With what are you okay?
This occured to me in the chat room, and I could have asked it there, but with people in and out, it would require quite a lot of re-asking and re-answering.
We like to shorten each other’s names, but some of us have preferences.
Do you have (a) preference(s), and if so, what do you feel okay with?
Someone called me J4B in the CR, and I thought it was terribly clever. Who has time to type Jonesn4burgers? Even Jones is long for typing in the now.
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83 Answers
I’m fine with Ash. That’s what most of you call me in there, and I like it just fine.
I’ll also answer to AL.
Can’t do much with y name. haha
I’m okay with ending a sentence a preposition with, and I’m sure that Yoda agrees! ;-p
Otherwise, I’m okay with Brian, Bri, and B.
I was called BDog once, which is fine, but please don’t be disappointed if my Anne Hathawayingly-embarrassing “rapper” persona stays wrapped.
People used to call me DD here, back in the day, which was both funny, and okay with me. Or they’d call me by my real name. But really, people can call me whatever – in chat or out.
I’ve been referred to as LLL and LLL21, which is fine with me, but if it’s used in a thread as a way to respond to something I said, I may not see it. I don’t necessarily read every answer that comes after mine, but I do skim through, and really only the highlighted @s catch my eye.
Can’t do much with Downtide but DT would be cool.
I’m fine with whatever (read my profile-I’ve been called lots of stuff)! LOL
Some folks just say “Cookie”, forgetting all about the “man” — which makes perfect sense if you knew me in real life.
I’m fine with anything. But I feel the most welcome when called “Mimi”. It feels like a friend is calling me.
I don’t do chat, but if I did, my name here is short enough.
@ucme, do chat, sometime. It would be a kick.
GQ! I sometimes wonder how I should refer to people when I send PMs or in chat.
I go by Kat in the real world.
I’m going to move this to Meta, since it’s about how we interact with each other on Fluther.
@ucme Nah, I chat via pm, that way I get to speak with folks I like, one on one.
Pointless entering a chatroom when there’s folks in their I can’t stand.
^^ Apparently, I chat to myself hee-hee.
I’ll answer to Thorn or Thorny (call me Mud, though, and I may ignore you).
Actually, dxs is already short for dxsanderbertson.
I use J4B and Jonesy for you, @Jonesn4burgers. Maybe Jonesn4.
I’m good with most things, IBS being the easiest, meaning both In Building Suspension (high school) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I generally dislike “Stu” as it implies a familiarity that generally isn’t there.
In reality, I need a new nickname, I just don’t know how it would change things here on Fluther.
@ibstubro Maybe you can tell us what you want to be called in the chatroom here :p
You’re fine, Mimi. Whatever. I meant that I probably need to change ibstubro to something else, but don’t know the ramifications.
it’s amazing how many people have put ‘turbo’ in there.
I’ve been called Sea, clouds, and SOC. All of those are fine with me.
Can’t get much easier than syz.
People shorten my name to Sym a lot, some use my real name. I’m fine with it all, hell call me dirty names for all I care haha.
Sometimes I sign my own PM’s with just K and sometimes I’ve been called Kay which is fine too, as long as everybody knows that I’m Kardamom, that’s OK by me.
@ibstubro, Yes, I recall that it was you who started the J4B. I thought it was terribly clever of you. Had I thoughrt of it first I would have suggested it already. I only hadn’t mentioned you by name because you hadn’t posted yet. I apologize for refering to you with a familiar which makes you uncomfortable. How glad I am I asked.
@ucme, there you are! Come to chat, then stand in a corner and talk to yourself! tee hee. I would love to hear your accent echoing off those spacious walls sometime.
@dxs, I was wondering what it stood for.
@downtide, DT works for me, any addicts bothered by it? haha
@Kardamom, awww, I was hoping we could call you MOM.
@hearkat, EARWORM??!!?? The imagery will haunt me for days! Ick, icky, ick!
