Social Question

Berserker's avatar

What do you think about Kendall Jones?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) July 4th, 2014

Kendall Jones is a 19 years old cheerleader from Texas, who’s passion is hunting African animals. She is the source of controversy, since she kills things like elephants, lions, rhinos and other animals for the sport. Facebook has been deleting her photos, which show her smiling over the dead animals she kills. She claims that her killing of animals is a conservation effort. (not sure myself how that works out)

You can find the story here.

While the girl has tons of supporters, she also has a legion of people who are against her, shocked and horrified at what she does. Petitions are circulating online, she’s making the news. What are your thoughts? Check out the article for the gist of everything.

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102 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Anyone who kills for sport, is a sick fuck and should be put away. Forever.

Berserker's avatar

She plans to start her own TV reality show in 2015. (presumably about hunting)

El_Cadejo's avatar

I hope the dumb cunt gets mauled by a lion.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You have to wonder about the mental processes of anyone involved in the rampant slaughter of dwindling animals having the temerity to brag openly about it on face book. Once again, as with many items involving the obtuse and absurd, the word “Texas” features prominently in the saga.

tinyfaery's avatar

For shame. Such unnecessary death just for sport? For fun? That’s seriously fucked up.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

To be honest, nothing. I have no idea about the animal populations that she is affecting. I have not read anything about it. Some of the answers on here are very closed from presumably open-minded folk.

Berserker's avatar

@tinyfaery The girl attempts to justify herself in several ways. (paying the African government to hunt in the country, and that conservation effort issue) but I’m just not seeing it. Maybe I don’t understand how things work, but I fail to see how killing something preserves it. Not being sarcastic, if there is a method to this, I’d love to know what it is.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

@Symbeline I do understand the killing to protect a species. It has to be done here in the states with deer. Sometimes there are so many deer, people will be allowed to hunt for extended time, with no restraint on size or sex or age. It’s because they know that there will not be enough food for the population through the winter which means breeding will decrease too. It happens with other animals too, but I’ve been around deer hunters my whole life.

muppetish's avatar

The elephant picture broke my heart :( I can’t form a level-headed response right now, but I don’t support tourist hunters. Many of the species listed in that article are vulnerable. Someone who shoots an animal down for conservation of their population wouldn’t promote sport hunting in the fashion that she is doing; while it may be part of their job (as it is the part of farmers to euthanize an animal sick beyond saving), it’s not something to photograph and celebrate like you’re a hero.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@MollyMcGuire Deer need to be culled because their populations run rampant which will indeed lead to other problems in that environment. Overpopulation isn’t exactly an issue with an endangered species.

Berserker's avatar

@MollyMcGuire Right. I was going to mention this, but I wasn’t sure exactly if I had it right. But I guess I did. I do know that people will attempt to fix things up in the ecology in such manners. Introducing animals into new places, or getting rid of some which eat too many other animals or plants that are needed for a healthy ecology. Yeah.
But not sure how that applies to this here girl though. (isn’t it professionals who do this, usually?) She’s an excellent hunter so far as I can see, but is still considered an amateur.

@muppetish Someone who shoots an animal down for conservation of their population wouldn’t promote sport hunting in the fashion that she is doing;

Aye. this is what gets to me too. There’s too much sport displaying here, and not just with the pictures, to really convince me that she’s doing it primarily for conservation issues. And I don’t know much about animals, but I thought that things like elephants and leopards were protected animals because they’re in danger of disappearing. However, it is stated that she is breaking no laws, so there must be something I am missing.

ucme's avatar

I saw these pics in the newspaper the other day, spat out the milk on my corn flakes.
She’s a moronic, shallow, fucked up bitch, simple as.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Symbeline “However, it is stated that she is breaking no laws, so there must be something I am missing.”
She’s paying off the governments for permission to hunt these animals. Legal? Sure. Morally ok? Definitely not.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

My granpa had a really cool elephant gun whose kick could take off your shoulder.
So there are some very powerful rifles out there in the world and when you own one, just like fire crackers and nuclear bombs, you need to blow one off now and then.

