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Dutchess_III's avatar

What is the strangest thing you've ever woken up to?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) June 26th, 2014

Wow. There are 4 “What is the strangest thing…” questions, and 3 of ‘em are mine!

Woke up this morning to Rick fumbling with the screen on the window that’s behind the bed. He said, “How do you unlatch the screen?”
I told him, then said “Why?”
“Because there’s a baby possum on the window sill.”
I sat up, peered through blurry, babysitter-tired eyes, and sure enough. Baby possum less than a foot behind my head.
“Cute little guy,” I said, then laid back down.
Rick said something like, “Cute little guy my ass,” and got the screen open wide enough to scootch him out into the bush below our window, and I went back to sleep.

OK, WHERE the hell did it come from, and HOW the hell did it get up there? Did I have baby possums walking on me during the night?

This is a true story, guys. Cross my heart. I remember thinking I needed to get my camera, but it was about 6 a.m. Too early for camera.

So what’s the craziest thing you ever woke up to?

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44 Answers

Kardamom's avatar

Best line ever on Fluther, it should be the title of a novel: Babysitter-tired Eyes! Or maybe a country song : )

thorninmud's avatar

Sleeping out in the open on a hillside in the West Texas desert, I woke up to a rumbling noise. It was a herd of javelinas sweeping down the hillside, around and over my sleeping bag.

Another time I had spread out my bag in a Spanish farm field. I again woke up to a rumbling, but this time I was staring at the headlights of a tractor stopped a few feet from me. Guess Spanish farmers work late; who knew?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh! @Kardamom! That reminds me! I’m reading a book called “Let Them Eat Cake,” about a lady who loves to bake cakes, and she mentioned ‘cardamom’ as an ingredient. I didn’t even know that cardamom was a cooking spice!

@thorninmud Crap! Glad you’re still with us!

janbb's avatar

The Eiffel Tower. First night in Paris (many years ago) camped out on the Champs de Mars with my traveling friend and a few guys.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

When I was 12, I had a huge plasterboard poster of Davy Jones hanging on my wall. One night it came crashing down on me and my sister. I was jolted awake, opened my eyes, and right there on top of me was Davy Jones’ face – we were nose-to-nose! And he had the silliest smile on his face. And my sister was yelling blue murder. Made me wonder for a minute what I missed, and where I was. Ha-ha!

Kardamom's avatar

@Dutchess_III Ha! Really you didn’t know cardamom was a cooking spice? After you’ve known me all these years.

It’s my favorite spice, that’s why I chose the name. It’s used in a lot in Scandinavian baking, but also in Indian food, as a savory component rather than for desserts.

marinelife's avatar

I woke up on the floor after falling out of bed while deeply asleep.

Kardamom's avatar

@Skaggfacemutt One of Davy Jones’ famous quotes was something along these lines: Sometimes I didn’t recognize my girlfriends until I was right on top of them.

He used to say that line in his concerts and we would all crack up.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

Well, he was right on top of me! Too bad it was just a cheap, cardboard imitation of him. Ha-ha!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Davy Jones! Swoon!

What if I said… Donny Osmond!

Berserker's avatar

Waking up from some sleep paralysis episode is more than enough for me.

livelaughlove21's avatar

A few days ago I woke up to my husband on my side of the bed. Not an odd occurrence. I reached back to push him away from me (I can’t sleep while being touched) like I always do and instead of feeling his shoulder, I ended up grabbing his ankle. It took me about 10 seconds to realize what the hell was going on. I sat up and saw him completely facing the wrong way in bed. He woke up somewhere in the middle of all that and said, “how did this happen?” My response, “I don’t know. Move your ass.” Then I went back to sleep.

Not the oddest thing ever, but the only odd thing I can think of.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I woke up to 180 pounds of St Bernard on my chest once. She was terrified of thunder. I also sleepwalk like crazy, so some of those wakeups were less than pleasant.

ucme's avatar

I shall say only this, funny how beer makes some girls more attractive #iwokeupinyourbed #sweetbabyjesusgetmehome

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Symbeline That happened to me once. It was SO weird.

Berserker's avatar

I’ve been getting those since I was 14 or so. You get used to them, but really I’m sick and tired of this shit. At least when I get drunk they don’t happen lol.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Seems like that was the age I was when I had my one episode. Have you ever spoken to a doctor about it? Do you know what causes it?

