as my own, or imagine it could be my own kid, and it hurts my heart to see that picture of that little boy (and he IS somebody’s child in real life) all tied up with such foul obscenity. But that’s just me.”
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76 Answers
I don’t find it at all funny. I’ve seen first hand how that very situation can harm a child.
And maybe say to the guy who posted it, “do you think it’s okay to say to your kid? Or to you? Stupid fuck with his stupid Facebook joke.”
It’s very weak & way too easy a target, whoever thought that up is reaching a little.
I don’t see the joke. Or the problem. All these words are just…words.
I’d love to get started on the grammar/punctuation/lack thereof.
Maybe I’m just insensitive to these kinds of things, but it isn’t like someone actually said that to the kid. If that were the case, I wouldn’t think it was okay at all.
The joke wasn’t funny, in my opinion, but I’m not offended and I don’t think it’s really something to get worked up about.
Sorry. I honestly don’t see the big deal.
That’s hilarious.
Almost as funny as the 13 year old boy I saw the other day with the “Iron Maiden Killers World Tour” t-shirt on.
I mean, I wasn’t even a fetus yet for the Killers tour, much less that kid with his Hot Topic shirt.
The image is just pointing out the silliness of kids’ shirts promoting interests in things the kids obviously have no interest in themselves.
It was like a commercial that takes 30 seconds from my life.
It is neither funny nor sad, just dumb.
A better gag woulda been along the lines of “creepy priest preys on minor”
@Seek The kids don’t choose their own clothes! The parents do, so they’re liable to get shirts with things on them that the parents are interested in. Maybe one of the parents of the kid is a surfer or something.
I think it’s funny, but not hilarious. As others said, the man is not actually saying this to the kid. It’s just turning over reality and looking at it from a different angle. Like the way humour does.
Most likely the shirt was cheap and cute enough to be destroyed or too small in a month anyway. It has nothing to do with anything.
I thought it was lame, but not offensive. My guess is whomever created this meme is a sourpuss complainer in life. This is a way for them to showcase always finding something to bitch about, and not at all related to the old man or the kid, or the shirt, for that matter.
I don’t find it funny, nor do I find it appalling, sad, or offensive. If I saw an actual person speaking to an actual child that way, yes, it would be sad. This is a picture that someone edited in a bad photo editing program (Paint, I’m guessing).
I’ve seen much funnier pictures that would make certain people gasp in horror. People are just so easily offended. That’s what’s sad.
The picture is probably a real picture of a grand dad and his grand kid, and somebody just took it and put that shit on it. If it was my kid, and his grandfather, I’d be so angry.
The prevalence of the foul language bothers me. But that’s just me. I know it doesn’t bother many of you at all.
Well, possibly the best thing to do then is ignore it. You’ve posted it on Fluther, so it will travel further than it would have otherwise.
The way I look at it, this is still a real kid with a real face and feelings. I’m wondering if the jerk-offs who photo shopped, posted this, or found this funny, would be willing to be subjected to the same level of scrutiny. Let me guess, probably not.
I too saw that on Facebook and I didn’t like it. It seemed kind of sick, and yes, that is someone’s real child in the picture, I guess that’s what really bothered me about it.
I really doubt either person in that photo knows that this photo was tagged to be so morose and tasteless. I don’t pity the kid or hold the old man accountable, I view the moron who tagged the photo as such and felt this had anything humorous quality as a worthless idiot loser.
It is factually, empirically, scientificially, hilarious.
I would have gone with:
“That’s a stupid fucking shirt. You’re not a Smurf. You’re not even fucking blue!” top photo
and . . .
“I’m sorry bud. I wish Grandma was still here too.” bottom photo
It’s not really funny, but I’m not offended either.
@ragingloli The feast/college one and Leukemia one are fucking hilarious hahaha. Gonna go read more…
OP’s link is not funny. Just ridiculous in my opinion.
I don’t find it funny, nor does it make me sad. I think it’s just really lame and stupid.
The Spiderman one where he goes; LOL I’m not paying that slut. I just about threw up from too much laughing. lmao
I remember a lot of those Spiderman things though, they’re near infinite.
The Thor one and any one with him sitting at a desk. Especially good since I remember the actual scenes… although the sombrero one also makes me laugh, and I have no idea what that’s from.
