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Dutchess_III's avatar

Has your life ever flashed before your eyes?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) June 24th, 2014

Mine did, once. It was many moons ago, though, when I was about 10 so I don’t really remember it that well. It happened at the community pool, but I don’t remember the circumstances surrounding it. Probably some kid held my head under water and wouldn’t let me up. My life literally flashed before my eyes and later on, since I lived, I thought it was very cool.

Have you ever experienced this?

Also, anyone know what causes this and why?

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26 Answers

Blueroses's avatar

This might seem a little out-there for a second, but bear with me.

I think that “time” as a concept is only relevant while you are in a routine that relies on “time”.
In a crisis situation, it would make sense that all “time” compresses and the most meaningful images all come crashing in on your brain at once. You aren’t using any logic filters.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Oh yeah. And believe me, it’s not fun.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Discussion on this phenomenon from Quite Interesting. The idea being that if you are facing death, your brain runs through everything it ever learned, looking for a solution. It sounds a bit far-fetched to me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

:( Says video not available in my country, @dappled_leaves. Why it would single out Kansas is beyond me. But that theory does make some sense…..

What happened @Adirondackwannabe? Care to share the details?

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Dutchess_III Kansas is a country now? ;)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Since “Toto” was President.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I knew I was a dead man. My brain said that twice. I’m trying everything I can, and a second me steps out of my head and starts apologizing to my special peeps for me getting killed. It was really wacked. Some guy made a kamikaze maneuver and saved my ass.

hearkat's avatar

No; the one time I thought I was about to die was when my car was doing a barrel roll. First I did a 180º spin and the next thing I knew I was upside down, saying “holy fuck!” Then I landed on the driver’s side and stopped. It all happened so fast that even though it was in slo-mo, my life never flashed before me. My memory is crappy anymore, so I wonder if it could even flash before me.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Yes. About a thousand times, when I’m in bed.

I’m a person of many thoughts, and my thoughts are the most active at night, when I’m alone in bed. Usually things run like this: a random thought appears, then more related thoughts come and come. Just imagine you are chit-chatting with a friend non-stop and you will understand how it works. And among those thoughts is where my “flashback” comes. I think in picture, so it feels like I am experiencing the event again.

Sorry if I get your idea wrong, but that’s the closest thing to “your life flash before your eyes” to me.

CWMcCall's avatar

90 minutes ago that damn blind spot in my car had me almost going into the keyhole of an SUV doing 60 in 45 mph zone

Dutchess_III's avatar

Damn. Glad you made it OK @CWMcCall.

CWMcCall's avatar

@Dutchess_III Freaked me out but I suspect the guy/gal in the SUV needed a change in undies

fluthernutter's avatar

Had a few matrix slo-mo moments. But no life recap to date.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, hopefully they learned something @CWMcCall. But..probably not. Today it’s always the other guy’s fault.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Well… if he had checked his blind spot before changing lanes, this would not have been an issue, no? Always check your blind spot.

ucme's avatar

Yeah, every time I watch Dumb & Dumbe…hang on, that can’t be right.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Depends on what the situation was @dappled_leaves. From what he said the dude was going 60 in a 45. We don’t know the rest of the circumstances.

syz's avatar

Nope. I’ve come very close to dying twice in my life, and that never happened.

Seek's avatar

No, my NDE consisted of feeling very, very cold and dark. I don’t remember what was going on, but I didn’t lose the time, if that makes sense. I have no recollection of the events, except that I was cold and it hurt and I couldn’t see anything.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

When I died my life did not pass before my eyes. But I did learn that if I wanted, I could always view my whole life. Unfortunately, I did not get to stay dead long enough and was sent back to this world.

Unbroken's avatar

Ahh I wanted to see the video too… @dappled_leaves. Tease.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Unbroken I had no idea so many people lived in Kansas! ;)

Dutchess_III's avatar

There are at least 12 of us @dappled_leaves. :)

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

No, but I’ve “seen stars.”

Unbroken's avatar

Kansas is just a tornado away @dappled_leaves

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