Dreams don’t have any inherent meaning. There is no symbolism in dreams, they’re just random pieces of information that pop into our heads when we are sleeping, because of chemical reactions, although most things that you will see in your dreams will be things from the real world. And humans do tend to have some similar dreams, probably stemming from our ancient collective memory. That’s why you’ll often hear of people describing a similar dream, like the one in which you show up at school unprepared, or you are naked, or you are flying. Those dreams still don’t mean anything. It’s just how our brains are wired.
There is no reason to try to understand what a dream means because it doesn’t have any meaning at all.
I think what you might be trying to ask is if we think you have feelings for this fellow. Probably not. You said you don’t have feelings for him, so you don’t. That’s OK. You might develop feelings for him later on, only because the idea of him is now kind of in the forefront of your thoughts right now, only because you had a random dream about him. You could have just as easily dreamed about the cashier at Walmart, or your cousin, or your dog, or green moon men. They’re just dreams, they’re random.
People tend to have more vivid dreams when they’re under stress or if they’ve eaten a meal late at night, especially if it was a spicy meal. The dreams still don’t mean anything. It’s just the way our brains sort things out, to refresh us, for the next day of being awake. Kind of like how computers work. They have to do certain tasks, but the tasks themselves don’t have any inherent meaning. But because we are conscious, thinking beings, not computers, it sure does seem like the dreams ought to mean something, because they are so vivid and tied into our emotions.
You probably dream about boys because you are young, and when you are awake you think about boys and there are boys all around you when you are at school or even just friends in your neighborhood. People tend to dream about things that are around them, but it’s just as common to dream about completely random stuff, but you don’t hear people talking about those dreams, because they don’t seem important and are easily forgotten. Dreams about boys are much more interesting, therefore you’re more likely to remember them. Plus you are trying to put meaning onto those dreams, when there is no meaning at all. It’s just your brain doing what it needs to do when you are asleep.
Don’t worry about your dreams, just go about your business during the day time. That’s where you are going to find meaning. If you like this guy fine, if you’re just friends, that’s fine too.
Tonight you might dream about a giant pizza engulfing you, or you might not. Just don’t let it upset you.