Meta Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Care to share "Fluther facts"?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23807points) July 3rd, 2014

You know, anything you know about Fluther. Funny, lighthearted, serious, blah blah blah…

Anything are welcome, as long as they are “facts” :)

This question is intended for fun, like a game, but it can be educational too, especially for a new jelly :)

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78 Answers

ibstubro's avatar

A moderator can change your answer, even if they ask you permission to do so, and you expressly refuse to give that permission.

It happened to me today.

muppetish's avatar

[mod says] Moderators do not change a user’s question or response without their express permission under any circumstances. If a response does not satisfy the guidelines, then it will be removed. Period.

@ibstubro You have been sent a personal message from a moderator clarifying this situation. If you would like to discuss this further, please send me a PM as I will be on for a few more hours.

This question is in Meta, but to respect the original poster, let’s refrain from turning this into a post about moderation.

funkdaddy's avatar

The ampersands used in the fluther design (like the footer, and some blog posts) are a different font/typeface than the text around them.

It’s one of the tiny touches that shows fluther was crafted by people who cared rather than slapped together.

snowberry's avatar

Last time I tried to access Fluther on my phone, it said I had to pay for the ap. I don’t pay for aps on a cell phone. That’s stupid.

funkdaddy's avatar

@snowberry – if you’re not logged in and access the mobile site, there are ads at the bottom of the site. One of those may have said you needed an app, but there is no fluther app, and you’ve never had to pay for anything.

perhaps that was it?

snowberry's avatar

@funkdaddy That’s what it said, and I wasn’t allowed to log on until I bought their ap. I’m not going to be scammed like that.

snowberry's avatar

@funkdaddy As I think about it, it was a special ap for accessing a number of sites, including Fluther. It was not dedicated to Fluther itself.

AstroChuck's avatar

@funkdaddy- There actually is a Fluther app. However it is no longer available for download. I still have it on my iPhone. And btw, it sucks!

AshLeigh's avatar

I use Fluther strictly from my mobile, and have never been asked to pay for anything.

ucme's avatar

People get annoyed with each other…a lot, much to the amusement of us funsters.

CWMcCall's avatar

Fluther treats newbies like hot steamers in the middle of the side walk.

Pachy's avatar

I’m a loyal member, and that’s a fact.

ucme's avatar

18% of users have genuinely no idea what they’re talking about.
32% of users would argue, bitch & whine for a living if it paid well.
25% of users are either gone or are largely invisible to the majority of others.
The remaining 25% are friendly, “normal” folks who go about things with the minimum of fuss.

The above represents Fluther “facts” & no users were harmed during the course of this assessment…unless they chose to be :D

Blondesjon's avatar

@ucme. . . I’ve seen your panties bunched a time or three…

longgone's avatar

Fluther is small. Most jellies like that they know one another. As a newbie, getting confrontational might not be a good idea.

jca's avatar

There are more than a few jellies who I consider friends, even though we’ve never met in person.

Berserker's avatar


*Some of the awards no longer work.

*The chat room used to have several sections in it, but it has been reduced to two rooms; one for chit chat and another for asking help from staff. (I forget what the other ones were)

*The ’‘Poseidon’’ award was done on the fly once a member reached 50,000 lurve. There was no award for this before…soon, they’ll have to make an award for 60,000 larvae.

*The Fluther store now offers throw pillows for sale. (I want some)

*Acceptable words to describe the members of the site; Jellies, flutherites, flutheronians. Not acceptable; squishies. (as deemed by the collective consensus)

*We used to have a little daily event called ’‘Question of the Day’’, where Auggie, former manager, would choose one question she thought was good and gathered a lot of activity. She would then PM the member who asked it telling them they asked the question of the day, and said question would be found on top of your lurve feed, where new blog posts are announced. This has been long discontinued.

*I’m awesome.

Blondesjon's avatar

@Symbeline . . . I just checked your facts and discovered that “I’m awesome” is true for myself as well.

ucme's avatar

@Blondesjon Maybe you were drunk & confused or just very, very tired when you “saw” my creased underwear, coz in point of fact, I wear none & my arse is smooth like a peach.
Also, giggles at the button bashing brigade

Berserker's avatar

@ucme and his sexy smooth ass! :D

jca's avatar

There is also a public Fluther page on Facebook and the Question of the Day used to show up on that page. I am guessing this was to get people interested in Fluther.

There’s also a secret FB Fluther group, for those Jellies who are on FB.

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline Moisturiser & massage, that’s the trick :)

Paradox25's avatar

Theists are severely outnumbered by non-theists on here. As a deist I consider this is a good thing for me though ;>) It’s a shame more theists aren’t open to talking about why they believe what they do more openly though.

