Social Question

filmfann's avatar

Can we coin a better word for a food selfie?

Asked by filmfann (52597points) July 3rd, 2014

My wife, aka “Queen of the Selfies”, loves taking pictures of whatever she cooks, or orders in a restaurant.
The term “food selfie” doesn’t seem to fit, unless the lobster is holding the camera.
“Food-o-graph” is just clunky.
Can we invent a term that better describes this?

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15 Answers

flip86's avatar


johnpowell's avatar


PinkBee333's avatar

How about: Food-Snap, or Foodie Pic, or App.Snap (like appetizer)

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Food porn.

Sharing photos of food that’s delicious and yummy and makes people want to enjoy it.

El_Cadejo's avatar

“fuckin stupid”

Sorry, but no one wants to see pictures of your food. Even if the food looked good IRL it looks like crap 9 times outta 10 in an image.

filmfann's avatar

A friend suggests SelFeast. I like that.

cookieman's avatar

“Photograph of my meal”

I’m not a fan of cutesy, abbreviated, slang. However, I love the idea of a lobster taking his own photo.

This is me, going for a swim. Ooh, hey! That water’s kinda hot!!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I vote for Food Porn, no NSFW required.

cookieman's avatar

I do like “Food Porn”.
That’s also what I refer to when watching FoodTV in high definition.

hearkat's avatar

Food Porn is the term around the web – and we are guilty of it.

@El_Cadejo isn’t following the right food pornographers if the food doesn’t look great in the photos.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@hearkat They’re using a good camera, not their iPhone. There is a big difference. Taking good looking pictures of food is definitely an art form, the composition is planned out, the lighting is perfect etc. This isn’t the case with most, generally how it goes is food gets delivered to the table in an often low light condition where people pull out their phones to take crappy pictures to send to their friends while their meal gets cold.

hearkat's avatar

@El_Cadejo – I have to agree about the low light restaurant shots. I’ve posted some of those myself. The thing is that food is an experience, and many of our friends share our enjoyment of it, so share the experiences with them. I much prefer food porn to attention-whore selfies.

My gourmand mostly posts images of the foodstuffs he has created, and he takes lovely photos, too – most of which are with his mobile.

Haleth's avatar

The downfall of society as we know it.

dabbler's avatar

I see the term ‘food porn’ all over the place and it seems pretty apt.

However I think @flip86‘s “munchogram”, and @johnpowell‘s “voyeurgrub” are vastly superior!

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