Berserker's avatar

I’ve mentioned sleep problems to the doctor before. (because if I’m not having sleep paralysis, it takes me like 3 hours to fall asleep) But since I wasn’t there for that, we never went too deep into it. I don’t see doctors often except the dentist, should probably, though.
As to what causes it, there are causes, and even pills you can take. But you also have to go through this whole thing where you sleep in a lab for one or several nights with these things attached to you so they can monitor your sleep patterns and shit, then figure out what’s wrong. Never got that far. Lol.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Being attacked with a baseball bat to my head.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I was working at a cold testing facility in Canada during the dead of winter when I got sick with the flu. I was miserable. After work I went to bed and passed out. I woke up at 5:45 – just in time for the 6:00 breakfast. I tumbled out of bed, went to the bathroom, put on some clothes, and sat down in the hotel lobby. and waited for them to bring the food. Nothing. At 6:15 I went to the front desk and asked what happened. She said they don’t serve dinner.
I had slept through the entire day!

I’m still amazed I didn’t pee myself.

ucme's avatar

A horses head, knew I shoulda kept away from that Italian girl, turns out she was married…to the mob

Dutchess_III's avatar

That scene just freaked the livin’ shit out of me! I was 13 when I saw The God Father. The sex scene on the door made my eyes go very wide too.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Driving on a stretch of highway not knowing exactly where I was.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central And did you end up on the other side of the median, turned around, and facing the correct direction, too? I hate it when that happens.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Had I tried that I would have surely rolled the vehicle as there was a rail splitting the freeway. I did determine I some how drove three miles passed my off ramp while managing to hold the vehicle on the road; I knew I was not at the bridge as I would have had to pay a toll or plowed into the toll taker’s booth.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ I can’t tell you. I know at the time I had two jobs, and often only got 3–4 hours of sleep a night. I was driving home and thinking “another 5 miles and I will be at my off ramp and home in 20 min”. The next thing I noticed was I was on a stretch of road two miles passed my exit I did not recognize in the dark. I knew I could not have crossed the bridge because it is a toll bridge but I knew I was pass my exit, so it took a while to figure out there I was. How I did not crash in that “long blink”, I can only say my guardian angles kept the car on a straight path, (believe it or not).

GloPro's avatar

When you sleepwalk you wake up to all kinds of random things. Those things aside, one of my strangest awakenings was when I made the mistake of attaching my rottie to my tent. She lunged after a raccoon in the middle of the night and I took a nice little ride. I thought I was getting hauled off by a bear. I never attached her to the tent again.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s totally freaky, @Hypocrisy_Central. yeah, really lucky.

@GloPro That sounds like something out of a National Lampoon movie!

El_Cadejo's avatar

Waking up to this sound in the middle of my first night in Belize.

rory's avatar

I have a few.

My roommate taking my pulse to make sure I wasn’t dead. To be fair, it was 7:45 PM and I’d been asleep all day.

And then there was the time I got my wisdom teeth out, and I passed out from pain medication and the aftermath of general anesthesia. My friend had come over while I was passed out had wrapped my face with ice packs and ace bandages and put a fedora on my head.

rory's avatar

@El_Cadejo, I had that experience my first morning in Costa Rica. Scariest shit ever.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@rory Evidently the sound of the velociraptors in Jurassic Park were based off howler monkey calls. After that first night I found their calls oddly soothing but yea, that first time was just like….what…in…the..fuck….. lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh that is awful! It sounds like a herd of yetis.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Zombie yetis.

rojo's avatar

Coming back from a camping trip, sick, nauseated, fever, passed out in the back seat. Woke up in Colorado and raised myself to look out the window on the drivers side, saw a bald eagle flying along side the car for several seconds level with the window. Thought; Wow, that is really cool. Laid back down and passed out until a truck stop in New Mexico.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I just awoke to a puking teenager, 4am. He’s on the sofa now sleeping, 6:30am. I just finished spoon scooping piles of nasty into the trash while fighting the dog away from the warm treats.

rojo's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies I think you got confused. Your answer should be in This question.

fluthernutter's avatar

When I was in the dorms, I totally freaked out when I woke up to this guy (who lived down the hall) staring at me.

I was on the top bunk, so I wasn’t expecting to see anyone’s face when I woke up.

Apparently he had a crush on me and asked one of my roommates if he could watch me while I slept.

I was pretty mad at my roommate. Way to let creepy guys watch me sleep. Yeesh.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK. That’s creepy @fluthernutter.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

My SO (decades back) choking me to death. He had sleep attack disorder, or whatever, I forget. He was layng on his side, facing me, sound asleep. I couldn’t pry his fingers loose, was losing conciosness and couldn’t move. Somehow, I managed a tiny squeek, which, amazingly, woke him. He cred. He apologized. He Spent the whole next day weeping ang apologizing. A couple of days later he broke up wth me, then left town.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^That would be a good thing, that he broke up with you and left town!

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

I was willing to help him through it. I was terrified while it was happening, but he was reaaly broken up about it. It had only happened the one time while we were together. I would have helped him find medication, sleep therapy, or whatever to get through it. He was always such an upbeat, cheerful guy otherwise.
I had never heard of it before, but after that happened, I saw it come up on a talk show. Some people live with that.

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