How much would you value some land with a natural spring on it?
Asked by
Aster (
June 28th, 2014
Decades ago I had a house right next to a creek. On the walls of the creek you could see water trickling down all year long. You can save the water and use it in lots of ways. I’m dying for a few acres with , not a pond but a spring. Does this sound appealing to you and why?
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8 Answers
Yeah, sounds great, but in this day and age would still have the water from it tested, and another thing that is the most important with any real state is location, location, location, if it aint in the area you want doesn’t really matter how good a deal it is right?
I have a spring like that on my property in the Southern tier. When i discovered it (about 20 years ago) I thought it was great!
Was it a valuable asset? Through the lens of 20–20 hindsight the answer is… Nope!
In the summer there were mosquitoes hanging around all the pooled water. Other animals would visit it and poop all over the place. I could never plant flowers. In 20 years I’ve never taken a sip nor swashed my hands in it. That area below is always muddy.
Maybe some survivalist would consider it valuable but it did nothing for me.
Yes, I would like that. We used to have land with an artesian well. We built a concrete fountain and funneled the water into it and it formed a never-ending flow of clean water. We loved it. We also have a relative who has one and built a swimming pool over it. The water in the pool is constantly being replaced so he uses no chemicals whatsoever. It’s ice cold but it is just lovely.
What with the water shortages coming and most of the available water becoming non potable I would say yes, having a clean water supply on your property is quite valuable.
And having a spring such as @LuckyGuy describes can be cleaned up and made quite usable. It just would involve some work.
One year out of the 11 I’ve lived in my present location, the ‘ditch’ along the side of my house was a “creek”. I loved it, as I like the sound of running water. I think water is really cool, and I’ve studied on how to have more of it on my property (pooled or running) without success. I’d love to have a small stream fed pond.
@snowberry If I lived on the land I might consider doing something with it. This is recreational land in the woods with no power or services – just a 40 year old Argosy trailer with battery powered lights and LPG tanks for heat and cooking. It was fun while the kids were young.
To my disappointment, almost anything I did to make it nicer, e.g. landscaping, flowers, garden, was eaten or dug up by woodland creatures during my absence. I was even foolish enough to plant fruit and nut trees in the mistaken belief that they would grow and feed wildlife for generations. Nope. The trees were eaten to the ground in one season.
@LuckyGuy Wildlife management takes time and effort. My hubby is a wildlife biologist, and it takes more than planting a few trees once to do the job. You plant a few and plan to protect, water, or do whatever it takes until they are strong enough and big enough to handle life on their own. Even then it’s a crap shoot. Or the better option is to plant many trees, knowing that a large number will be destroyed (aka Johnny Appleseed).
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