Social Question

Kardamom's avatar

Are you a food enthusiast?

Asked by Kardamom (33607points) July 20th, 2014

One of my friends posted a survey this morning. This particular one asked How Big of a Foodie are you?

I figured that was one contest I could ace. However, they asked one question about food and wine pairings, and since I don’t drink, I couldn’t honestly say that I do the pairings, so I only got an 89%. Anyone who knows me, knows that I should have gotten a higher rating, so I came up with my own questions, just for fun.

I prefer the term Food Enthusiast, because then you can be interested in cooking and dining a little bit or a lot, and you don’t have to be snooty, nor do you have to have attended culinary school.

I think the term foodie sounds a bit pretentious anyway.

Feel free to add some of your own questions to this list, questions that would suggest that one is a true food enthusiast.

1. Do you become anxious when your Facebook friends make a posting about a restaurant they’re currently sitting in, or have dined in recently and they don’t post a picture of the meal they ordered?
2. Do you often post recipes on Facebook?
3. Do you organize and categorize your recipes on Pinterest, rather than just having one big board that says “Good Stuff”?
4. Do you own a julienne slicer?
5. Do you watch re-runs of Chopped, and Diners, Drive-ins and Dives?
6. Are you familiar with the term “mise en place”?
7. Do you have a separate bucket list, one that is just filled with restaurants you want to visit?
8. Do you spend hours and hours in Trader Joe’s?
9. Do you have a subscription to at least one food related magazine?
10. Would you rather find the perfect burrito, or the perfect pair of shoes?
11. Do you listen to Food Talk with Melinda Lee, on the radio?
12. Do you make up your own recipes to enter into cooking contests?
13. Do you have smoked paprika in your pantry?
14. Do you think that Brussels sprouts are a gourmet food?
15. Would you like to take a cheese tasting tour type of vacation?
16. Do you like sumac, or even know what sumac is?

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18 Answers

Kardamom's avatar

I’ll go first and answer my own questions.

1. Do you become anxious when your Facebook friends make a posting about a restaurant they’re currently sitting in, or have dined in recently and they don’t post a picture of the meal they ordered?

Yes, it makes me crazy when someone is describing the ooey gooey delicious pizza or dessert they’re eating and they don’t post of picture of it. I wanna see!

2. Do you often post recipes on Facebook?
Yes, but I try to limit it to about once a week. I don’t want to overwhelm people
3. Do you organize and categorize your recipes on Pinterest, rather than just having one big board that says “Good Stuff”?

Definitely. It bugs me when I go onto someone else’s Pinterest page and see something like “Good Stuff” or “Things I Want to Try” and there’s 698 pins in there and there’s no way to separate out the desserts from the mac and cheese from the Thai recipes. You have to look at all 698 pins before you can find what you are looking for.

4. Do you own a julienne slicer?
Indeed I do, in fact I now have 2. One I bought at the fair, and one I picked up at a thrift store.

5. Do you watch re-runs of Chopped, and Diners, Drive-ins and Dives?
Yes, often, and usually while I’m eating dinner or a snack. LOL.

6. Are you familiar with the term “mise en place”?
Yes, I learned that term on a radio cooking show, and I make good use of it’s definition. Look it up, you guys will like it.

7. Do you have a separate bucket list, one that is just filled with restaurants you want to visit?
Yes, there are so many great restaurants I would like to try. Especially The Greens in San Francisco.

8. Do you spend hours and hours in Trader Joe’s?
I probably go there once a week and I’m usually in there for about an hour. I love sampling the new stuff and reading the labels and just enjoying the atmosphere. They have great employees working at Trader Joe’s. No grumpy Gus’s allowed.

9. Do you have a subscription to at least one food related magazine?
I take Vegetarian Times and our household gets Sunset and Better Homes and Gardens. I like to pick up food related magazines at one of our thrift stores. They sell them for a quarter a piece. What a bargain!

10. Would you rather find the perfect burrito, or the perfect pair of shoes?
I’ve been on a quest for the best burrito my entire life. I’ve eaten some really good ones, but I’m still hoping to find the ultimate burrito.

