If you could solve just one of history's biggest mysteries, which would it be?
Asked by
ibstubro (
July 15th, 2014
From the demise of the dinosaurs, to the death of Jesus, to the shooting of JFK, what mystery grabs you attention enough that you want to finally give the world the definitive answer, with proof?
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72 Answers
What happened to Amelia Earhart.
Who was Jack the Ripper?
Followed by a few other crime related mysteries.
Who killed Jon Bennet Ramsey.
How was Malaysia flight 370 lost and why can’t we lose Justin Bieber?
Are any reported alien sightings real?
The true reason why the Titanic sank.
This is interesting to me on a personal level. How did Glenn Miller really die? There are several theories. And there is a general idea, but nothing exact.
Was there a conspiracy or not involved in the murders of John and Robert Kennedy?
It won’t be a big mystery to anyone else in the world, and in fact, no one knows who I’m talking about, but I would like to know…
What’s the story with Dhanraji, anyway? Could there have been a way to make that go right?
How they get the Caramel in the Caramilk bar.
@Mimishu1995 The watertight compartments only went part way up to the roof. There was room for the water to fill the compartment then spill over to the next room.
What really happens when you attempt to traverse a black hole.
Flight 370 tops my list right now. My first thought was Earhart and then Hoffa.
@ninjacolin The gravitational force sucks you in and crushes you. Worm food.
What really happens when you die?
The D.B. Cooper Hijacking
How many licks does it take to get to the Tootse-Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?
I think I would choose being at the death of the man that was known as Jesus.
Results made public.
The Malaysian flight would top my list right now too.
The full contents of the lost Library of Alexandria.
Why do the wealthy elite need to have all the money and need to make all the people into slaves.
@Adirondackwannabe Hey, thanks for the info.
Well, how about if the Atlantis was real, and if it was, then how it disappeared?
How were the Americas populated? Did a contingent come from Europe?
The allegations that Hitler did not die when he was said to have and that he lived for many years in another country.
What happened to the Roanoke colony?
The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.
Does the Queen wipe her own arse & if so, does she look at the paper to check when “the brown” stops?
If Mike Hawk and Mike Hunt had sex could I become a pregnant father?
Who the true perpetrator of 11/9 was (hint: inside job).
Truly, I would like to understand more of the history behind the Antikythera mechanism. How it was developed, designed and built as much as what it does.
I’d like to find and understand other advanced technologies have been lost from that time and since.
Where the hell is my other sock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who put the bop in the bop shew wop?
Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?
Is this
really ten inches?
And what about Naomi?
@Paradox25, and what about that box which was supposed to contain the answers to all that, but could not be opened so long as John John lived?
@SQUEEKY2, frozen caramel.
@dxs, one, two, three, CRUNCH! Three.
@rojo, my ancesters walked across the ice from Asia.
@Adagio,sea monster.
@ucme, she always uses so much bath oil, she is too slippery for anything to stick.
@Incoherency_ , yes.
@ragingloli, If you mean 9/11, a threat was issued, “Help us, or we ..”. GW didn’t take it seriously, so he knew it was comimg, but he didn’t beleve it.
@Jonesn4burgers Are you sure? It is much more likely that they came around on a coastal route. This could be done without having to wait for the ice to melt and land corridors to form inland. It would also explain the earlier sites in the Americas that are coming to light.
Gee, that is new for me. So someone greeted my ancesters when they got here? Maybe the human race started in more than one part of the world?
I want a clear shot of the Loch Ness Monster.
It would be interesting to watch them place the capstone on the largest Egyptian pyramid.
Watch the delivery and erection of the Sarsen stones at Stonehenge.
^^^ And the Easter Island giants!
I believe that most alien sightings are false due to visual evidence pointing to only one thing; said sightings evolving alongside man’s representation of aliens as years and cultures go by.
I would know the truth of this though. How the psychology behind aliens works.
D.B. Cooper. Somebody, somewhere knows his identity and whether he survived his parachute jump.
Back then, it was standard policy to comply with a hijacker’s demands and protect the airplane’s crew and passengers alive. Things have changed.
I can’t believe no one took Adam and Eve, if only to end the debate. Better yet, watch the first animal walk the Earth, 1,000,000 birds with 1 stone. Not a thriller, but think of the questions answered!
@ibstubro Let’s just take it to the origin of the universe then. I want to know how we came to be and what was “before” existence and time.
How about finding out what your parents saw in each other in the first place?
Or your own conception? Nah, don’t want to know.
If you are going that route, I want to see Odin slay all the Frost Giants.
That must have been a sight.
Awwwwww snap! I went there.
(sorry, @ragingloli, but ya really bring it on yuhseff.)
Actually, I wrote a response to this.
To the effect of, “You might learn more than you realize, @ragingloli, in that Odin might have had an ancestral basis in fact. An actual person that inspired the tale.
A new twist leads me to The Shroud of Turin. I doubt the true premise, but I can’t see art being that precise, either. Perhaps a recreation, with tint?
I think we can pretty safely assume we will never really know who Jack the Ripper was.
@rojo By the way, have you seen this? It’s not a solution, but apparently the mystery is even bigger.
@SavoirFaire Yes, thank you for the site, I was reading about this very thing last week maybe earlier this week, it all runs together. On the website I was viewing there were a couple of interesting items such as that the Cursus shown actually has two pathways/entrances through it, both of which point to Stonehenge, and they also discovered a pit/sinkhole that has been filled in that intrigues them because it is (I believe) in line with the heel stone.
I’m satisfied that Jack the Ripper has been identified, but I’ve never invested a lot of time in the case. It’s understandable that people who have spent a lot of time with jack are not satisfied. It’s too late in the game for a definitive answer that will allay all doubt, in my opinion.
Who was the person or group the Tempter bamboozled into thinking the “golden rule” came from men.
Aside from that, I would want to know what actually did land in Roswell, NM?
WTH happened to Elisa Lam?
Among the many mysterious elements of her case, is how did she place or who placed the heavy lid back over the opening to the water tank after she entered it?
I remember that, @Brian1946, although I’d not heard that much detail.
Thanks, and thanks for awakening one of my favorite questions.
You’re welcome, @ibstubro
I’m tempted to go to the Cecil Hotel to check out some of the aspects of her death for myself, especially that potentially creepy elevator.
There’s a man claiming to be a PI
who might go or have been to the Cecil. I’m thinking about contacting him to see if he wouldn’t mind having a totally amateur partner.
I think I read that her parents, or she and her parents, emigrated from China to Canada.
Was there something about her that seemed Vietnamese to you?
@Brian1946 well it’s just the word “Lam” in her last name. It could make a perfect Vietnamese-American name :D
I was hoping to see a Vietnamese in the spotlight :p
@ibstubro . . . yeah. the last spotlight she was in belonged to the first police officers on the scene.
OK, I have one more that has really been at me the last couple of days, did DB Cooper really get to spend the money, or did he end up wolf food in the forest?
What was Stantons involvement in the assassination of Lincoln and did he help see to it that Booth escaped and lived out the remainder of his life in relative obscurity?
Who were the perps of 9/11? Arab hijackers my ass.
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