@Jonesn4burgers Ha Ha, I wouldn’t respond. I don’t have any kids. A few people, in the beginning thought my name was me saying that I am Karda’s Mom, as if Karda was my kid. Actually it’s a take on the spice cardamom.
@ibstubro Maybe your new nickname could be ibsumacbro. Ha Ha Ha!
Or just sumac for short.
@EVERYBODY – thanks for clearing things up! I hope all will let us know. I have seen some switching in chat I took for discomfort at not being sure.
Those of you who claim to not care, be certain of that. There are a few of us comics who will take you to task with that :-)
Bah. Everytime I go in chat, everyone leaves, anyway. :D
Hey Sym sym, Hop in when I’m there. We’ll chat it up, friend! :-)
Hi Sym. I’ll go in anytime with you. it’s been fun lately.
ANythings fine. April, Ape, KIA usually. I shorten you guys cause my cell doesnt autofill.
You can call me dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
if you want.
Funny guy! ^^ You flew right off my screen onto the floor.
@ADirondack Better than Cackle & Apeshit!
@Coloma “Can’t do much with my name.”
What are you talking about? Laur, Laur-meister, Laur-e-lie, the Laurster, Laurna-Doone, etc., etc.
Actually, my husband has always called me Lor. Apparently, the name Lori is just too long and needs to be shortened.
@SadieMartinPaul Haha…well I meant ” Coloma”, you could call me “Co.” lol
I have been called ” Colonic” and “Colona” before. The high Colonic. haha
“My precious Collum!” has a nice Ring to it!
You have to imitate a cat coughing up a hairball as you say it.
I might have used “Kmom” before? Probably ignored.
Whatever you want stubby! lol
@Coloma To tell the truth, the first time I saw your name I pictured “a big mom” :p
So would you be OK if I call you “MA”? ~
I was thinking Oma was cute!
@ibstubro Sure, is Little Stub okay for you? lol
Big Mother and Little Stub, we sound like a couple of bikers.
Wait! I’ve got it @ibstubro
We’ll call you IBS! haha
Irritable Bowel or In Building suspension, @Coloma
Some people have used jb, but I’ve seen jb used for @janbb and a former user named jbfletcherfan. They were both here before me so I don’t feel right having that used for me.
I’ve had several users call me blond. That’ll work.
Big Stub and Little Mother? I think we have the start of a screenplay!
I think the shortest I’ve gone with @jonsblond is jonsb?
I don’t really care what people call me. So far Fluther people don’t seem to call me much at all.
UPDATE: I also like being called Ashtray, which Michael_Huntington started. It’s my favorite.
It takes a little time for people to get familiar with what new members will flow with, Misfit, @Earthbound_Misfit.
^^^ We could spell your name backwards… Orbutsbi. haha I like that!
I understand your name backwards more than I do forwards, @ibstubro.
sxd just needs vowels. I’ll buy an“e”, Pat!
Wheeeeeel, I hope THAT doesn’t cost me a fortune!
@jonsblond but that reminds me of another ET. That guy was a pro.
The first ET that comes to my mind was trying to phone home @Kardamom. (and that other ET is no longer here.)
It’s cool if you want to call me Mariah, but my name is actually Rachel, and I’m fine with being called that too. Ray is cute too. I know that’s the male spelling of the nickname, but I fancy myself a little ray of sunshine (ha).
YouARE a little Ray of sunshine!
In chat, folks call me snow, berry, or sb. What ever…:D
@CWOTUS No, I’m Batman!
oh wait… I changed my user name here….nevermind….
”You are privy to a great becoming.”
It seems I am becoming SHS or Stoke. These are fine.
You can also call me Shit For Brains, Ignorant or Asshole, whatever serves your need at the time.
But, @SecondHandStoke, if we call you “Shit For Brains, Ignorant or Asshole”, how will you distinguish yourself from the crowd??
Oh, I will distinguish myself from the crowd.
Trust me.
Just call at all.
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