General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Can you help me find a professional match-maker for the disabled in Alberta?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) June 26th, 2014

Other than internet or Lifemates (Life mates ask for a $3000 down payment ). I am mentally ill , 6’5”, and humorous. I haven’t been on a date since university in 2000.

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4 Answers

GloPro's avatar

$3000? Holy cow.

This may be a good question for your social worker or counselor.

I’m happy you want to get out there!

Haleth's avatar

$3000 for a dating service sounds like a total ripoff!

@GloPro‘s suggestion about a social worker or a counselor is a really good one. Maybe they know about support groups or other kinds of get togethers for disabled people in your area. Making new friends often leads organically into dating.

Good luck!

Seek's avatar

Even a $3000 dating service isn’t going to do you any good if you don’t want to leave your house and talk to people.


dxs's avatar

You can start by just taking a walk. 10 minutes, that’s all. Things get easier once you’re in a routine.

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