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Dutchess_III's avatar

Why did that hamburger taste SO GOOD?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47126points) July 1st, 2014

We were camping. We made hamburgers. Rick cooked them over the campfire on a grill he made himself.

Only problem with the grill is that it’s too high. The burgers were taking FOREVER. So he put the burgers in the basket you see on top of the grill and held them directly in the firewood flames for a while.

When he pulled them out and put them on the serving platter they were SO juicy! The first bite I took…oh, it was SO good! I have never tasted such a good hamburger.

Then I noticed…they were rare. Very rare. I’ve never had a rare hamburger before. That had to have accounted for it, but why?

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27 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

Animal cruelty taste delicious, didn’t you know?

I guess you just like your murder fresher than others :P

ucme's avatar

Reminds me of Wimpy outta Popeye, “i’ll gladly pay you toosday…”

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’ve taken a look at the grill in your link. And from the look of it I can imagine that the hamburger tastes good to me too.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We used to own a mower shop. That grill is made out of Snapper mower parts. They were for the baggers. Rick just welded them together.

Thing is, we’ve cooked hamburgers on that grill tons of times. Something was different this time. If it was the fact that they were so rare, why would that have made such a difference?

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

I love my meat rare, so it sounds delicious to me. If this is the first time you had a rare hamburger, then no wonder you thought they were so good.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Dutchess_III Well you have a couple things going on here. The nice smokey flavor added from the firewood but more importantly the rare factor.

Also since you cooked it at a very high heat, it cooked the outside of the burger very quickly and helped to seal in a lot of the juices. If you had instead cooked the burger rare but at a lower heat, so longer cooking time, it would have been less juicy than yours was.

I generally get my burgers medium( unno don’t trust ground beef as much unless I got it from the butcher myself) but when I have a steak I eat it Pittsburgh rare(seared outside bloody inside) . IME the less you cook the meat the better tasting and juicier it will be.

I work as a cook at a restaurant and it honestly blows my mind every time I see a well done steak ordered. They’re essentially paying 30 bucks for rough flavorless dry meat.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Me too. My dad would roll over in his grave if anyone ordered a well done steak. Almost worst than that is adding steak sauce or gasp KETCHUP to a perfectly good steak!

Coloma's avatar

Lithium fed beef. lol

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Dutchess_III “Almost worst than that is adding steak sauce or gasp KETCHUP”

As a cook, that honestly pisses me off, especially if they didn’t try the steak first. If they have a bite and decide it needed something more, fine, but when I took the time to season and cook this to perfection and then they just pour a pound of ketchup on it before even tasting it I wanna just smack the fork out of their hand :P

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ll bet! Catchup and stuff like that were created to mask the taste of lesser cuts of meats, not premium steak.

XOIIO's avatar

Nothing better than taking a Grade A sirloin, slathering it in butter, frying it in a pan and dousing the whole thing with ketchup, it’s way better than grilled.

yes, cringe meat lovers, CRIIIIIINGEEE!

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

Gag!!! I am duly cringing!

Besides, I hate ketchup. I don’t even like it on fries, where it belongs. I either do the salt and vinegar thing like the Brits, or the ketchup/mayonnaise mixture like the Utah’ns do.

johnpowell's avatar

I like well-done steak. There can be no pink.

99% of the time I have steak it is going to be wrapped in a tortilla with a gross amount of sour cream and cheese.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That isn’t real steak @johnpowell! I mean, if it is, its not a very good cut of steak. Could just be unground hamburger.

johnpowell's avatar

Well, when asked how I want my steak done I reply, “Close to jerky.”

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Dutchess_III The done-ness of a steak has nothing to do with the cut of meat…? It has to do with the amount of time it cooks.

People who get snobby over food crack me up. “Oh, Dannon/Yoplait flavored Greek yogurt isn’t real Greek yogurt,” “a steak that isn’t bleeding onto your plate isn’t a real steak.” Yeah, pretty sure it is. It’s real food, and that’s all I care about.

It’s all good – I’m super snobby about nutrition and fitness.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Which of my comments were you referring to @livelaughlove21?

hearkat's avatar

Was it the same ground beef you always get, or did you get the meat from a different source? The first time we got ground beef from the free-range/grass-fed farm, the raw meat smelled so different, fresh, and delicious – like I remember it smelling when I was a kid. I didn’t realize that the smell of the grocery store meat had changed over the years, because it changed gradually, but this was an eye-opener.

Also, the way you cooked it was similar to the ‘reverse sear’ method that some people prefer, where you cook it slow-and-low first, then char the outside.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. Just grabbed some hamburger from the grocery store.

We’ll have to remember that! It was super good. I never thought I’d like a rare burger.

Pachy's avatar

1. They were cooked outdoors over an open fire
2. You didn’t have to do the cooking
3. Juicy means you were getting that part of the meat that tastes so good, fat, and rare tastes better than well cooked (in my opinion)
4. You were hungry

Dutchess_III's avatar

All of the above are true, but I’ve been in that situation before….except for the rare thing. Why did they taste so much better? What gets cooked out when they’re well done?

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Dutchess_III Fat, delicious fat.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I should have elaborated on this above but forgot so I will now, rarer cooks of meat are pretty safe to eat as bacteria is only likely to grow on the outside of the meat where it has been handled or come in contact with objects, when cooking the outside is obviously getting a lot hotter than the interior thus killing the bacteria, the problem with ground beef is that all of it has come in contact with foreign objects so it is usually best to cook this to a internal temp of at least 141 to make sure you killed any possible contaminates.

ibstubro's avatar

My favorite order, @El_Cadejo, was ‘a large filet, well done, do not butterfly it’. Oh, really? Does every one else at the table understand that adds about an hour to your meal prep time?

I remember my aunts recalling the good old days when bar food was Steak Tartar @Dutchess_III. Basically raw hamburger and raw egg mooshed together with raw onions and seasonings, if I remember correctly. Eat.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

@johnpowell That is not a steak, that is carnitas.

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