Berserker's avatar

@Paradox25 If they do they get their asses handed to them by so many people. If I was a believer, this is the last place I’d come to discuss my beliefs. I am an atheist myself, but I find that my kindred here often display disgusting behavior when it comes to discussing religious beliefs. (or political for that matter)

@ucme Oooh, butt massages! XD

ZEPHYRA's avatar

A lot of spamming going on.

Paradox25's avatar

@Symbeline I’m not sure if being outnumbered necessarily means you had your ass handed to you. I had a few sceptics on other sites down-vote a couple of my rebuttals out of existence, so I must had hit close to the jugular there.

dxs's avatar

The “Great Question” button used to look just like the “Great Answer” button, except it was red.
As @Symbeline said, there were many chat rooms. I think they still exist. Notice how the url for watering hole is “”. Well, replace the “1” with “2”, “3”, and so on, and you’ll be able to access other chat rooms, but I don’t know if they were the ones that originally existed because I don’t remember them having themes.

Berserker's avatar

@Paradox25 Well, of course. As you can tell form my stance on this subject, I don’t glorify every single atheist here just because I’m one. And in my experience, what has disgusted me here was done to others, not even to me.

snowberry's avatar

@Symbeline As a theist, I invite you to inspect my profile. It contains all of the insults I’ve received that I can remember since I arrived. Now when someone insults me, if it hasn’t been said before I put it up on my profile, and thank them, informing them of their gift to me. If someone has already said it, I tell them they’ll have to be more creative, or it doesn’t count. It’s the Fluther version of making lemonade from the lemons life hands you!

This takes naivety to an art form!

non_omnis_moriar's avatar

I check in daily but I think I’d like it more if it was just a tad more current and maybe edgy.

chyna's avatar

Auggie really does have a whip. I’ve seen it in real life.

ibstubro's avatar

As an agnostic, I have to mention that theists have topped my list of favorite jellies on Fluther, and I have fought openly and extensively for their right to equal time, @Symbeline, @snowberry. I think we finally lost KNOWITALL. Damned shame. Fine Missouri Ozark woman with spit and fire.

snowberry's avatar

@ibstubro Yeah, I know. They chew us up and spit us out. In fact, the first insult I ever received here came from a moderator! It’s on my profile.

Here’s the way it plays out. A theist shows up and gets in a conversation. Sooner or later the atheists find they can’t convince him he’s really mistaken. Then they resort to name calling to justify their “rightness”. The only tolerance here is if a theist refuses to get in a discussion in the first place, or if they capitulate to the atheist side, or if they simply go away. I have no intention of going anywhere, so I now have a large and growing list of names I’ve been called. I must be Naïve. Who knew? LOL

Edit: Theists aren’t the only ones on the hit list. There are others, but the tactics are the same.

Strauss's avatar

Anything that may be considered to be “pseudo-scientific” is quickly bashed to death, even if it is a question for information or references only.

Berserker's avatar

@ibstubro I believe we have lost her. Fucking sucks.

Mimishu1995's avatar

- The mobile view is way simpler than the destop view. I bet anyone who claim that this site’s interface “is ugly” haven’t tried the destop view yet.

- You can tell who is using iPhone on Fluther by looking at the questions. They always have the phrase “From iPhone” below the questions’ titles.

- The average user’s age is about 40.

Berserker's avatar

- The mobile view is way simpler than the destop view. I bet anyone who claim that this site’s interface “is ugly” haven’t tried the destop view yet.

Not sure what you’re on about. The desktop view isn’t complicated one bit, and I don’t find it ugly at all.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Symbeline I heard some complaint from a new jelly that this site’s interface is ugly, and I guess they haven’t tried the desktop view yet. When I first joined I had the same feeling since I only saw the mobile view. My feeling changed when I saw the desktop view :)

Berserker's avatar

Whoa wait what, you got me confused. Lol. Sorry bout that. Lol. :)

Paradox25's avatar

@Symbeline Ha, I get into just as many vicious debates with other theists as I do with some atheists. I’m definitely not what you would call an ‘us vs them’ type of guy.

Berserker's avatar

I don’t get into any more debates, cuz fuck that shit. Doesn’t change nothing, and knowledge is rarely obtained.

Mimishu1995's avatar

- The founders of this site seemed to associate it with everything water-related. You can see the phrase “Fluther Aquarium” at the bottom of the site.
– The “Social” and “Meta” section wasn’t part of the site originally. They were only added after some time.
– The mods take the age rule pretty seriously. If a new jelly is discovered to be underage (>13 years old), their account will be wiped out immediately! (Tip for new jellies: don’t reveal your true age if you are under 13 years old ~)
– There is a tradition of hosting parties for jellies who achieve 10K, 20K, 30K… lurves. The mods always announce the achievement manually in the community thread.
– There are a couple of “secret” awards. That is, they don’t tell you the reason why you achieve them in the award page. And it’s the rule that no one here should publicly tell everyone how to get them.

