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Dutchess_III's avatar

How unusual is it for a 9 month old to start walking?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47236points) July 6th, 2014

Zoey has been standing on her own for over a month, without holding on to anything. Her balance is so good she can flap stuff with her hands and not fall down.
Her record for taking steps so far is 6. We expect her to just take off any day now.

My Corrie didn’t walk until she was about 14 months old. She didn’t need to. She crawled faster than a speeding bullet!

Chris walked at about 12 months.

Savannah started walking at about 13 months. Kale was two weeks behind her (he is in everything. He watches her to see if there is anything dangerous about what she’s doing before he tries it!)

Is it unusual for a 9 month old to be walking?

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11 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Test her DNA. She might be The Thing.

zenvelo's avatar

My daughter began walking at 9 months. She was standing at a table at 7 months. She crawled for about three weeks before she liked walking better.

My son did not walk until 15 months. He was active and for around by rolling all over the lace, and could pull himself up at a year, but did not walk until 15 months.

Kids are all different, and at different schedules.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She has always had the most amazing muscle control. The day they brought her home from the hospital she was picking her head up and looking around, and her eyes were focused!

jonsblond's avatar

All three of our children began walking at 9 to 10 months. I don’t think it’s that uncommon.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Mom said I was pulling myself up on furniture when I was 6 months old. Right about then they realized I had hip displasia (sp). For the next six months I had to sit on the floor with a pillow splint between my legs to keep them at the right angle. I had a pair of baby shoes with a bar between them that prevented me from walking during the times I wasn’t in the splint. (Mom said I pulled myself out of my crib anyway!) I guess they didn’t have the braces they have now. My grand daughter, Adrionnah (Zoey’s sister) had it too. Stinky brace.

jerv's avatar

I was running by then, though it took me a little longer to learn to walk. Try riding a bike really slowly. To this day, walking at a normal speed throws off my balance and makes my hips hurt, but I have zero problems walking as fast as most people jog.

But no, 9 months is not really unusual at all.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

She finally started walking, eh! Good on her.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, sort of. Her record is 6 steps.

Jenna came to pick her up. We couldn’t find her bottle. We were crawling around on the floor, looking under the furniture. Zoey watched for a moment then stood up like, “Well, you have to crawl, but I can STAND UP!!!”

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

My oldest daughter walked at nine months. I didn’t think it was unusual. She was off like a rocket and I haven’t been able to stop her since.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t know, but my husband started at 9 months and he had been born premie at just over 4 pounds.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks guys. Cool answers. I, personally, have never personally known a kid who walked that early! Man, she’s a pistol.

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