Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

How do the Jewish people know when the Messiah has arrived ?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) June 26th, 2014

What are the standards for proof? What is he/she supposed to do? Humor and serious answers welcome. Based on the earlier question . The difference is that this is in social, flex your literary talents.

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16 Answers

ragingloli's avatar
The “messiah” is supposed to be great political and military leader.
He also is supposed to make all Jews return to Israel,and make it the centre of the world government, with Jewish law as the basis for the entire world.
All other world religions will cease to exist as all humans will recognise the Jewish God as the one true God, and the Jewish religion as the only true religion.
And then of course he is supposed to start the “messianic age” were war, hatred and violence cease to exist. Even carnivore animals are supposed to become vegetarian.

And to top it all off, the Messiah is supposed to be fully human, not a demigod, not a son of god, and he is supposed to achieve all of the above in one lifetime.
No “second coming.”

You can see why Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah.
He did not fulfill any of the criteria.

rojo's avatar

deleted by me.

Kardamom's avatar

This Scene from the movie Avalon is how they will know He has arrived.

mazingerz88's avatar

War, hatred and violence will cease to exist-??? Bring this Messiah ON-! Please-?

JLeslie's avatar

The Messianic age/era will begin. As pointed out above, this will be a time of great peace. Peace among all living things. Jesus didn’t seem to acheive that, so he must not be the Messiah.

ibstubro's avatar

3 year old thread that ended in moderation?

NO, thanks.

Pachy's avatar

When He ousts House Speaker Boehner.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

They killed off their Messiah a couple of thousand years ago. I doubt he will be showing up on their doorsteps any time soon.

Since they didn’t recognize him the 1st time around, they probably won’t recognize him when he does show up.

ucme's avatar

Look out for a mother appearing on the national news stating that her son is “a very naughty boy”

ragingloli's avatar

“Is there a greater stumbling block than [Jesus]? All the prophets foretold that the messiah would redeem the Jews, help them, gather in the exiles and support their observance of the commandments. But he caused Jewry to be put to the sword, to be scattered and to be degraded; he tampered with the Torah and its laws; and he misled most of the world to serve something other than G-d.” – Rambam (1135–1204 C.E.)

Dan_Lyons's avatar

Jesus didn’t cause Jewry to be put to the sword. The Jewish leadership did that all on their own. Nor did he tamper with the Torah nor did he mislead anyone.
Jesus’ teachings are right on the money, as it were.

ragingloli's avatar

only according to his followers. Which means nothing.

mazingerz88's avatar

Was not aware the Jewish Messiah is supposed to be fully human. That would disqualify Jesus right-?

ragingloli's avatar

Among all the other things.

zenzen's avatar

White donkey and I’m good. Sign me up, ready for the big armadillo. I mean armakidding.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

They will know when the Rabbis are all bonking themselves on the forehead like the V8 commercials.

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