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What sort of textures do you crave the most?
For eating, at this moment, I would like a warm silky butternut squash soup with dense fiberous game meat that I have to tear into with my teeth and chew forever. Along with some crisp al dente aspargus.
For my skin I would like it encased with a nappy worn and slightly rough blanket. Thin and just barely singed by an ancient entangelment with an overeager dryer. The last time it was washed some months ago it snapped dry on the line. No fabric softener. It scrapes my skin softly as I rock on a wooden chair that has a slight hitch in it from an irregular crease in the floor. The cool evening air exhaling gently across my face. The sky painted in soft glowing undertones backlit lazy clouds the distant trees soft smudges.
Meh… If only. What about you?
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