But don’t forget we are talking about hunting, which we don’t do so much any more since we became civilized. But there was a time when hunting is how we ate. So there is a cellular memory of the hunt in each of us (whose ancestry extends that far back) which causes us to have some regard for the hunter. On this thread it seems to have evoked negative regard. But that is regard, too.

And just as in Lord of the Flies, the hunting class in societies w/out supermarkets become a class unto themselves. And also held in high esteem by the group.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Dan_Lyons One can still hunt without killing endangered animals. I don’t have a problem with hunting, but hunting is for food. This is sport killing to say “look at me, I killed this big majestic animal.”

johnpowell's avatar

She will probably be on next years Big Brother.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@johnpowell I’d rather see her on this show

Darth_Algar's avatar


There’s a world of difference between hunting for sustenance and hunting just to be killing shit. Anyone who doesn’t understand the difference or hunts for the latter reason has no business hunting.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

@Darth_Algar Knowing the difference has no bearing on whether or not someone has any business hunting.
I know redneck hillbillies in the Ozarks who wouldn’t have a clue about hunters’ ethics, and yet they only hunt to feed their families.
And if the opportunity availed itself, many would kill an endangered species to feed a child.

jca's avatar

Hunting to feed a child or a family has nothing to do with a 19 year old who is killing endangered species and is preparing to have a reality TV show.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Dan_Lyons “And if the opportunity availed itself, many would kill an endangered species to feed a child.”

As @jca said, what in the hell does that have to do with what’s going on here with this girl? She isn’t hunting to feed herself or her family, she’s flying half way across the world to kill endangered animals.

Berserker's avatar

@El_Cadejo I wonder where she gets the money from. How much can a 19 years old possibly make? Her dad’s a hunter, he probably has a lot to do with this.

jca's avatar

@Symbeline: If she is going to have a reality show, they’re probably financing some of what she is doing.

Berserker's avatar

@jca Somebody is…cuz otherwise I don’t know how she pays off African governments, her trips there, plus all the gear required for hunting.

Darth_Algar's avatar


This girl isn’t hunting to feed herself and she isn’t hunting to feed a child. She’s killing endangered animals because she’s a vapid attention whore who wants publicity out of it.

elbanditoroso's avatar

None of my business. If she’s not killing something that is endangered, it’s simply not my affair. I’m personally against hunting, but it is not my role to tell someone else what is right or wrong

jca's avatar

@elbanditoroso: But in the photos on FB (and probably online, too) these are endangered species. That’s why people are upset. We’re not talking white tailed deer or anything like that. Maybe she’s killed them, too, but specifically it’s the elephants, rhino, etc. that are upsetting people.

snowberry's avatar

Your article also doesn’t say which species are being killed. For example, I know there are areas in the world where elephants are over populated, and damaging crops. There are other areas where elephants are endangered.

This whole outcry on facebook has the earmarks of someone with a PETA agenda, or something like that. The whole thing is slanted, and the PETA types are running with it, and everyone else is taken by the emotionalism of it. There is a whole lot left unsaid, and we are clearly getting only one side of the story.

Incidentally, I’ve seen both innocent people and great companies destroyed by gossip very much like this, only on other topics. You can bet some journalist is building a career on the back of this thing. Journalism has become a raunchy profession, unfortunately.

snowberry's avatar

I read the article, did not watch the video. There isn’t enough information. At the very end it does show villiagers cutting up meat. Wealthy hunters pay big money to kill animals.

There are places in Africa like this (although again the article doesn’t say where these particular animals were hunted), where the money they pay goes to build hospitals, schools and support other things that help the local people. The upside is the people don’t have to poach to stay alive, their standard of living actually goes up, and the animals do better than they would if there were no hunting. This is because their numbers are managed, and presumably there is no poaching (again, the article doesn’t say one way or another).

It’s a first rate gossip fest, world class.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

Just how much money do you think she earns on these junkets? How else do you feed your family nowadays except with money? Ergo, she is hunting for her meals.

ragingloli's avatar

Ok, that is it. Humanity must be exterminated.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Careful, you might pull your arm out of socket reaching like that.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Dan_Lyons Bwahahaha please tell me you’re not serious. I mean you can’t be, right?

