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Kardamom's avatar

What do y'all think about Sherlock Holmes?

Asked by Kardamom (33584points) July 5th, 2014

I’ve loved Sherlock Holmes since I first read The Hound of the Baskervilles as a kid, and I’m trying to read everything ever written by Arthur Conan Doyle about the famous detective.

Currently, there are two really good Sherlock Holmes series on TV, Sherlock and Elementary. And I’ve seen lots of Sherlock Holmes movies with all sorts of actors including the “classic” version with Jeremy Brett, all 3 of the modern movies with Robert Downey Jr., and even one with Christopher Plummer, and a silent film made in the early 1900’s.

I’m just enthralled with all things Sherlock Holmes.

I’m wondering if we Americans are more excited about the whole Sherlock Holmes phenomenon, or whether the Brits love him as much as we do.

Anybody care to comment?

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17 Answers

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I am an American who steals British internet broadcasts on occasion.

The American show is an ok tv show. There are several better, but it is in the top third of American Tv.

The British Show is friggin amazing. Not just as a take on Holmes, but on modern masculine friendships. The show is about mental illness, the nature of right and wrong, and about how strong, introverted men deal with the current feminine pressure to share their feelings.

talljasperman's avatar

I like Moriarty, and the Star Trek episodes where he tries to take over the ship from the holodecks.

Kardamom's avatar

@talljasperman Yes! Star Trek and Sherlock Holmes! Who could ask for anything more?

Mimishu1995's avatar

I like him too. I used to like him more before Philip Marlowe came.

And at that time I was so crazy about Sherlock Holmes that I collected everything that had him on them. I now have a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories in many forms (comics, books, web articles, fan-fictions…) and all Jeremy Brett shows. My phone was even stuffed with Sherlock Holmes’ pictures!

To me Sherlock Holmes is the ideal person I want to be, and Philip Marlowe is the one I really is.

mazingerz88's avatar

What a coincidence. I just held The Complete Sherlock Holmes book today and intent on beginning to read at least one story soon. I also have the Downey movies and fairly enjoyed watching the new TV series.

I do have special fondness for the movie Young Sherlock Holmes and movies paying tribute applying a touch of Sherlockness in its plot like the action movie, Brotherhood of the Wolf.

Each time I watch detective suspense mysteries and crime series like The Killing, I think of Sherlock Holmes.

He will live long after I am gone. And maybe even outlast James Bond himself.

talljasperman's avatar

@mazingerz88 And Dr. Who. and Black adder.

zenvelo's avatar

I’ve read the complete canon twice- once when I was laid up with a broken leg, another time when I had the Complete Annotated by William Baring-Gould. Loved it.

And when the musical Baker Street was on Broadway my parents brought me home a badge that said “Baker Street Irregular” on it.

So I’ve been a fan for a long time, and I like that the TV show was able to modernize it with Watson having served in Afghanistan.

jerv's avatar

While I like the modern BBC take as portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch, I think that the original as written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is the only Sherlock Holmes. In many ways, Dr Gregory House is more like Sherlock Holmes than many of the alleged Sherlock’s I’ve seen though.

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ragingloli's avatar

I prefer Detective Conan.

ucme's avatar

I’ve always thought he was an arrogant posh twat, Watson definitely imagined certain sexual scenarios with him.

hearkat's avatar

I was a bigger fan years ago, and read the Complete Sherlock Holmes ~25 years ago. I haven’t kept up with the more recent incantations, but I remember really enjoying the film The Young Sherlock Holmes back in the ‘80s.

Kardamom's avatar

@mazingerz88 and @hearkat I loved Young Sherlock Holmes too!

Interesting, I just saw the actor who played him, Nicholas Rowe, in an episode of Midsomer Murders (not sure what year that was from).

Then last night, we were watching The Murdoch Murders, which is set in late Victorian Toronto and who shows up? Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Hee Hee.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Kardamom Strange coincidences don’t just occur, Watson. The game is afoot-! : )

Kardamom's avatar

@mazingerz88 I was thinking that too. I had asked the Q, then we turned on the TV to watch our show, and there was Arthur Conan Doyle in the story line!

mazingerz88's avatar

Born in 1859. Died in 1930. That’s what I remember from when I briefly read the book yesterday in a friend’s house.

Kardamom's avatar

I would love to see, this coming season, Jonny Lee Miller do a guest appearance on Sherlock, and Benedict Cumberbatch do a guest appearance on Elementary. That would be, wait for it….Awesome!

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