Meta Question

longgone's avatar

Would you like to join me in thanking everyone who is keeping Fluther alive these days?

Asked by longgone (19920points) June 29th, 2014

I’m talking about the founders, for one. Thank you, Ben and Andrew, for letting us carry on here, even though you have much bigger jellyfish to fry. I’m grateful.

Secondly, I’d like to thank our mods for not giving up, especially considering the recent trouble. Most of your posts are so freaking level-headed and patient, I can’t help but picture you guys as a tiny bit stoned through your Fluthering (that’s a good thing). Hang in there! Please. You are much appreciated, even if that is not nearly always apparent.
Treat yourself to a day off. We’ll be…uh…really, really good!! ~

Lastly, I’m going to thank the users – those who love Fluther and try hard to keep up its spirit, thoughtfully asking and answering questions. I have made some friends already, and I appreciate getting to know such a number of smart people. Many of you try hard to keep Fluther interesting, and – being so invested – of course we question guidelines, ourselves, each other and our mods. We’re right in doing so, in general. If things get a little heated, well…that’s Fluther for you. Ask a question about babysitters, get told you shouldn’t have had kids. At least you will be told kindly, and with flawless good acceptable spelling.

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99 Answers

janbb's avatar

I’ll raise my glass (and glasses) to all!!

Hip! Hip! (Burp) Hooray!!

May Fluther last even longer than my marriage did.

Coloma's avatar

Cheers to a great place!
Clearly us waddling Geese and Penguins are soldiering on. :-)
Maybe Fluther is for the birds. haha

chyna's avatar

Tipping my beer bottle to fluther!

janbb's avatar

And for the dogs too, apparently.

dxs's avatar

Thanks y’all you guys you folks everyone!

Blondesjon's avatar

My heart is as full as my glass,
When I drink to you, Fluther!

cookieman's avatar


Salut! ::clink::

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks guys.

ibstubro's avatar

Thank ye, one and all.

Kardamom's avatar

A Feast for Fluther!

hearkat's avatar

HaHa! I’ve been on Fluther for longer than my marriage lasted, @janbb; but I committed to the man after 4 years, it took 6+ years before I married into Fluther – so we’ll see how long that aspect of my relationship to the Collective lasts.

I definitely am glad that Ben allows us to continue. I know a lot of our members found us after their Q&A sites closed, and they were bereft, and I’ve been on social sites that have closed and have experienced that upset at the loss of my online “home” – so it really means a lot to me that we still have Fluther, and I hope we can keep it going.

I am especially grateful to those who have been patient and supportive during this past year of transition. Auggie had already been working for a few months and her activity here had declined substantially, so that’s when they asked me to join the team and things were already a bit rocky. My training was trial by fire since she didn’t have a ton of time to train me and there was a large controversy brewing at the time. It’s definitely been choppy seas in the tide pool for the past year or so. I, and the other Mods, do appreciate the input of various Jellies, and we are glad that everyone cares so much about this place.

I have mad respect and appreciation for all the other Mods, who have taught me a lot and patiently answered all my questions. Once Auggie stepped down, we’ve had to figure out different ways to communicate and co-manage behind the scenes, since the team structure had changed. PhiNotPi gets a special thank you for tweaking things to help ease our Mod communications and Spam-Hammering activities, too!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Fluthering thanks to one and all!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Thanx and where the pancakes ? ?

Adagio's avatar

A big thank you for your commitment to Fluther, it is much appreciated all the way down under.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Nice @longgone! That’s really the tension releasing party I’m talking about!

Thanks everyone here!

Thank you, founders, for creating such a pearl in the internet sea for me. I would have drown in Yahoo! Answer had it not been for you.

Thank you, mods, for your hard work to keep this site alive, even after Auggie left. You may receive some really nasty comments and be misunderstood, but you are patient enough to sort everything out.

