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SadieMartinPaul's avatar

East coast baseball fans -- Do you find west coast games annoying?

Asked by SadieMartinPaul (9027points) June 24th, 2014

No, I’m not asking about A.L. or N.L. West teams; I’m referring to time zones. The evening games begin at 10:00 or so EDT, which means that I fall asleep after an inning or two. Why, oh why, can’t every baseball game be played in LDT (Lori Daylight Time)?!?!

How about you?

Actually, my brother lives in Seattle and frequently complains about games beginning at 4:00 pm. I guess these are the costs of living in a big country. In the overall reference of human history (e.g. Black Plague and the Crusades), this really isn’t a huge catastrophe.

Fans of the Yankees, Red Sox, Phillies, etc., please weigh in. And, please have fun while doing so, because baseball rules!

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3 Answers

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Why, oh why, can’t every baseball game be played in LDT (Lori Daylight Time)?!?!
It can! They call it a DVR, you can play it back when YOU get ready. ;-D

Seek's avatar

My husband’s from Illinois.

I can’t tell you how many times we’ve tuned in to the Cubs game an hour early. All the snacks are cold by the time the game starts.

Battousai87's avatar

I’m a huge baseball fan, and I don’t really mind. It’s a long season, if I don’t watch start to finish of the few games they play on the west coast it’s not the end of the world.

I only hate them on days that I have to work because it usually means I’ll be working until all the games go final. It’s murder on the sleep schedule.

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