Social Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Care to be a part of the accent challenge (part 3)?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23824points) July 25th, 2014

From a request of some jellies :P And also an attempt to resurrect these two challenges

The rule’s simple: go to Audioboo and just speak naturally. You can say anything, as long as you’re speaking naturally and not reading something. Show us your accent!

“Anything” means anything: a good story, a feeling of yours, something about you or someone you know… You get the picture.

Who wants to accept this challenge?

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10 Answers

AshLeigh's avatar

Cringing If I’m the only person who does this, I’m going to be really annoyed.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That was funny AshLeigh! Oh, alright. I got your back, just like I got your back in chat. Hang on!

Dutchess_III's avatar says I already have an account under my user name….

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh…I can’t. I don’t have a mic or a web cam.

AshLeigh's avatar

Probably because you did it when Jude asked the question.
That’s okay. I forgive you. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, if you really want to hear my voice…well, Here

dxs's avatar

Since it’s just you three…here’s mine:
I can’t do it without realizing my accent so it’s not official.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s called TeePeeing a house @dxs.
You are SO Massachusetts!

AshLeigh's avatar

My favorite part was the throat clearing at the beginning. And “Uh, GPOY.”

dxs's avatar

Haha. Hate to admit it but I’m usually even worse with the accent. But I’m also good at hiding it. Thank God they didn’t ask me to pronounce drawer or drawing.

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