And thank you, every ordinary user, for your help and support. I’m glad that most of you manage to tolerate my stupidity and forgive me when I apologize. I’m still a new and wild jelly, so I need proper education.

We are neighbors, we are a family. There can be conflicts, but we will all resolve them and move on. No one wants this house to collapse right?

I’m sorry I can’t do anything much for you mods, other than trying to obey the guidelines and flag spams.

And @hearkat, you says this isn’t a social site right? Then what the hell is this? ~

Pachy's avatar

Nay to Fluther naysayers! I say YAY and HOORAY to the founders, the mods, and the jellies who participate and follow the simple rules.

gailcalled's avatar

And boo to the belaborers (a word I just made up). I am happy to wake up and find fluther still here. Thank you, mods.

jonsblond's avatar

Yay to the flounders and cods!

I think it’s time for me to purchase reading glasses. I don’t think that’s what @Pachy wrote.

gailcalled's avatar

^^^That’s just a fluke, but most of us are still floundering. Is your intent to send some jellies to swim with the fishes?

janbb's avatar

@jonsblond And let’s throw in a thank you to the Blonds – just for the halibut!

Pachy's avatar

You jellies are really on a roll!

cookieman's avatar

Given the amount amount of barbs being thrown lately, you might want to wear a cod-piece.

janbb's avatar

Wake up little sushi, wake up!

Pachy's avatar

Tuna be or not tuna be… a Jelly. That is the question with only one answer.

Tuna be.

gailcalled's avatar

Plaice on earth and to all the soles on it.

longgone's avatar

In God Mod Cod we trust!

janbb's avatar

Eel be seeing you in all the old, familiar plaices.

Pachy's avatar

We’re Turbo-punning now.

Blondesjon's avatar

Holy mackerel! What a load of crappie.

Dutchess_III's avatar

…and she’s buying the sauté to heaven….

Mimishu1995's avatar

I guess some of us here are drunk ~

talljasperman's avatar

Hi all… congrats everyone.

ibstubro's avatar

A trout-out to all the happy jellies!

jonsblond's avatar

If only I haddock known to put on some damn reading glasses. Look what I started.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

I especially want to thank the people whom argue with me, debate me, and tell me how wrong I was to have done something I mention in threads.
I mean seriously. I am pretty stubborn and often right. But being human and all I tend also to be wrong. And it is nice when it is pointed out to me as I actually do think about what is said to me. And it is also nice to see that there really are these other points of view from other real human beings which helps to explain why life is where it is presently at.
I mean thank god not everyone thinks like me (or looks like me). So life really is like some tapestry lost now in the ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Dark Matter which we are weaving with our very lives. And who would want a tapestry of this sort to be bland and only straight lines.
No, we make a vibrantly rich colorful tapestry with multiple designs and patterns that stretch from (well, here goes) Here to Eternity.
Yes, I said it. so sue me bruddahs and sistahs (sistahs is generally included in bruddahs, by the way).

ucme's avatar

Big thanks to me, a lot of pressure when it was incumbent on me to act, but I eat pressure for breakfast.

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m guessing that @jonsblond had a typo, and meant to thank the founders and clods, rather than the flounders and cods.

As one of the latter of the former group, I accept those thanks.

Whale, I must get back to work now.

picante's avatar

Give the big hook to those who carp! From my little perch, I give a gar-gantuan salute to the mods. No finer gruper people can be found. I knew a winner when I smelt one, and those mods are super-duper whipper-snappers!

janbb's avatar

@picante Thanks for all the fish!

cookieman's avatar

Ya know, we could scale back the puns a bit.

janbb's avatar

I think I’m about fin-ished for now.

Coloma's avatar

Guess this goose is cooked.

janbb's avatar

@Coloma We’re punning on fish themes right now.

Dutchess_III's avatar

(This is Yidish, btw) Salmon y’all!

janbb's avatar

@Dutchess_III Did you mean Salmon aleichem?