11. Do you listen to Food Talk with Melinda Lee, on the radio?
Yes, if I happen to be driving in my car on Saturday mornings. She also has a great Website

12. Do you make up your own recipes to enter into cooking contests?
Yes. I just helped another Flutherite come up with a recipe, but we missed the deadline : (

13. Do you have smoked paprika in your pantry?
You betcha! I also have chipotle chile powder and za’atar.

14. Do you think that Brussels sprouts are a gourmet food?
Of course. I know a lot of people think they don’t like them, but if you cook them correctly, you will be treated with a wonderful surprise. I have a recipe that is similar to This One that everybody raves about, including the former sprouts haters.

15. Would you like to take a cheese tasting tour type of vacation?
This would be a dream vacation. I’m thinking Cheddar, England would be my first stop.

16. Do you like sumac, or even know what sumac is?
I love it, and thanks to 2 Jellies, I now know how to find it in the wild and turn it into a drink that is similar to lemonade.

dxs's avatar

1. Do you become anxious when your Facebook friends make a posting about a restaurant they’re currently sitting in, or have dined in recently and they don’t post a picture of the meal they ordered?
I probably don’t care that they’re at a restaurant in the first place.

2. Do you often post recipes on Facebook?
I barely even use my Facebook.

3. Do you organize and categorize your recipes on Pinterest, rather than just having one big board that says “Good Stuff”?
I don’t use Pinterest.

4. Do you own a julienne slicer?
What did she do?

5. Do you watch re-runs of Chopped, and Diners, Drive-ins and Dives?
Maybe a few quick glances while my aunt was watching and episode.

6. Are you familiar with the term “mise en place”?
Funny, I was just thinking about what this term means earlier today when two French Canadian ladies walked by.

7. Do you have a separate bucket list, one that is just filled with restaurants you want to visit?
Nah, but I want to go to the place where you get offensive service (Dick’s Last Resort).

8. Do you spend hours and hours in Trader Joe’s?
No. But I’ve been there a few times and other than the pricey meat, it’s a cool place.

9. Do you have a subscription to at least one food related magazine?
I have no magazines.

10. Would you rather find the perfect burrito, or the perfect pair of shoes?
Perfect pair of shoes, especially sitting on a thrift store rack amongst ugly, old person shoes.

11. Do you listen to Food Talk with Melinda Lee, on the radio?
No. Sorry Melinda.

12. Do you make up your own recipes to enter into cooking contests?
If my recipes entered a contest, the judges would be offended.

13. Do you have smoked paprika in your pantry?
No. That sounds depressing considering I still see Paprika as that talking spice from Blue’s Clues.

14. Do you think that Brussels sprouts are a gourmet food?
Only if you eat two at a time.

15. Would you like to take a cheese tasting tour type of vacation?
No. But I sure love cheese.

16. Do you like sumac, or even know what sumac is?
Isn’t that a plant that makes me itch? God knows what’ll happen if I consume it!

…..What’s my score? I’m afraid to know…

Kardamom's avatar

@dxs I’m afraid I don’t do math, so I can’t come up with a reliable scoring system. Maybe one of the other Jellies could come up with a scoring algorithm.

The one question you didn’t answer, was the OP question itself. Are you a food enthusiast?

ragingloli's avatar

No to all 16.
But I do enjoy watching Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver and Gennaro Contaldo cook.

El_Cadejo's avatar

1. Do you become anxious when your Facebook friends make a posting about a restaurant they’re currently sitting in, or have dined in recently and they don’t post a picture of the meal they ordered?

I don’t care that they’re at a restaurant nor do I want to see their pictures.

2. Do you often post recipes on Facebook?
Dont use facebook

3. Do you organize and categorize your recipes on Pinterest, rather than just having one big board that says “Good Stuff”?
Don’t use pinterest

4. Do you own a julienne slicer?
It’s actually called a mandolin(in your case your mandolin is fixed at 1/8”), I have one that adjusts to variable sizes but prefer to just chop stuff by hand unless I’m preparing a large meal.

5. Do you watch re-runs of Chopped, and Diners, Drive-ins and Dives?
I don’t like the reality cooking shows and guy fieri has got to be one of the biggest tools I’ve ever seen. I don’t watch tv but if I’m going to watch anything cooking related it’s more than likely Good Eats.