It’s just a stupid waste of time and posting?
It hurts my heart also to see children “tied up in foul obscenity” but I didn’t think this child was.. He is most likely blissfully unaware of what has happened and is anyway too young to understand the joke or the offensiveness.
What is the joke? I don’t get it.
This is neither funny nor hilarious.
Me thinks you take things a bit too seriously.
@ragingloli Thanks for that first link, that was hilarious.
Fleeting novelty for those who’ve outgrown fart jokes.
I thought it was pretty funny.
The joke is the juxtaposition of insult and profanity with a picture that, on its own, conveys the opposite, yet still fitting together.
Nothing should be off limits when it comes to satire, but all of the lines i’ve read here are just crap & not funny. All a matter of opinion of course, but if anyone is offended by this tame shit, then you should probably have a word with yourselves.
I think it’s a mistake to classify whatever this is as a joke. It’s crude commentary, and whether it’s supposed to be coming from the old guy in the picture is up for debate. I’m trying to digest the explanations here as to why this bit is funny. Is it that the 3year old billboard is somehow cunning enough to misrepresent himself as a surfing champ? I just don’t get it. What’s funny about crude hostility dumped on a clueless toddler unable to understand a word of the criticism? The chances that the kid selected to wear the shirt are about as good as the probability that he even knows what it says.
It wouldn’t be funny to anyone if that were their father suffering from Alzheimer, berating his grandchild who has no idea what shirt his mother dressed him in.
I’m starting to think that all this showy outrage is funnier than the joke itself.
Always going to be people in a crowd who don’t get it, to an extent that is almost painful to watch.
What’s there to get @dappled_leaves?
Since when did jokes about child abuse become funny?
Since when did jokes about child abuse become funny?
May 20th 2014. I’ve been meaning to make a thread about that, but it slipped out of my head. Well, I suppose there’s no point in beating myself up over it.
When was the dead baby joke invented?
I think it is amusing because it is a different way to look at senior citizens. The stereotypical view of a guy that age is a benevolent old man who just smiles at little kids and floats along happily without much going on upstairs. It is funny to think that inside he is a regular guy with the same goofy, sometimes nasty thoughts as youngsters. I didn’t find it at all offensive, just mildly amusing. I had a whole backstory going that Grandpa is a surfer from way back and takes offense to posers, just like young people do nowadays, even if the poser is 3!
I honestly cannot see how anyone is considering that child abuse or a joke about child abuse. The joke is that what the grandpa is saying is inner dialogue he isn’t berating the kid. Seriously people, none of you have ever witnessed something done, said, or worn by a little kid that caused a negative inner dialogue?
If the young kid sees it? Well honestly that kid is way too young to be on social media so that is on his parents. When he is old enough to be on social media and does see that meme, he will more than likely actually get the joke, especially if it was one of his family members who created it, because he will be familiar with their sense of humor.
There is really a lot of righteous indignation here that could better be directed elsewhere.
@stanleybmanly I would love to hear a debater’s argument that the dialogue is coming from the kid. I really can’t see how that point is debatable. The kid is wearing the surf shirt.
Maybe you’re asserting that the possibility exists that the child is saying those things to himself? If he is then he is quite precocious, knows exactly what he has picked to wear that day, and most likely is cunning enough to represent himself as a surfing champion.
@dappled_leaves “It’s not a joke about child abuse…”
Alright. I’ll accept your point of view. Can you please tell me what’s it about then? What’s the setup mechanism? What is the punch line?
Where is the joke?
I don’t equate jokes with mocking tragic senior mental ailments or abusive comments toward children. Perhaps I’m biased, having watched loved ones suffer through both.
The joke is “Man, it’s pretty stupid that kids’ clothes say things like ‘surf’ when the kid isn’t even an expert in ‘walk’ yet.”
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies do you see how hard you are working to be offended by this joke? If it isn’t about child abuse it must be mocking tragic mental ailments. Lighten up already. It is a joke about a man’s inner dialogue. Period. End of story.
It is ok just to think it isn’t funny, you don’t have to find a reason to be offended.
I don’t think so @Seek. Because that message could have been related just as well without the abusive profanity. The real intended joke is the thought of a grandfather cursing his grandchild into psychopathy. You could take the surf shirt completely out of the narrative. Folks would still laugh at the profane insults used in presence of the child.
