I have hobbies that take me out of the house and get me in contact with like-minded people. Sometimes it’s easy, like when we went to the street fair earlier today. One of the vendors there was a jewelry-maker (a big guy named “Troll”) who was also a gamer. Like most gamers, he was on my level; an equal. We gabbed about how the older versions of Shadowrun rules were overly complex, how much of a hassle it was working with Inconel, and basically geeking out about stuff that normal people wouldn’t understand or care about.
I have a knack for finding “my crowd”, whether it be metal-workers, gamers, car buffs, computer gurus, or what-have-you… but also keeping my geekiness hidden from those that don’t really give a rat’s ass about those interests. Trust me, the average person doesn’t care about the mechanics differences between GURPS and Shadowrun, or how the ATESSA system in a Nissan Skyline GT-R works, or anything like that. Hell, they don’t even know the difference between AGP and PCI-x! The key is knowing what will make their eyes glaze over and when to just keep your mouth shut.
But to be perfectly honest, I kind of got the impression from past posts that you were a shut-in, and not really all that learned (though you may have savant-like skills that I haven’t seen yet). In fact, it’s hard to believe that you are even above the age of 12.
You know C++, but cannot figure out basic operations on the Android OS, nor do you seem particularly computer-savvy.
You claim to game, but I have yet to see you have any experience with systems other than AD&D (arguably one of the worst, despite it’s commercial success).
Your knowledge of physics and engineering is profoundly lacking.
No offense, but I have to agree with @Patton; you don’t give that impression here! We do like you and all, but like @janbb, I also wonder who you’re talking to that gets that impression.