Social Question

rojo's avatar

Does anyone remember this Science Fiction book and author?

Asked by rojo (24187points) July 3rd, 2014

A question about lifes paths brought to mind a book I read many years ago about a man who bounced back and forth between two worlds. In one he was a pampered man of wealth with no wants or needs not fulfilled and in the other he lived a hand to mouth existence in the woods with his family; suffering from disease, starvation, fear, hunger, physical challenges etc. and the kicker was to figure out which was his real life and which was the fantasy.
Sound familiar to anyone?

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24 Answers

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

No, but sounds interesting. I’m waiting for a correct reply so I can check it out.

dappled_leaves's avatar

If the disease was leprosy, it sounds like the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever by Stephen R. Donaldson. The first book was Lord Foul’s Bane.

ibstubro's avatar

It’s not the same story line, but if you have not read Stephen R. Donaldson’s Covenant series that begins with Lord Foul’s Bane, you would enjoy them.

I was already started, @dappled_leaves, I had to finish.

I say it’s not the same story line because I never see Covenant as allowing himself to be a ‘pampered man of wealth’.

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Seaofclouds's avatar

[Mod says]: While this is in social, discussions about how well other sites have been able to answer these types of questions (and specific users on those sites) are off topic. Please keep the discussion related to the OP’s question. Thanks!

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Seaofclouds So it is allowed to steer the questioner to other sites or individuals as long as no comment is made on their expertise?

flip86's avatar

Nothing negative was said. I don’t understand the need to remove answers. I thought social was for discussion, even if off topic.

ibstubro's avatar

SHOW US THAT RULE, since you chose to intervene, @Seaofclouds.

#1, there are entire questions devoted to Askville.
#2, Jules is a Fluther member, and the mention was made in discussion rather than question.

This is an impossible standard for moderators to maintain and a prime example of moderating non-offensive and non-prohibited discussion on a social question. IMO

Seaofclouds's avatar

[Mod says] Social questions are allowed to have discussion, as long as that discussion flows from the OP’s question. The OP is asking about a particular book. A discussion about the ability to answer such a question is not on topic, a discussion about books similar to what the OP is asking about would be on topic. As to not distract any further from the OP’s question, please direct any other questions about the moderation to the mods via PM or the Contact the Mods button. If you would like to discuss another sites ability to answer such questions, you may do so in a separate question. Thanks.

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canidmajor's avatar

Will this list help? The premise didn’t sound familiar to me, but maybe it will help…
Good luck finding it, and please let us know the title if you do.

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rojo's avatar

Wow, @canidmajor quite a list! Thanks! It will take me a while to go through it though since there looks to be a pretty good chance that I will get sidetracked looking for some that are listed to read as well!

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