What makes an old movie a classic?
Do movies qualify as classics just because they are old-? How old should films be before they can be categorized as classics-?
If modern day audiences don’t find some old movies to be entertaining, interesting or even relevant, are they still classic films-? Thanks jellies…. : )
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22 Answers
First they have to be properly great & I mean dogs bollocks great.
Then I think yeah, time is a big factor, like a fine wine & a hot milf, they get better as they age.
Ones that added something new that wasn’t seen before, OR that revolutionized something, OR took something that’s already been done, but made it fun anyways.
That could be anything; concept, stories, imagery, execution. A lot of movies are classics for different reasons. I don’t think a movie needs to be old to become a classic, but seeing as many old movies introduced something new first, they get that respect. I mean even back then, so much shit was all the same.
I love old black and white horror, and obviously, as I’m sure you know, everyone wanted a piece of the Dracula pie, for example. They’re not all good, even if they’re old. But I enjoy them all.
But one comes along and becomes a classic anyway; look at Dracula Love Never Dies. That was from 1992, and it’s considered a classic by now.
Well I suppose I could go on with all my indefinite answers…
TLDR; a movie becomes a classic probably just by how much money it makes haha.
@ucme Thanks. I’m now spared from getting slapped in supermarkets. Instead of telling attractive ladies they are certified MILFs, I’ll just call them classic women. LOL
@Symbeline… Lovely answer thanks-! : )
I guess what I’m saying is that it has to take the world by storm. Hard to identify, since many movies did that, but differently.
I agree with @Symbeline . It has to be an old movie that was wildly popular in it’s day. Not just any old, little-known stinker.
A classic is something that stands the test of time or perhaps grows even more appreciated as the years go by.
“Citizen Kane” failed to recoup its costs at the box office, and the movie faded from view after its release (it was nominated for Academy Awards, but it wasn’t popular with audiences.) Today, the film’s considered by many critics and fans to the greatest movie ever made, and it’s praised for its innovative cinematography and narration.
@SadieMartinPaul What destroyed the marketability of Kane was Hearst himself. What a shame.
Classic movies need to be very watchable. Good writting and visuality, along with a compelling story. The Hunger Games was a great movie, but the last classic movie made might be Fight Club or Memento.
Okay, maybe Lord of the Rings.
For me, a classic is one with direction, dialogue, acting and a story that never fail to surprise and move me no matter how many times I watch it. “Casablanca,” “Key Largo,” “The Best Years of Our Lives” and “The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp” are four such movies.
Those old movies have a quality that the newer movies don’t. The subtly, the acting. I saw a movie Liz Taylor was in, and it turns out the guy she loved was gay, but they had to suggest it so subtly that you really had to be paying attention.
To Kill a Mockingbird. Awesome.
Simple. If I like it it’s a classic. If I don’t it’s overrated.
A “Classic” is a movie that resonates; that people are willing and/or eager to watch multiple times during their life.
It doesn’t have to have mass appeal, so much as a large core following. If you’re part of the core following, a movie is a ‘classic’.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Rocky Horror, The Birds, The Wizard of OZ, The Fight Club….
Blazing Saddles Which was on tonight.
Oh God. Now I have that song running in my head, @RocketGuy!
Good to know that something’s running up there.~
Shut up or I’m going to tell the mods on you! ;)
OFF TOPIC! OFF TOPIC! I’m tellin! Plus, my widdle fweillings are SO hurt!
If it’s up to me, please feel free to derail this thread. I got my answers. Jelly nuts I love-! LOL : )
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