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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Do you, or would you, let a Boss or Supervisor discipline you off company time?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23632points) June 28th, 2014

What I am trying to say, sure the boss can phone and say you screwed up, we will talk about it next time your in.
What I wont put up with is being screamed at over a screw up at work on my own time, and have told the boss that, they usually calm down and say fine.
If it is that important I can always go back into work and clock in and they can yell then, funny no one has ever said it was that important.
How about you, do you take shit from a boss on your own time, or not?

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22 Answers

filmfann's avatar

When the boss calls you, let him shout or question you or whatever.
Next time you are at work, add that time to your timesheet in 15 minute increments. At overtime rates.
The boss will learn.

jca's avatar

I am currently on what’s kind of a special assignment right now, where during work hours, I may not be at work but yet am getting credit for being at work, and using a job-provided cell phone so yes, I have recently discussed work issues while not at work. Not on a weekend and not at night, though. In my normal job, no, only once. That one time was a lunatic supervisor and she faced harsh discipline for it (I work for the government, where there are lots of lunatics).

dxs's avatar

I have the most immature, “unprofessional” boss ever. He yells at me all the time. I take it like a grain of salt. I’d find another job, but many things bind me to this one.

jca's avatar

@dxs: But does he yell at you when you’re not at work, is the question.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I’m the boss. :)

rory's avatar

I’ve had a bunch of jobs but they’ve all been in relatively informal settings. For many, I write invoices for my time and add that sort of thing on.

But in the situation you’re describing, I feel like it depends on the severity of what my screw up was. Like, if it was a tiny thing, I’d be upset. But I’d I genuinely messed up, I’d consider it fifteen minutes of retribution.

CWOTUS's avatar

I question your entire view on employer / employee relationships and “how work should be done”, based on the wording of the question. “Screamed at”? “Yelling”? “Taking shit”? I’m sorry for you that this is any part of any work day or after-hours work relationship.

When I screw up at work (or if he thinks that I did) the boss invites me into his office, he closes the door, and we both take a seat and talk – pretty calmly for the most part, but sometimes with some heat on both sides! – about his perception of error and my (frequent) perception of “bad company policy” (on which we normally agree). But these are always, without exception, grown-up, businesslike, “adult” conversations. There is no screaming and nothing that could be perceived as that, and the only “yelling” occurs when one of us speaks with a bit more force than ordinary conversation to punctuate a point. The raised voices are never to shout me down (I raise my voice as often as he does his in these conversations), and there is no “serving shit”. Sometimes things have to be done that neither of us particularly enjoys, and since shit does roll downhill, it’s usually I who have to “do shit”, but that’s just because shit happens and has to be dealt with.

And yes, he has called me at home during emergencies to ask for assistance or clarify critical and time-sensitive issues, and we all feel comfortable calling him at home, on weekends, on his vacation time or when he’s on the other side of the planet to discuss things that he needs to handle, too.

I wouldn’t have it any other way.

zenvelo's avatar

I’ve had one boss in my career that used to yell and get demonstrably pissed off at work. He never did it off hours though. Fortunately, most o fmy interactions with bosses have been more like what @CWOTUS describes.

But it really depends on whether you are in a job that is exempt or non-exempt. A non-exempt position you are paid by the hour; an exempt position you are paid for the job, and what ever it takes to get done, whether 25 hours a week or 60 hour s a week. In this kinds of jobs, it is not inappropriate to call someone at home to find out what is going on.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I think you’ve got a great perspective @SQUEEKY2.

1TubeGuru's avatar

20 + years ago I was at a neighborhood bar in Baltimore after work hours.i was having a discussion with other foreman and coworkers at the bar, after several drinks one of the long time foreman there blurted out to me hey your not my boss and proceeded to tell me what a badass he was. i calmly looked at my watch and told Nick that he was on my time now.i opened the door to the bar and asked Nick if he wanted to step out to the curb and settle the argument.he just looked at me and would not get up from his stool.i don’t take any disrespect from anyone.

dxs's avatar

@jca True. Then I don’t have an answer.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

I don’t take shit from anyone, ever.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I don’t expect my boss to yell at me at any time and I wouldn’t put up with it if they did. I work for an organization where that wouldn’t be acceptable. It would be considered bullying. As someone who supervises staff, I never yell at people working with me and I’m cautious about when I call them. Our work hours extend well beyond the normal 9–5 though. Still, I don’t call them at weekends or in the evenings unless they’ve indicated that’s okay.

ibstubro's avatar

By and large, I refuse to discuss work outside of work with anyone I’m not friends with. That’s part of the reason I’m not on Facecrook.

If it was the owner or general manager, I might hold the phone in my hand, away from my ear while he vented, but I probably wouldn’t listen. Like you, @SQUEEKY2, I was a conscientious enough employee that I would be certain it was an honest mistake, or a misunderstanding.

Where I worked, I probably would have just said, “Is this worth 2 hours of call-in pay?” We had a 2 hour minimum.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

@CWOTUS well defined an appropriate workplace interaction, without a doubt. I never had a boss scream at me, ever, except one petty officer when I was in the Navy. He did it constantly, and for nearly a year.
One day he accused me of a mistake I didn’t do, knew who did, and he didn’t believe me. ( I had a co worker who loved to see his eyes bug out when he was mad, and set me up sometimes.) He stood on the deck in front of the Navy, screaming in my face. When I tried to explain what I knew, he shouted that if I said one more word, he’d punch my lights out. I leaned closer to him, our noses nearly touching, smiled, and said, “Please”.
In the Navy, an underling can turn loose on a higher ranked person if that person gets physically violent.
Sure I was a skinny little woman, but tough as hell. In that moment he knew I could turn him into table scraps and toss him overboard for the crabs. He backed off, left the boat sputtering and cursing.
I later spoke with him in calmer waters, and told him about this other guy’s pranks. The guy confessed. Things felt more tolerable after that.
Even when he was being a punk, that guy would never have spoken about work once I left the pier.
***************************END OF GRATUITOUS SEA STORY********************************

If he calls you at home, I would say, “Right now you are not my boss, you’re Gary (or whatever). I hope Gary isn’t as much of a stinker as HE is. Then hang up.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Jonesn4burgers neat little story I didn’t know that.

dappled_leaves's avatar

No, but I would wait until we were both in the office again, then request a meeting to discuss the call. That doesn’t sound like someone I would work for for very long.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The last time I had a boss (other than the wife), I can’t remember being called at home for anything other than emergencies. I can understand someone getting so upset that they need to vent. Folks like that usually are quick to distinguish between those who will allow them to get away with it, and those who will see to it that their bosses’ already miserable lives are further degraded.

Strauss's avatar

Anyone whose been in the Navy knows the difference between a fairy tale and a sea story…The fairy tale begins “Once upon a time…” and the sea story begins “This is no sh*t!”

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

My Navy stories are true, and unembellished. I lie when I tell my fishing stories.

Strauss's avatar

Well, fishing stories can fall in that category, too…along with cowboy/campfire tales, war stories, “my first (insert s/o here)” tales…Murphy’s law of tale-telling: Everything that can be embellished will be.

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