Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Are people really this stupid? Steven Spielberg is being criticized for killing a dinosaur and people are in an uproar.

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) July 13th, 2014

Some clever person released a picture of Spielberg (the director) sitting in front of a dinosaur model (from his movie Jurassic Park) – see link below. The picture is real, but Triceratops was a mechanical model.

People immediately began criticizing the director for “killing rare animals”.

Are people really so dense? Is there really a subset of our population that doesn’t realize that dinosaurs have been extinct for 50 million years?


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27 Answers

Aster's avatar

It didn’t look like a dinosaur to me. So possibly many people think it’s another kind of animal as I did. I can’t think of the name now, though . lol

dappled_leaves's avatar

This is a joke that went viral. A small number of idiots expressed outrage at it, and now a vast number of people are making fun of them. Not all of the 33,000 shares (if that is the real number) are by people who believe Spielberg killed a dinosaur.

marinelife's avatar

Unbelievably dumb!

El_Cadejo's avatar

You do realize that most of the people that expressed “outrage” are just playing along with the joke right?

And FWIW that Triceratops wasn’t “dead”, that’s the sick one that they save in the movie.

GoldieAV16's avatar

I think that the vast majority were playing along with the joke. As for those few who didn’t “get it,” I’m not sure that the internet calling them stupid serves any useful purpose. There have been jokes that slipped past me before my first cup of coffee, too. I’d hate to be held accountable – and mocked – for every “stupid” thing I’ve thought or said.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

What the others have said, plus you bet people really are that freakin dumb.

filmfann's avatar

Why doesn’t everyone take this seriously? If people keep killing of dinosaurs, they will become extinct! I bet Sarah Palin has killed a bunch of them! Is this what we want our children to do?

jca's avatar

These may be the same people who believe humans descended from Adam and Eve.

CWOTUS's avatar

Really. How do they know it didn’t die of natural causes?

ibstubro's avatar

The dinosaur appears to be merely napping to me. Much needed rest for such a rare talent.

Coloma's avatar

The fact then ONE person could be so ignorant is pretty shocking, let alone multiple idiots. lol

majorrich's avatar

It’s easy to make big splashes in the shallow end of the pool. (Gene pool that is)

Lightlyseared's avatar

Yes. People are that dumb.

ucme's avatar

Around about the same time Jeff Goldblum’s career died.

jerv's avatar

I would love to agree with @GoldieAV16 here, but while there likely are quite a few playing along, I’ve seen enough people naive enough to believe just about anything that I’m not always entirely sure we aren’t surrounded by idiots.

tinyfaery's avatar

C’mon. Who didn’t see Jurassic Park?

jerv's avatar

@tinyfaery Those too young to have seen it when it came out? It has been a while.

janbb's avatar

It’s sleeping.

johnpowell's avatar

I hate to be that guy.. But the people that would be outraged are probably smart enough to know what is going on.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I don’t think it’s so much that people are too stupid to realize that dinosaurs are extinct, I think it’s that people are ready to express outrage on Facebook for whatever, and don’t even bother looking at the photograph.

ibstubro's avatar

I’ve not seen Jurassic Park, @tinyfaery. I just thought it was silly.

That’s what I thought, too, @janbb. ^^

I think @dappled_leaves nailed it. I’ve seen it here at times, when the details made it clear that outrage was uncalled for.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Wish mobility weren’t such an issue for me. Muddy Rex tracks down the street placed in the solitude of night would be fun to do again.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

He’s not standing over it with a gun. How do we know he killed it? If he had hunted and killed it, he would have to strike the appropriate ‘hunter’ pose.

[I would not be surprised that some people seriously believed he killed a dinosaur. I do hope the vast majority were just playing along.]

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

I hope they ALL believe it, then we jellies can easily take over the stupid people of the world and rule the dummies!

jerv's avatar

Actually, Michael Bay killed it with shrapnel from an explosion; Spielberg merely posed for the picture afterwards.

ibstubro's avatar

The NRA emailed me that the animal pictured was threatening Tokyo, and that Spielberg paid Japan a handsome sum for the opportunity to be the one that ridded the world of this scourge. They are proposing that all Movie Director/Producers be made lifetime NRA members and issued a concealed carry by writ of congress.

A haunch was donated to the annual “Endangered Species Banquet and Street Brawl Fair.


CWOTUS's avatar

It might have lived, but its mother refused to vaccinate it.

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