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I can’t add to the comments made above about this person. There’s no justification for her actions and any television station/magazine that funds her activities or promotes her achievements should be boycotted.

Coloma's avatar

I find it appalling and ugly, to say the least. I’ll stop while I am ahead.
In this day and age sport hunting is right up there with racism, sexism and all manner of other archaic beliefs and behaviors. Random killing of anything for no good reason is the hallmark of ignorance and stupidity.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

@El_Cadejo It’s just one direction the logic traveled.

majorrich's avatar

Are the animals eaten after the pictures are taken. i think I would object (albeit a tiny amount) less if the hungry children in Africa were getting fed something other than the Brussel Sprouts I wouldn’t eat as a child.
Reminded of a joke. A man was stranded in Alaska by an airplane crash and was forced to eat a Bald Eagle. For this he was tried after he was rescued. The decision was made to drop the charges given the dire circumstances, and the Judge as an aside asked. “So.. What does Bald Eagle taste like?”. The man replied “Kind of like Spotted Owl, but a little meatier.”

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Dan_Lyons Is that what we’re calling logic now-a-days?

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Well, most of you have not done anything but a shallow surface emotional response regarding this. Some of the animals she posed with were not killed but tranquilized. It costs BIG money to hunt like this. It actually drives away poachers because the hunts bring in more cash than poaching does. The big game preserves guard the wildlife from poaching and usually only the old/sick animals are allowed to be taken. In the end she’s probably helping more than she is hurting. On top of this she is targeted by everyone because she is A. a woman B. attractive and C. young. I’m loosing respect for jellies quickly who should know better.

syz's avatar

I (theoretically) don’t have a problem with hunting as long as the population can sustain it, the kill is humane, and the meat/hide/etc is used.

I don’t understand the mentality of killing a living being so you can take a picture with the carcass or hang a body part on your wall. It strikes me as some type of psychosis.

jca's avatar

There was a similar outrage over someone else a few months ago, a middle aged male. I don’t think it’s just because she’s a young attractive female. I think it’s more about the type of animal, the gloating and the posing.

snowberry's avatar

Great points, @ARE_you_kidding_me It’s a gossip fest, and the folks here are jumping right in with their emotional drivel.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me “Some of the animals she posed with were not killed but tranquilized.”

Hell that makes it even more tasteless, as it shows her to be charlatan as well as a publicity whore. That’s my biggest issue is that she’s doing all of this because she wants fame and in doing so she’s damaging legit hunting/conservation efforts. Don’t feel too bad for her being “targeted”. She’s getting exactly what she wants.

snowberry's avatar

I wonder if she’s getting endorsements for advertising. It could happen. The article didn’t say.

Coloma's avatar

Wild animals tranquilized for publicity shots? Unreal.
I hope some Leopard comes to, crushes her neck and drags her sorry ass up into a tree to feed on. Wait, no, it needs to be a slower and more terrifying death, maybe knocked around by a Rhino for a few minutes before the final trample.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

If the leopard awoke @Coloma it would undoubtedly simply rub up against her legs until she scratches it just behind the ears (you know, that spot cats love).

El_Cadejo's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me “On top of this she is targeted by everyone because she is A. a woman B. attractive and C. young. I’m loosing respect for jellies quickly who should know better.”

She could have been an old ugly man and my response would have been exactly the same.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Oh that’s fine then. It’s perfectly acceptable for a human to go around shooting another species with tranquilizing darts for sport. Why would anyone have a problem with that? I wonder how she’d feel if someone took to shooting her with a tranquilizing dart for their own sport.

snowberry's avatar

Is it possible they allowed her to shoot it with tranquilizers as part of studies by scientists or veterinary treatment? Yes.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

@snowberry, not all the animals she was photographed with were tranquilized, some were killed. It says the rhino underwent treatment after being tranquilized but if the animals need healthcare or investigation by scientists, ethically it seems immoral to charge for the right to shoot the animal with darts. I understand the principle of charging for the right to hunt so the funds can go to protect animals but I’d rather see bloodthirsty Westerners getting over their desire to shoot animals.