[OP says] Hope you all enjoy yourself :) And hope a new jelly who happens to come here learn something :)

jca's avatar

We’re into pancakes and frizzers.

non_omnis_moriar's avatar

Wait a minute. If everyone thinks a member is lost, just each of you email her and ask her to please come back, she’s missed.

If I left and got a load of individual requests to come back, I bet I’d be touched and do just that.

longgone's avatar

^ Email adresses are not openly visible…

non_omnis_moriar's avatar

You can contact people. I was contacted by someone who thanked me for adding him to my friends list. Same thing.

Kardamom's avatar

@non_omnis_moriar If you leave the site, Fluther, your account is closed and no one can contact you. That is what @longgone was saying. Unless other Jellies know your real e-mail address (not your Fluther name and profile) or you are known on Facebook by other Jellies, no one can contact you if you delete your account on Fluther.

Strauss's avatar

I say don’t panic. If someone has been on Fluther for a number of years, a five-day hiatus is nothing!

snowberry's avatar

She hasn’t deleted her account, but she hasn’t shown up for some time. She might be back.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Hey people, speaking of @KNOWITALL, I noticed that she changed her avatar just before launching her last question. That question was quite funny and light-hearted. And she still keeps her story. At least there is nothing, apart from her avatar change, to actually prove that she leaves intentionally and forever.

Paradox25's avatar

@Symbeline @ibstubro She may be busy with her life currently. I’ve seen quite a few people take long breaks from Q & A sites like this. There were times I wasn’t on here myself for weeks so if something did happen I must of had missed it.

ibstubro's avatar

I agree with that, @Paradox25. She was MIA for a while, explained that she was burned out anyway, and life intruded. Not long after that, she dropped off the face of.

Here’s hoping!

Strauss's avatar

I guess life is what happens in spite of plans!

gailcalled's avatar

63.7% of all jellies still misuse “It’s.” It is a continuing mystery,

Berserker's avatar

@gailcalled I’m glad to say I’m not part of that number. :D

Brian1946's avatar

In 2010, there were 6 chat rooms, 4 of which no longer exist: Lateralia, Current Events, The Mariana Trench, and Underwater Town Hall.

Mimishu1995's avatar

And today the chatroom has been reactivated. And you know when a jelly enter the chatroom.

Strauss's avatar

If their are to many grammar/spelling errors in a post its more likely your going to be corrected by a fallow jelly then it is that your going to get modded.

Kardamom's avatar

@Yetanotheruser Ha Ha Ha! Your so funny. Its true. Maybe their just not around to day. Or maybe its just to hot and human.

jca's avatar

@Yetanotheruser: So true. Some (or one) are incessant with the corrections.

Brian1946's avatar

Or just one word if its incorrectly punctuated. ;-)

dxs's avatar

Yore all crazy.

Strauss's avatar

Ok, who can really tell me how many errors are in my post above?

dxs's avatar

@dappled_leaves I counted nine.

ibstubro's avatar

“If there are too many grammatical/spelling errors in a post, it’s more likely you’ll be corrected by a fellow Jelly than get ‘modded’ [corrected by a moderator.]”


dappled_leaves's avatar

If you hover your cursor over one of the question’s topics, you might get a brief description of that topic (if it was defined in the early days of Fluther). For example, Fluther and Dr. Jelly each have descriptions here… perhaps the latter should be updated!

Pandora's avatar

Religious conversations can be had here provided the following happens.

Reply in a respectful adult manner no matter what your beliefs are.

Fluther is not a conversion rally.

There will always be immature people anywhere on the internet, but few last here.

Sometimes people post on Fluther while in a bad mood and will post antagonistic questions or answers, so its best to not reply till they are more calm or don’t reply at all.

If you want to see a crap storm, bring up spanking of misbehaving children in restaurants or airplanes or at the movies. That is a topic that many are extremely in favor or against. I personally think it’s worse than bringing up religion or politics. (Well Trump may actually win the crap storm but I think people are getting tired of talking about him.)

Most people on fluther respect each other enough to listen to each others views without taking it personal when it conflicts with their own view. Remember it is most, not all.

Late night posters probably make up the bulk of misspellings, and grammatical errors that kill the souls of grammatical police on Fluther, yet they tend to let go the fact that fluther isn’t always capitalized.

AshLeigh's avatar

Pants are always optional here.

Strauss's avatar

So are skirts.

jca's avatar

And so are bras.

Strauss's avatar

I never imagined that our we are clothing-optional!

Mimishu1995's avatar

Never thought this thread has been brought back to life. I’m considering if we could make a part 2 out of this.

Brian1946's avatar

If you edit a quip after it’s been posted, the editing is not seen by other users, although the original and any subsequent posts are still publicly visible.

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