Do you really believe that there are people who have everything going 100% right for them ?
Asked by
July 24th, 2014
Are there people who could possibly not have any problems coming from anywhere? Health, job, family, money, everything ticking along perfectly. Can that really happen. As far as I know you may have one or maximum two and not have all the others. Do you know someone with zero problems?
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13 Answers
No, everyone has their problems. Some more intense than others, some pretty fricken’ petty, but no one gets through life without some difficulty.
No-we all do have problems some are important some are not, but what is the most important what might seems for you like a big problem, might not mean anything to somebody else.
Different people different problems
We don’t know what problems other people have or what things bother and upset them. People may appear to have everything, but they’re dealing with problems from their childhood, they may feel their boss hates them, they may feel they’re not achieving their goals or something else. I’m very happy with my life and I certainly don’t have any major problems (touching wood). However, I still have things that upset or worry me.
I agree with all the no’s above. Think about how you appear, or at least think you appear, to others and what you choose not to reveal about your life
It seems to be human nature to somehow create problems and drama for ourselves, even if one is fortunate to be born into great privilege. Even the folks who have a strong, healthy body and mind, and a loving, supportive family will experience heartbreak and loss along the way. We all face adversity to some extent – what matters is whether we are able to handle it with integrity, or if our spirit is broken by it.
Of course not, its how you deal with the shit that counts.
One semester in college, I lived in a dorm that was specifically designed to accommodate people with physical challenges. There was a guy who was my age and was paralyzed from the neck down. He controlled his chair via series of puffs in a tube near his face. You know how many problems this guy had? None. He had challenges, like we all do. And his challenges certainly seemed larger than mine. But here was a guy who two years prior was an athlete and took a bad fall while riding his bike off his porch. How was it that I felt burdened with mountains of problems, yet this guy seemed free from such things?
It appears to me now that one of my greatest “problems” was that I didn’t want any “problems”. We want things to be one way, and they are another. And we don’t like that. But what if we can see our problems as challenges?
And as others have mentioned, it seems to be our nature to generate dissatisfaction. This image is appropriate. “But the grass is greener elsewhere!” Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe the grass where we stand is perfectly green enough. Maybe it’s significantly greener than somewhere else. And maybe that perfectly-green lawn of your carefree neighbors looks brown to them. However we see it, the grass doesn’t stay the same. It lives, it dies, it gets eaten by other creatures, it grows again, and it flowers. If we’re demanding green, then we might be missing the point.
Most people seem to compare their insides with someone else’s outside. But we all have our own personal hell, it’s how we accept that life is difficult yet we persevere that shows character.
I thought about this for a while before I answered. What it boils down to is – I don’t know and I don’t care.
They might have everything going their way, they may not. It doesn’t affect me at all. It’s their life. I won’t be jealous if they do, and I won’t be gloating if they don’t.
The way I see it, their life (success or failure) is their life. Just as I wouldn’t want someone evaluating MY life, it is not my place to evaluate THEIRS. It’s an invasion of their autonomy, and it’s none of my damned business.
Good or bad.
Nope, not at all. Just because the grass seems greener on the other side does not mean anything, it is just an illusion. Everybody has their own downfalls, problems and issues. They might be looking at my life thinking that my yard is greener, who knows. I have no reason to want their life and depending on the situation, as long as I am not affected, I don’t care, and I won’t even pretend to care what they are thinking.
Nope. I know this guy whose life is basically perfect on paper, but he’s depressed. I don’t think this is a coincidence. Happiness is not correlated with anything physical like wealth, health, or luck. I think this is because we develop our coping skills on an as-needed basis. My buddy was miserable because he hadn’t had experienced hardship to develop the skills to handle small stuff. Yet sometimes people with horrible diseases are happier than luckier ones, because they know how to cope. To me this means that the quality of a life cannot be set by its circumstances.
No. Some people are just better at hiding them. My sister, for example. Everything in her life must appear to be perfect. Absolutely perfect.
I hope that some Alzheimer’s patients do. Sincerely. If they’ve lost touch with the outside world, I truly hope that some of them are able to create a little bubble of heaven, here on Earth. Wouldn’t it be glorious if you ‘Groundhog Day’d the most perfect days of your life? People tend to assume Alzheimer’s patients are miserable. I hold out hope that many of them are perfectly happy in a world of their own choosing.
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