As an adult out of school for 20 + years, how has your life turned out compared to the lives of those you used to go to school with?
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July 12th, 2014
I am not asking from a competitive point of view, but from what you have found out are most of you on the same level? Have there been many great overachievers, anyone who has become brilliant or famous, any drama stories, premature deaths and even any strange twists? By strange twists, I mean people whom you were expecting to shine finally ended up messing up, and people who were a mess back then turned out to be successful.
Have most cruised smoothly or have you heard awful tales of struggle?
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7 Answers
Most successful- Head baseball coach at Pepperdine. He frequently posts pics of himself with celebrities and beautiful places he’s visiting.
One interesting tidbit. A boy I went to school with was the surgeon who operated on my mother after her ruptured brain aneurysm.
Least successful- In prison as sex offender.
I think the rest of us fall somewhere in the middle, but far from any sex offender list.
As I’m not on Facebook, much of my information is here-say, but…
Seems like most of us did okay. One good friend became a parole officer. Many are in the trades (electrician, plumber, contractor), as we went to a vocational-technical high school. One became an architect, which is what I was originally studying, before switching to graphic design.
Another group of friends do various things… baking, HR, collections, child welfare.
Most folks seem to own houses, so that’s good. Lots of kids. Far too many divorces though. Of the twelve couples my wife and I hung around with (from high school into college), only my wife and I and one other couple are still together.
That’s pretty sad.
I am ~40 years out of school. I look at the other guys and almost all of them look like crap. Bigger guts, out of shape, and it seems most have one medical condition or another. That said, at the reunion I noticed most filled their plates like refugees at a buffet.
One guy was in prison for murder – a road rage incident! One guy won an Academy award for animation technology. A few have/had very successful businesses. Most have either retired quietly or are looking forward to doing so shortly. I am one of the few with the energy to kick off a new project in a field I love.
My 30-year High School Reunion will be this fall. It seems I’m about in the middle of the success range.
Some are well off and/or married well, some are really struggling and aren’t sure they can pay the $100 ticket. I already covered my bff’s admission, but it’s not chump change to me, and they’ll still have to come up with airfare. I was a divorced, bankrupt, single mom at one point.
I have my Masters and still use it; others have doctorates, some never went past High School, some got higher degrees but don’t work in that field, etc.
I have put on a lot of weight and I suffer from an autoimmune disease; others are very fit and athletic, but some have been fighting with cancer or have a lot of health issues.
Out of all my friends that I graduated high school with (let’s say over 30 years ago).
I am the only one who is not divorced. I got married at nineteen and still married to the same person.
Many people my age that I went to school with are starting to become grandparents. I have a young daughter so for me, that’s at least 20 years in the future.
A lot of my friends who are my age have health problems and take a bunch of meds – high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure. I take none of that and have none of that.
I think in the looks department, I look better than a lot of women my age, that I was friends with. The majority are starting to have the “middle aged” look. I don’t think I look that way just yet.
Job wise, I’m right around mid-way with the majority. I have not heard any dramatic stories of crimes committed or anyone running off to Hollywood to become famous.
A bunch are divorced but not all.
Some are dead.
There’s a reunion coming up this fall. It’s not a 20 year or a 30 year, it’s just a general school reunion. I am not sure if I will go. It’s 100 dollars for cocktail reception. I am not sure if I want to pay 100 dollars for a drink or two and some hors d’ouvre. I am in touch with a bunch of my classmates thru Facebook.
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