Coloma's avatar

@janbb Shad up! ;-)

ibstubro's avatar

Just roe-ll with it, @Coloma.

janbb's avatar

@Coloma Now that sounded a bit fishy!

Coloma's avatar

Carp-e fluther, floundering here. haha

picante's avatar

You’re usually a “ray” of sunshine, @Coloma, but you’ve gone roe-gue on us. We’ll sea how it terns out (can I bring some sea birds into the punch?).

Coloma's avatar

Oh get trout of here @picante LOL

Coloma's avatar

Stop and Smelt the roses everyone.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Sorry, I’m not herring you !

cookieman's avatar

Y’all are the funniest grouper people ever.

Coloma's avatar

Halibut we stop being so sharky now.

longgone's avatar

Well, this thread did it…I’m not feeling grateful anymore. Good work, jellies! ~

Blondesjon's avatar

This thread Nemo puns.

CWOTUS's avatar

Fin, then?

Coloma's avatar

Whale blow me down.

dxs's avatar

You’ve cod to be kidding me…

chyna's avatar

I’ll have to tuna this thread out.

cookieman's avatar

Look, just for the halibut, if there was a man in atee, swimming along — would we invite him to join Fluther?

gailcalled's avatar

This thread is porpoiseless and without moorings.

ibstubro's avatar

Holy mackerel, I nearly fell off my perch when I opened this tread back up!
Even @gailcalled is here!

gailcalled's avatar

Not furlong.

talljasperman's avatar

I’m lurking. I have a bad memory so I don’t know who is who.

Coloma's avatar

We betta watch the off topic stuff or we’re going to get codded and that would be crappie.

Blondesjon's avatar

@gailcalled. . . I can’t fathom the thought of you not being here. I think I’d be a little crabby if you left.

CWOTUS's avatar

I just hope no one starts trolling in this thread.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Better get drunk a bit :)

@Coloma Don’t worrie. The mods know we’re drunk and happie.

ibstubro's avatar

We’ll team up and put a little mussel to them, @CWOTUS.

CWOTUS's avatar

Clam up now.

ibstubro's avatar

Don’t barge in here looking to get slugged, @CWOTUS.

gailcalled's avatar

I’m ready to fight bar nacles since I’m not lichen you very much.

ucme's avatar

Prevent online phishing

cookieman's avatar

At this point, we’re just being shellfish, but at least we’ve all wiped that octopus off our faces.

ibstubro's avatar

Let mi-nnow when you jokers stop taking the bait. Someone drop me a line.

Coloma's avatar

Hooked on a reeling, high on the eeling.

picante's avatar

Catchy! We’ve netted some great aqua-sitions in this thread.

cookieman's avatar

^ Long Gone?

longgone's avatar

^ I wish.


Mods, I demand this thread to be archived. Also, I am hereby taking back everything nice I ever said about our “smart” collective… ~

chyna's avatar

Are you squidding me? We are smart!

Coloma's avatar

Sardine-ic humor, Aaaa-balone.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@longgone And I suggest that if this thread is to be “archived”, it should be “framed” and “put” somewhere so that all the mods can see, like a happy photo or a certificate ~

Adagio's avatar

If this thread is finally being reeled in might as well go and have a little kip-per.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Whale, I do not know all halibut but maybe we need to clam up.

Coloma's avatar

What a starkist thread this has turned out to be, no shrimping on the levity.

jonsblond's avatar

Cakes for the party that’s going on here.

thanks for the reminder @ibstubro :)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I want more of those @jonsblond ! !

Strauss's avatar

Litthe Debbie Fishcakes?

Coloma's avatar

^^^^ Hahahaha….disgusting!

ibstubro's avatar

The Little Debbie cakes are adorable. I think Debbie is a friend of Ben and made them to commemorate the birth of the child.

It’s all about us, us, us!!

Strauss's avatar

—I prefer the Little Debbie Cloud Cakes over the actual Twinkies.

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