Coloma's avatar

Given her mentality she would probably also go for the canned hunts, those are the best ya know, for true “sportsmanship.”
Some poor caged creature released so it can run 25 yards before it’s shot.
II agree with @Earthbound_Misfit Maybe it’s time we implemented canned hunts of human predators.

ragingloli's avatar

You are making hollow excuses for a sorry excuse of a human being.
Like the church accusing the victims of seducing priests.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

I am just amazed at how judgmental some people are,
especially when they don’t have all the facts.

Coloma's avatar

@Dan_Lyons I don’t see it as judgmental at all. Just the facts. Anyone that condones sport killing should crawl back under the rock they emerged from in the first place.
I do not agree that man has dominion over all other living things and to take pleasure in wanton killing for egoic reasons is just wrong. Period.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

This whole thread is based on an article from The Daily Mail in England. The girl is probably just a publicity seeker.
And people here are actually getting their knickers all bunched up over this.

jca's avatar

No, @Dan_Lyons. The link I posted is from the Daily Mail, but there’s much more information on this topic all over. That’s just one that I got from googling.

majorrich's avatar

I asked the local fish and game warden about non-lethal hunting on my property. We have a terrible problem with Deer. Over 120 per Sq mi. This is way way over the capacity of the land to support. I asked him about using rubber tipped arrows, or paint balls so i might have the thrill of the hunt without having to drag the animal out of the wood. He looked at me as if I had two heads. My goal is to get the deer habituated off my property so I can keep what garden I do have and let my neighbors harvest the deer. I don’t need a license because it is my own property and I have a nuisance paper for the deer, but he said I could be arrested for harassing the deer. Imagine that! I HAVE to kill them, I can’t just scare them with toy guns.

jca's avatar

@majorrich: Your issue is a slightly different one than the topic of Kendall Jones.

majorrich's avatar

Yeah, I guess you’re right. The concept of non-lethal hunting as alluded to earlier in the thread using tranq’s kind of made me think about my own issues. I think it would be really cool to be able to to tranq hunting with a scientific crew to gather information and still get the hunt experience without permanent harm to the animal. The hero shot pictures, tasteless as they may be, are really not an issue if this is the case. There is probably stuff about the Kendall Jones case we aren’t being told and so I am not going to judge her now that there is a chance that the animals may not have been permanently harmed. Until I know for sure, I hate the possible sin, but wont condemn the sinner.

jca's avatar

All the articles say “hunt” and “killed” so I would think that qualifies as “permanent harm.”

Coloma's avatar

Cruelty to animals is one of my greatest passions. Knickers knotted, appropriately so. haha

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Dan_Lyons “The girl is probably just a publicity seeker.”

And she’s getting the publicity she seeks.

Berserker's avatar

@Dan_Lyons I picked an article that had the most recent news so I wouldn’t be posting old stuff. It may be biased it may not, if you can find an article that speaks the hidden truth, then by all means.

As far as people getting their panties in a bunch, it isn’t just the collective here. Go look at her Facebook page.

majorrich's avatar

To me, Hunting and Killing are separate items. Hunting is the stalking and finding. Killing is the kinda iffy ground we are discussing. And the part I am on the fence about. I care deeply about endangered animals being killed for sport, but not so much about Gnu’s and other herd animals that are plentiful so long as they are eaten.

Coloma's avatar

Killing/hunting for survival is one thing. Anything else is devolution at it’s finest.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Coloma I disagree in a sense. I don’t need to hunt to survive, I could just as well go down to the supermarket and buy some meat or fish, but catching it myself is something special, in a way akin to growing your own food. It’s just a matter of what animals you’re hunting and if you’re using everything from the creature you killed.