6. Are you familiar with the term “mise en place”?
Yes, but I almost never do it. I’m the type of person who starts cooking and decides what else I’m going to put into it along the way.

7. Do you have a separate bucket list, one that is just filled with restaurants you want to visit?
No, I have one for foods I’d like to try, but I really don’t care where it is as long as it’s good. For most of them, I’d rather home cooked than some restaurant.

8. Do you spend hours and hours in Trader Joe’s?
No, way over priced. I go in there for one thing and one thing only. Virgil’s Rootbeer.

9. Do you have a subscription to at least one food related magazine?
No, I have the internet.

10. Would you rather find the perfect burrito, or the perfect pair of shoes?
Burrito. I own one pair of shoes and more often than not, don’t wear them. Plus, burritos are amazing.

11. Do you listen to Food Talk with Melinda Lee, on the radio?
My radio pretty much permanently tuned to NPR

12. Do you make up your own recipes to enter into cooking contests?
I make my own recipes, but not for contests.

13. Do you have smoked paprika in your pantry?

14. Do you think that Brussels sprouts are a gourmet food?
Not really. They’re kinda a peasant food IMO, then again peasant food has a way of becoming “gourmet” (I’m looking at you polenta)

15. Would you like to take a cheese tasting tour type of vacation?
Seems like a bit much for cheese. I mean I love cheese, if I go somewhere and there is a tasting place nearby I’ll go, but I’m not going somewhere with the sole purpose of cheese.

16. Do you like sumac, or even know what sumac is?
Yes, I pick it pretty often, as well as a few other wild plants in my area.

AshlynM's avatar

No to most of your questions. However I do like to watch cooking shows and travel channel that involves food, like No Reservations and Bizarre Foods.

Kardamom's avatar

So @ragingloli and @talljasperman I guess you’re not foodies, nor food enthusiasts. Neiher of you even answered the Q as to whether you consider yourself to be foodies or food enthusiasts, so I’ll guess No. Please, if you are feeling tired or lazy, don’t bother to answer Q’s. It makes you look tired and lazy.

Curious as to why you even bothered to answer the Q, considering that neither of you seem to be interested in food Q’s. Are you both bored and have nothing better to do than answer Y or N to Q’s. No one on this site is particularly interested in simple Y or N answers, because they offer nothing to a real discussion. But feel free to continue to answer Y or No, with no explanation. We’ll just consider you to be tired and lazy.

@AshlynM I’m guessing that you don’t consider yourself to be a food enthusiast either, although no one has actually answered that particular Q

@eEl_Cadejo seemed slightly interested, but not really.

Thanks to all who answered.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Kardamom I’m actually quite a “food enthusiast” or which ever term you decide to call it IMO, I went to culinary school and have been working in a restaurant for the past 10 years cooking has been and I imagine will continue to be an integral part of my life. I think you just asked the wrong questions for someone like me.

Kardamom's avatar

@El_Cadejo What should I have asked?

El_Cadejo's avatar

I would think questions revolving around trying new things such as ingredients, techniques, and recipes.

The two food related tv shows you listed are pure entertainment value, there isn’t really an educational factor to either which is something I would think someone really interested in food would want, shows that answer the question of “How can I learn to be a better cook?” rather than “lets watch a fat guy eat food and say everything was the best X EVER!!!”.

I’m also not really sure how trader joe’s, wholefoods, wegmans or whatever other overpriced hipster grocery store plays into an appreciation for food. IME the best ingredients are found at farmers markets and local butchers, not grocery stores. When it comes to finding rarer spices/herbs there are many online vendors that meet that criteria at a fraction the price.
That question could remain, but in a different form, such as “Do you go out of your way to seek out new ingredients you may not have experience with?”

downtide's avatar

No to almost all of those, but I’m more an enthusiast about eating the food than cooking it.

dxs's avatar

@Kardamom I thought the answer to that was determined by the quiz.

talljasperman's avatar

@Kardamom I am interested in chicken wings from pubs. And I watch food shows on TV.

Kardamom's avatar

@talljasperman I think that qualifies you as a food enthusiast : )

KNOWITALL's avatar

I am a foodie & cook but no to your Q’s. I make everything from scratch, make up recipes, grow herbs & buy local food.

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