It has all the creativity of a fart joke.
@FlyingWolf ” don’t have to find a reason to be offended”
I didn’t find a reason. It was well presented for me. This type of scenario presents itself in real life every day. People suffer for it. Is it funny then? If not, then how does glorifying it as a joke make it funny? What’s the difference in seeing this happen in real life vs seeing it conceptualized in a photograph? What’s the difference?
Oh, so the issue is that you’re offended by profanity.
That is definitely a personal problem.
Look, as I said, perhaps I’m a bit biased because of my experiences in real life. There is nothing funny about PAS or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. There is nothing funny about Senior Dementia. I don’t believe either can be used to set up any type of humor.
Perhaps I’m biased. I apologize for that. Sorry to be a downer here.
@Seek That is 100% what it comes down to. Swearing isn’t funny. The innocence of children is a thing to be worshipped. Ergo, a joke containing swearing + children = pure evil.
Please don’t put words in my mouth @dappled_leaves. I never said “swearing + children = pure evil”.
I completely agree with Mark Twain quote that “Nothing is more appropriate than a well placed profanity”. But I also think nothing is less appropriate than using senior dementia and verbal abuse towards a child to set up what some call humorous. Perhaps @Seek is right. It may be my own “personal problem”.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies, no you did find a reason. In just a few posts, you have gone from being offended because it is child abuse, to being offended because it was making fun of the mental ailments of senior citizens to being offended by the profanity.
We get it, you didn’t think it was funny, that is totally ok! It is totally ok not to like jokes just because you don’t think they are funny. It’s why I refuse to watch Larry the Cable a guy’s stand up! Dude isn’t offensive, he just isn’t funny.
Wait! Do you find unsuccessful attempts at being funny offensive? That would work if you have to be offended! No one could argue with you about that one.
BTW @dappled_leaves, you avoided my questions directed specifically to you.
Can you please tell me what’s it about then? @Seek answered that. We disagree.
What’s the setup mechanism?
What is the punch line?
Where is the joke?
How is this any funnier than if it were occurring between our own family members in real life?
I’m pretty sure this has happened between my own family members.
The POP are coming out to play.
I believe I’ve already established that I find kids’ clothing funny.
I mean, I brought my kid home from the hospital in a shirt that said “I like blue, smiling, stories, trucks and puppies”
He was 24 hours old. He was physically incapable of smiling, couldn’t see the colour blue yet, and had no idea what a truck or a puppy was. The fact that he was wearing that shirt is kind of hilarious. (He was too big for newborn clothes, and it was the only shirt I had that fit him)
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies This is the thing. The joke isn’t “about” anything, any more than it is actually a “joke”. It’s a form of humour distinct from a joke.
Think about the way that the “comedic cutaway” is subverted by shows like Family Guy or Community. This is a classic comedic cutaway. This is a subversion of the comedic cutaway. The first cutaway is an event that actually happened in the character’s timeline. The second cutaway did not happen. That’s what makes it funny. That’s why we keep saying there’s no abuse in the link posted here.
The joke is in the subversion of a more classic trope. It’s in blowing up the expectation of a perfectly pleasant comment by the grandfather-type to the child. That’s the joke, if you want to use that kind of phrasing.
Haha this always happens on this site. Anything offensive is always dividing the collective into two schools who then proceed to question one another’s sense of morality as if we were discussing the Holocaust or something.
Laugh if you find it funny, or ignore if you don’t, I mean who really gives a shit.
@Symbeline Seriously.
“Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog. You understand it better but the frog dies in the process.” ~ E.B. White
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies I think there is a real division between people who get that the phony cutaway is phony, and the people who don’t. The people who don’t are the ones who don’t find shows like Community funny, and the reason that such comedy doesn’t find a wider audience.
Not saying you don’t get it, just that this is not the first time I’ve had to explain this.
How in the world did this get to senior dementia?
because everyone is a winner and everyone gets a trophy . . . i think.
although it does seem like a touch of the aforementioned dementia is making its rounds.
@FlyingWolf No, I was speculating that the commentary might be from neither the boy nor the codger, but rather the result of some observer “tagging” the image as an attempt at humor. My previous remarks were my explanations as to why I find the dialog decidedly unfunny.
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