Coloma's avatar

@El_Cadejo That’s my point. No need to hunt when one can buy or raise their own meat.
I don’t think the great white hunter mentality is attractive in modern humans.
You can hunt with a camera just as well and capture the moment instead of killing it.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Coloma I’m not raising deer in a paddock or flounder in a tank, I’m going out to nature for these things, and really what difference would it make if I killed a deer a quarter mile out in the woods or a cow I raised on my property?

jca's avatar

To me, killing a deer and eating it is one thing, killing a big horn sheep or a leopard just to mount its head as a trophy is barbaric.

Berserker's avatar

I agree it seems very morbid to put up animal heads on the wall. Hunting trophies are bizarre, I always find it kinda creepy when I see something like that. Not the animal head itself, just the fact that someone wants it in their house as a prize. I mean, it’s like some crazy serial killer who kills a person and builds a chair out of their bones are something.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

I agree that killing indiscriminately is morbidly wrong. I disagree with killing anything so vehemently that when the end times arrive and the stores have all been looted by our civilized brothers and sisters, I will surely be one of the 1st to starve to death as I will not even kill to survive.

Nonetheless, as this is all based on a story in the news we don’t have all the facts, nor will we ever.
And I’m sure all the facts will not be found posted on the woman’s FB wall.

Darth_Algar's avatar

The woman has platforms to speak for herself. As far as I can tell her defense has basically been the equivalent of “suck it”.

snowberry's avatar

We like trophies. In ages past and even now, we (meaning people everywhere) keep track of people we’ve killed, love conquests, opponents we’ve defeated in sports-the list is endless. To me, keeping track of how many women you’ve deflowered is pretty sick. To the next person it’s a matter of pride. I know people who compete to create the biggest loudest stinkiest gas hog of a jacked up truck with monster tires. I call such monstrosities “testosterone supplements” on steroids.

I also think what this girl is doing is silly, but the gossip and news crap that I see has totally blown the situation out of proportion.

snowberry's avatar

@ragingloli Thanks for your comment. It’s right in line with what I’d expect from you.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@jca I agree completely. My point was that one could still hunt without being an asshole.

@Symbeline Yup

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

We meat eaters who are against hunting are some of the most vile and repugnant hypocritical bastards on the face of this planet. Wild game that has had a chance to live out in the open is healthier for us, the ecosystem and is more humane than commercially raised meat. When we hunt and take game we shoulder any guilt rather than pay industry to carry that burden for us. But we don’t want to think about it. We want to throw darts and insults at a 19 year old girl out for attention. Keep giving her what she wants and keep telling yourself it’s ok to be a hypocrite. If you are a vegan then I’m not directing this at you.

Coloma's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me Hey..whoa there, while you make a point, don’t lump everyone into the melting pot of hypocrisy. I eat very, very little meat in general and buy organic and free range when I do. I have also kept many farm pets and given them great lives, chickens, geese, etc.
The darts and insults are about sport hunting not survival need.

Sport and trophy hunting are not about bagging a deer because you need meat to get through an Alaskan winter.

Berserker's avatar

Although it stands to reason, if this girl was hunting things like snakes or rats, no one would have probably ever heard of her. And no one ever says anything about about people who pin insects for display.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’m not defending sport hunting. I don’t have a big problem with it but don’t care for it either. I eat free range and local meat whenever I can get it. I’m really pinpointing meat eaters who have no problem eating a cheeseburger but will scoff at anyone who likes to hunt especially when they’ll consume their catch. I know plenty of these folks and it always nearly makes me blow my top. What we do to these animals in the feedlots and commercial farms is one of the worst things we do as humans.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

I kill mosquitoes and fleas indiscriminately.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Dan_Lyons for that sir, you get a high five.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Why do some people keep bringing up hunting for food when that’s not at all what this girl is doing? That’s about like trying to defend an arsonist by bringing up campfires.

Berserker's avatar

@Dan_Lyons Nonetheless, as this is all based on a story in the news we don’t have all the facts, nor will we ever. And I’m sure all the facts will not be found posted on the woman’s FB wall.

For sure facts are missing, but you’re essentially arguing for something that you have not seen to exist. Where do we get these facts? Why are they so hard to find? Why would the girl omit them if it could seriously justify her, and get peeps off her back?

