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Dutchess_III's avatar

Does anyone see even a modicum of believability in this post?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 24th, 2014

A Christian fb friend of mine posted this heading, with the comment “That’s RIGHT!! There is a difference in our God & theirs.”

My knee jerk reaction, of course, was “LOL!”

Then someone posted ” Our God says Live, their says Die”

I said, ” Ya’ll do realize this is satire…it’s a joke.”

My “friend” said, ” It’s the Jewish Telegraph newspaper. No, it’s not satire. A second newspaper reported similar" Walid Shoebat is a born-again-Jesus-loving-once-Jewish-killing-muslim. He knows what he’s talking about when it comes to muslim’s.

At that point I realized they were freaking serious! I was really tired after a looong day of babysiting rug rats and I could feel my blood pressure just starting to rise. I posted “Well, considering Muslims don’t believe we HAVE a God, it’s kind of a weird thing to have supposedly said. They do not recognize our god, just like we don’t recognize theirs. Plus, apparently God (Christ) is protecting JEWS, who don’t even believe that Christ was who he was.
So why isn’t he protecting everyone? Why didn’t he protect the defenseless women and children when we wiped out entire villages in Vietnam? Why not all the people in Trade Towers. Why didn’t he divert those airplanes?
Exactly who does God decide to protect? If our God says “Live,” _he must have some criteria about who is allowed to live.

And the preaching started, all very long versions of “I don’t know. You have to ask Him. Just believe in Him and he will be your savior….”

I walked away then.

This kind of thing would have driven me crazy even when I was a practicing Christian. How can they even find a scrap of anything to believe in this article?

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11 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Many theists believe Muslims are all evil . I wouldn’t engage with such close-minded people.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I didn’t. I walked away. But it’s stupidity like this that caused me to begin questioning the whole premise, you know.

And it’s not just the closed mindedness. It’s the utter RIDICULOUSNESS too.

Pachy's avatar

With regard to religion and to paraphrase Groucho Marx’s famous quote “I wouldn’t belong to any club that would have me as a member” ...

I can’t believe in any religion that believes its beliefs are more valid than those any other religion.

GloPro's avatar

Maybe their God created the heat seeking missiles through the hands of a man worshiping our God?

syz's avatar

That’s what the “Block user” button is for.

rojo's avatar

Looks like something I would expect from The Onion.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s exactly who I thought it originated from, but I guess it wasn’t. Just dropped my jaw when I realized they were taking this seriously.

whitenoise's avatar

One problem with Islam is that if you don’t know much about the religions:

*) Mohammed (pbuh) was not merely a prophet, he also was a worldly leader that implemented a lot of laws in his days and was engaged in warfare. If one knows little about his life and teachings, it is easy to pickup on some of the harsh Sharia statements and believe Mohammed would support violence.

*) Jesus never was a worldly leader, so he could focus on the soft side of love and forgiveness. If one knows little about Christ, it is hard to not know he died on the cross, stood for forgiveness and preached love.

Islam is therefore – in my mind – more easily hijacked by violent fanatics than Christianity. (And also Christianity has been hijacked in the (recent) past.)

It is ironic that many of the Sharia laws we now perceive as harsh and barbaric were liberal, modern and relatively soft when first introduced by Mohammed. Many of the values we now cherish in the Christian’ world as modern, forgiving and good, such as gender equality, no torture and protection of individual rights were actually hard fought for by humanists during the last 100 years.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Good justification for not being religious. I’ll never get why religious nuts are so serious. It’s one thing to be spiritual and believe in a higher power but this is just batshit crazy. We gave plenty of christian fanatics too. Crazy has no specific borders, race and apparently religion as well.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It is just batshit crazy. That was a friend in real life, too. Total hypocrite.

bluish's avatar

It’s all about brainwashing.

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