Maddison Avenue is a soy candle company in the UK. Use of the term, repeatedly, suggests how out-of-touch the OP is with general society on the issue at hand.
@Dan_Lyons saying that all women are sexy and beautiful is as ludicrous as @Hypocrisy_Central suggesting that overweight women are not perceived as sexy or beautiful. I don’t believe that you genuinely think all women are sexy and beautiful just because they have vaginas. If anything, your assertation should be that all humans, being reproductive beings, are sexy and attractive. Which means you find @Hypocrisy_Central a sexy and attractive man, too. How could all women be sexy and attractive if not all men?
All women are not sexy, or beautiful. There are examples of sexy or beautiful in all shapes, colors, and sizes, however.
Sexy and beautiful are not synonymous terms. Many cross-cultural studies have been done, on newborns all the way to the elderly, that have attempted to define beauty. People, as a whole, are drawn to classical facial beauty, which science has struggled to define. Some say it’s the symmetry of the face, or full lips, wide eyes, high cheekbones, whatever. In reality it’s very hard to define but we know it when we see it, babies included.
Sexy is subjective, and thank goodness for that, or I’d never get laid! I find confidence sexy. I find people that are passionate and have discovered what stirs their passion sexy. I used to work with a chef that was not handsome at all, but when he was putting together a dish and completely absorbed in the moment, I found him sexy as hell. Later, outside of the kitchen, I found him to be a total creep, but watching him cook was sexy to me. Same goes for watching the doctors in the ER. Not all are visually attractive, but watching how smart they are, and how quickly they assess a situation and can delegate orders, I think each one of them, male or female, is extremely sexy. I could give many more examples of less attractive people being very sexy to me because of their actions and attitudes, but I will spare you all.
To address the woman in the OP’s picture: she is definitely sexy to someone. My guess is a lot of people find her sexy. Lingerie is sold up to a 4x in my local shops, and there wouldn’t be a market if that size wasn’t buying it. They aren’t hiding it or covering it up. She keeps herself well groomed, which is sexy. She would not be as sexy in dirty, food crusted sweats and a bun, but neither would I. It’s presentation. And she definitely has got that presentation going on.