Dan_Lyons's avatar

@Symbeline I simply refuse to condemn someone based on muckraking and yellow journalism.

Where do we get these facts? From the internet. hmmm.

Why would the girl not try to get peeps off her back? Why indeed. Now we’re back to is she making money from all this, money used to feed and clothe her and her family.

Coloma's avatar

@Dan_Lyons Then that would be called exploitation. Exploiting animals for her own personal gain.There a gazillion ways to make money that don’t involve exploitation and sensationalism.
Why doesn’t she become a porn star and exploit herself? Leave the poor beasties alone. lol

mazingerz88's avatar

Killing animals for sport whether its endangered lions or clueless chickens is just absolute human cruelty. Kendall Jones, if she kills for fun and fame….lower than chickenshit to me.

Coloma's avatar

@mazingerz88 Yeah! Woot woot, howl, high five! Sic ‘em Count! lol

mazingerz88's avatar

@Coloma And I thought kids today are wasting their time with mundane stuff like Twittering and Facebooking. But no. This one is going out of her way to pay a visit to animals who were minding their own business and shoot them dead. Brilliant.

Have a feeling she did this just so to post something new on her FB page. Take that Facebook-! Reap the evil upon which you have spawned-!

Disclaimer : All my nasty anti-Kendall comments are valid only if Kendall did shoot and kill animals for fun and fame. This disclaimer is being made in a feeble attempt to protect jellies from being accused of judging people on the internet without trial by combat.

syz's avatar

I don’t really care who she is or whether the news reports are accurate – I have the same visceral reaction to photos of anyone holding a gun and posing next to a dead lion, or a dead rhino, or a dead elephant. A frustrated, enraged disgust.

(The argument that trophy hunting saves endangered species is specious. If you want to save a species, support sustainable conservation projects. Otherwise, just admit that you want to kill something.)

Dan_Lyons's avatar

@Coloma “There a gazillion ways to make money that don’t involve exploitation and sensationalism.”

I understand there are far fewer ways to make money than once there were.

Why aren’t jellies against Kelly earning a lawful living up in arms against the Japanese and their illegal whaling activities?
Or fishing sharks for just their fins?

Seems there are far bigger things to vent your fury on then an alleged picture or pictures which were probably photo-shopped.

Coloma's avatar

@Dan_Lyons I’m against all animal cruelty and exploitation for body parts, sharks, seals, bear paws, tiger penises, all the ugly and archaic practices that should have been long ago abandoned. As far as I am concerned anyone that exploits animals is one of the lower forms of human life, be that backyard breeders or exotic wildlife hunters. Not fury, just a strong sense of ethics and humane behavior.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

What about people who make a living diving for abalone shells?

Coloma's avatar

^^^ Well….are we talkin’ some remote culture on an island or a fat yuppie in San Francisco bay? lol

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I don’t agree with people collecting endangered abalone and I’m totally opposed to whaling and killing sharks for their fins. How do you know the people who are voicing their opposition to Kendall Jones’s hunting expeditions here aren’t also against these things?

At least with the abalone divers they’re at risk from shark attack.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Dan_Lyons *“Why aren’t jellies against Kelly earning a lawful living up in arms against the Japanese and their illegal whaling activities?
Or fishing sharks for just their fins?”*

Because this is a thread about Kendall Jones and her sport hunting (she’s hunting for sport, not for her living), so we’re discussing Kendall Jones and her sport hunting (imagine that – a discussion that’s actually about the thread subject). If you wish to discuss Japanese whaling or shark fining then start a thread for those topics.

Coloma's avatar

Quick somebody silkscreen up a tee-shirt with an Ibex posing, one hoof up on Kendalls carcass holding a rifle. lol

Brian1946's avatar

Shark fining would be an intriguing proposition. Sure, some underwater agency could impose a fine on a shark, but how would Jaws pay? Send a killed seal to said agency? What if it refuses to pay- dispatch Aquaman or the Submariner to collect? ;-)

ragingloli's avatar

clearly the shark acted under both the stand your ground law and the castle doctrine.

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