Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Did Hobby Lobby provide for IUD's, the "morning after" pill, etc. before the ACA went into effect?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 1st, 2014

I assumed they did, then someone said they have never allowed it. Can you clarify this for me, along with some links?

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8 Answers

dxs's avatar

Yes, but they stopped in 2012 when they filed the lawsuit.
I can’t find where I originally read it, but here’s one source from googling:

non_omnis_moriar's avatar

Yes. This is a Tea Party/Fundy move.

non_omnis_moriar's avatar

So much in the news, so little discussion on Fluther.

non_omnis_moriar's avatar

Zoë Carpenter July 2, 2014 – 5:14 PM ET
The Nation

“Among the many questions raised by the Supreme Court’s ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby is how sweeping its legacy will be. Supporters of the decision have insisted that the ruling is “narrow,” as it explicitly addresses “closely held” corporations objecting to four specific types of birth control—including IUDs and Plan B—because the business’ owners consider them (inaccurately) to cause abortion. Besides, the Court argued, the government can just fill any coverage gaps itself, and it’s only women whom corporations are now permitted to discriminate against. “Our decision in these cases is concerned solely with the contraceptive mandate,” claimed Justice Samuel Alito, writing for the majority. “Our decision should not be understood to hold that an insurance-coverage mandate must necessarily fall if it conflicts with an employers’ religious beliefs.”

Bullshit, is essentially what Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had to say about the majority’s claim to have issued a limited ruling. In her dissent, Ginsburg deemed it “a decision of startling breadth.” She noted that “‘closely held’ is not synonymous with ‘small’,” citing corporations like Cargill, which employs 140,000 workers. Even more alarming is the majority’s endorsement of the idea that corporations can hold religious beliefs that warrant protection under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

In fact, it only took a day for the Court’s “narrow” decision to start to crack open. On Tuesday, the Court indicated that its ruling applies to for-profit employers who object to all twenty forms of birth control included in the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive mandate, not just the four methods at issue in the two cases decided on Monday.

In light of its ruling on Hobby Lobby and a related suit, the Supreme Court ordered three appeals courts to reconsider cases in which they had rejected challenges from corporations that object to providing insurance that covers any contraceptive services at all. The plaintiffs in all three cases are Catholics who own businesses in the Midwest, including Michigan-based organic food company Eden Foods. Meanwhile, the High Court declined to review petitions from the government seeking to overturn lower court rulings that upheld religiously based challenges to all preventative services under the mandate.

It’s bad enough that the Court privileged the belief that IUDs and emergency contraceptives induce abortion over the scientific evidence that clearly says otherwise. With Tuesday’s orders, the conservative majority has effectively endorsed the idea that religious objections to insurance that covers any form of preventative healthcare for women have merit. This development is not surprising, as it’s the logical extension of the premise that the intangible legal entities we call corporations have religious rights. That’s a ridiculous idea, certainly, but not a narrow one—no matter Alito’s assurance that he intends it to be used only to justify discrimination against women.

The cases that must now be reopened aren’t even based on junk science, just general pious resistance to women’s health services. And at least one of those cases is only tenuously about religious freedom.

“I don’t care if the federal government is telling me to buy my employees Jack Daniel’s or birth control,” Michael Potter, the founder of Eden Foods told Irin Carmon.

“What gives them the right to tell me that I have to do that? That’s my issue, that’s what I object to, and that’s the beginning and end of the story.”

As one judge wrote, “Potter’s ‘deeply held religious beliefs’ more resembled a laissez-faire, anti-government screed.”

The hole that the Supreme Court tore in the contraceptive mandate can be repaired with a tailored fix, most likely by the Obama administration extending the same accommodation it offered nonprofit religious groups to women working for the closely held for-profit corporations implicated in the Hobby Lobby ruling. Under that work-around, insurance companies themselves—or, in some cases, the federal government—will pick up the tab for female employees’ contraception coverage when their employer opts out.

More vexing is the extension of the RFRA to corporations. Business owners now have a new basis for trying to evade anti-discrimination laws and their responsibilities to their employees.

Religious liberty is already the rallying cry for conservatives looking for a legal way to discriminate against LGBT Americans; other business owners have tried to use religion to justify opposition to minimum-wage laws and Social Security taxes.

Faith groups are already trying to capitalize on the Hobby Lobby decision out of court; on Wednesday, a group of religious leaders asked the Obama administration for an exemption from a forthcoming federal order barring federal contractors from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

According to Alito, courts have no authority to “tell the plaintiffs that their beliefs are flawed.” Where, then, are the boundaries? How will courts decide which beliefs are “sincerely held?” Alito asserts that the majority opinion provides “no such shield” for other forms of discrimination, but we have to take his word on it. The language of the ruling may be limited to contraception, but there are no explicit constraints on its underlying logic.”

ibstubro's avatar

Excellent information, @non_omnis_moriar. Frankly, I often skip over such posts as they don’t hold my interest long enough, but I read yours with care.

So, if, for example, David Duke were to gain control over a corporation, could he refuse coverage for black American, given that he is a dyed-in-the-wool white supremacist? Or refuse to hire them, for that matter, since he holds non-whites to be inferior?

What a short sighted can of worms. And as you report, Gingsburg warned them in clear language.

non_omnis_moriar's avatar

Right wing wants to end separation of church and state while attacking AHC – Now Christian Colleges are included.

JLeslie's avatar

Ironically, Obama helped the Hobby Lobby founders realize they were paying for those contraceptions. You could say Obama helped them adhere more to their religious and moral convictions. LOL. Their hate for him inspired them to go through their medical policy. You know how the right wing often says no one even knows everything in Obamacare, because they don’t read the whole thing. Well, welcome to this proud case the right wing is celebrating with the Hobby Lobby win. They had not read theirs either for years I guess.

I have mixed feelings about religious exception. I know I hate medical insurance through employers. I don’t think any company should have to provide this particular coverage if one doesn’t have to. Forget religious exception. The KKK felt it was Christian to hate Jews and Black people and set fires and lynch. At the same time I do think it is difficult to ask people to do something that is really against their moral compass, and that includes owners of companies.

It’s true what someone sais above about religious exception now being used against gay people. Businesses being able to ask gay people to leave their establishment. That is just ridiculous to me that that can be legal. If they are all over each other and need a room, then that I agree with, just like I would for a straight couple, but just sitting there having lunch? If that is illegal the US should be completely embarrased for learning nothing and basically putting legal segregation and discrimination back in our country.

The birth control issue isn’t really a new issue, there are similar issues always cropping up with doctors or pharmacists not wanting to prescribe morning after pills for religious reasons, and Catholic hospitals won’t tie tubes, etc.

non_omnis_moriar's avatar

Could a Muslim owned Corp legally use Sharia Law to decide what to cover and what not to cover? I doubt it.

This was a decision made by only the male Christian fundamentalists on the Supreme Court.
It is a decision made by Christians for Christian Corporations in what they hope will become a
verified theocratic country.

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