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Dutchess_III's avatar

OK, play "Name that new pet" game?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 22nd, 2014

Found this little guy on our back deck, huddled in a corner. We have NO idea how he could have gotten up there. It’s a two tiered deck. Here is the bottom part. To get where we found him he’d have to get into our yard, climb that first deck, then up 3 steps to the upper deck. Mom must have left him where we found him.
ANYway, looks like we have another cat. Trying to decide on a name. I suggested Funky COAL Medina, with Medina for short.
We kind of had a disagreement, then I threw out “Spot,” as a throw away name. I wasn’t serious. Rick just thought that was hilarious and that’s the name he wants. I would prefer something more dignified for someone who’s going to be part of our family for years to come.

So, which would you choose, or do you have another suggestion?

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67 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Stop or Pots (or Potsy..the flat stone you throw in Hopscotch).

Dan_Lyons's avatar

Smurfy, cause she’s so small and cute.

jaytkay's avatar

Dawww, I love black cats. I miss mine so much. They should get bad luck names so they can vastly exceed expectations.

Two Dollar Bill

And it includes lotsa nicknames:Jefferson, Twofer, Two Buck, Bill

Dutchess_III's avatar

Smurfy? But…she won’t always be tiny and cute!

Two Dollar Bill would be “Bill” for short. What if she’s a girl?

Dan_Lyons's avatar

OK, try Sheba (as in Queen of) or Blackberry.

syz's avatar

Asphalt. Crow. Eclipse. Aphelion. Ephemeris. My favorite is Penumbra — The name given to the shadow cast by a celestial object that only blocks a portion of the light.

(I used to know a lovely silver Persian named Penumbra.)

jaytkay's avatar

Two Dollar Bill would be “Bill” for short. What if she’s a girl?




jaytkay's avatar


Esedess's avatar

Cuppa Cat

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

I can’t see any picture. It said lifetime expired. Somehow, I found that amusing. Wasn’t much of a lifetime to expire so quickly, eh?
We seem to be speaking of a black cat. How about Pitch?

dxs's avatar


syz's avatar

(I also used to know a cat named Bella because of her large eyes – women used to put belladonna – a poison- in their eyes to enlarge their pupils and “look beautiful”. Also, Bezoar, named after a trichobezoar. My own cats are Melee, Havoc, and [in the past] Chaos.)

jonsblond's avatar

I like the name Stymie.

My favorite Our Gang character.

Esedess's avatar


lol~ ok… I’ll stop now…

majorrich's avatar

Lisa for female, Liam for male. Those were the names we picked for our next baby kitty.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Keep going @Esedess! I’m giggling!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Can I do Liam for a female @majorrich?

majorrich's avatar

Sure. It is a neutral form of William

Blueroses's avatar

Tiny little survivor that you didn’t ask for… I’d call him Volunteer, or “Vollie”, for short.

gondwanalon's avatar

Harry Houdini

anniereborn's avatar

Pippin…just cuz I like the name.

Pachy's avatar

Li’l Tarzan.

rojo's avatar

Ruby Tuesday You don’t know where she came from either

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Santana, for Black Magic Woman.

thorninmud's avatar

You know that new super-black material you asked about awhile back? It’s called Vantablack.

“Vanta” might work as a name.

GloPro's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe It’s a boy, I think…

GloPro's avatar

I’ve got it!

Black Cat Bone. Then call him Bone.

Black cat bone, an African American hoodoo term that transitioned heavily into blues music. Apparently all black cats have a magic bone that carries powerful mojo. Some say it brings invisibility (cats hide everywhere, right?). Some say it dissolves a would be lover’s resistance (I bet you can’t help but rub on him, right?).

I like it. Black Cat Bone. I may have to get a black cat for myself.

majorrich's avatar

Kuro Neko means “black cat” in Japanese. Good call @ragingloli

Kardamom's avatar

Mr. Black.

Esedess's avatar

The name is Hamster.

Cat Hamster!

bu bu bu buuu~ du du du

ragingloli's avatar

Call it Ebichu

Esedess's avatar

I just narrowly avoided some coworkers catching me watch that. lol~

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

If my suggestion, Pitch, doesn’t make the grade, then my vote goes to either @GloPro‘s Black Cat Bone, Or @thorninmud‘s Vanta. There are a lot of terribly clever suggestions. I believe you may have made your task more difficult for having asked!

janbb's avatar

Little Bit

Coloma's avatar

“Burglar” as in cat burglar. Seeing as how he managed to sneak onto your deck un-noticed and he is all black. Call him “Bergie” for shot.
I knew an all black cat once named “Ninja.”

anniereborn's avatar

ashes or asher or ash

cazzie's avatar

Susuwatari. It is the name of the soot sprites from ‘Spirited Away’. They are so cute and so is your little new guy.

ucme's avatar


Jonesn4burgers's avatar

HAVE YOU DECIDED YET? I am curious. I bet I’m not the only one.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m kind of waiting for Rick….

Coloma's avatar

^^^ You’re naming the cat after your husband? ;-)
Big Rick and Little Rick. Rick Jr.
You could combine ‘Feline” and “Rick” and call the cat “Frick.” lolol

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Well, I had another suggestion, but I’m not sure I can spell it right. It’s from the host of spooky movies looooong ago when really they were comical. Remember Pywacket?

Esedess's avatar

My grandma had a dog named Pywacket like 20 years ago… I didn’t know it was from anything!

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

It was kind of lame. It was called Pywacket Presents. The show would start with this black cat just walking around, and a voice supposed to be the cat. It would introduce the spooky movie, like Mrs. Clanker loses her head, whatever. I was a kid, and I thought it was the coolest.
Funny naming a dog Pywacket. The black dog on tv was Ubu. “Sit Ubu, Sit!
I guess she just liked the name. It is kinda catchy.

rojo's avatar

Is that Rick with a silent “P”?

Dutchess_III's avatar

And the answer is…Vanta! Ms. Vanta Black! Great suggestion @thorninmud! Now, if only she turns out to be a girl…..

jaytkay's avatar


Possibly the first black cat on Earth with that name!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Changing her name to Vanta Scratches! And I have the marks to prove it. She happiest when she’s chewing on human flesh.

janbb's avatar

Sounds like she may be one of our new group of Jellies! :-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL!!!! Nice @janbb! :D

dxs's avatar

That’s what I was thinking. Perhaps “Vampa” is a more appropriate name? ~

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