Yes, (at least in Office 2010), VBA is still part of the installation package, and highly useful.
I would suggest that you start to learn coding on your own, before buying a book and going that route. And that’s easier to do than say (as opposed to the way that saying usually goes), because you can learn VBA syntax by recording macros and then learning how to edit them to make them more universal, more interactive and more powerful.
Open a new workbook in Excel.
Go to the “Developer” tab (you may need to activate this as part of the ribbon, which you can do through the “customization” menus).
At “Developer” click “record macro” and accept the default option to save “in this workbook”. (Later, when your macros become more general and more useful, you’ll want to save them to a file called Personal.XLSM, which should open every time Excel opens, making your useful macros available to you all the time. But I digress.
Record yourself doing some things in Excel. At this point it hardly matters what. Navigate to a new worksheet, enter a formula or something, and just generally mess around a bit. Or do something very intentional. At this point it doesn’t matter.
Click the button at the bottom of the screen to “stop recording”.
Go back to the Developer tab and click “View Code” navigate as needed to review the VBA code that has been recorded.
Now you’re ready to start learning VBA.
I advise a site such as (there are loads of them out there) to browse, ask general and specific questions, and even more importantly: answer questions from people who know even less than you.
I didn’t start to really learn Excel until I tried to answer others’ questions, which led me down paths that I hadn’t even considered. You’d be surprised. You’d be surprised how quickly you start to learn VBA just by reading and tweaking what you’ve recorded, too, and then learning the steps to write IF… THEN… ELSE… ENDIF and DO WHILE and other looping and branching statements. Before long you’ll be answering my questions there, I suppose.
They can also give excellent advice about books, other websites, and even some of the Microsoft MVP websites that many of them maintain.