Meta Question

janbb's avatar

Who would like to wish Ben and his wife "Mazel Tov" on the birth of their son?

Asked by janbb (63360points) June 26th, 2014

Let’s party hearty for one of Our Founders who is now a new Daddy.

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39 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Again, Mazel Tov

marinelife's avatar

Congratulations, Ben, on your new son!

cookieman's avatar

Nice. Congratulation!!!

Pro tip: Sleep when the baby sleeps.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Aww, that is wonderful news. Congratulations!

chyna's avatar

Congratulations! So excited for you and your family!

tinyfaery's avatar

Good on you. Enjoy!

ibstubro's avatar

Well done! An heir on the first strike.

X2 for the new mama who did the work. lol

Seaofclouds's avatar

Congratulations Ben! I hope mom and baby are doing well… and you too. Enjoy these moments.

dxs's avatar

Congrats! Any ideas on names?

jca's avatar

An incredible journey awaits! Enjoy parenthood!

Mimishu1995's avatar

Congrat. Best wishes for the whole family. I hope the boy will grow up bright and healthy.

And as another jelly here :) I’ll be more than welcome :D

muppetish's avatar

Wonderful news :) I send many warm wishes to the family.

longgone's avatar

Wow, great news! Congrats! :]

Dan_Lyons's avatar

Congrats to Ben and his wife Mazel Tov.

downtide's avatar

Congrats Ben and the family!

thorninmud's avatar

An heir to the Fluther throne! Hail the Prince of Whales!

syz's avatar


Pachy's avatar

Mazel Tov actually means “Good Luck,” not, as I once believed, “Congratulations.” Nonetheless, Ben and spouse, you have both my congratulations and good luck wishes!

janbb's avatar

@Pachy True but it is said in this situation.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I don’t think you’re actually allowed to say Mazel Tov anymore!

dxs's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar

Opens wine… POP! Mazel Tov!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@dappled_leaves and @janbb this is Meta so we’re okay.

Dutchess_III's avatar

How about Tazel Mov @dappled_leaves? Can we say that?

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Dutchess_III Don’t ask me!

@Tropical_Willie Haha, I don’t think foreign words get a pass in Meta.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, that’s right! Can’t speak Yiddish here!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Aaaahhhm! I’m gonna flag you! BAD Goy!

Nimis's avatar

Mazel Tov!
And I do mean Good luck!

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Dutchess_III I’m one of the good goys, I swear!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Nimis! Haven’t seen you for a while! Hi there! Mazel Tov!

CWOTUS's avatar

Congratulations on your new addition, Ben. We should all pitch in and write some guidelines for being a dad, I think. And then moderate the hell out of your performance.

filmfann's avatar

Congo rats, Ben! Remember to love that child as if it was yours.

CWOTUS's avatar

Upon further reflection, I think that we should probably kill and erase the thread, since Fluther™ is not a social networking site. Just forget that I said anything at all, please. Move along now; nothing to see here.

zenzen's avatar

Signs the card, adds a little ב׳ה at the top right corner.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Welcome to their bouncing baby boy! Congrats!

ben's avatar

Thanks everyone! <3

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