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Dutchess_III's avatar

Care to share what's on your mind at the moment?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 26th, 2014

This thread is for when you have a random thought that isn’t good enough to be a question, and there isn’t a question around where it would fit. There are no rules, except you can’t rant about other Jellies, and no flame baiting. Other than that, you can talk about anything at all. I’d appreciate it if ya’ll would kinda keep your clothes on, though. Or at least turn off the lights if you’re going to have a pancake party. :D

I will start:

Conspiracy theorists are often very, very religious. It occurred to me yesterday, during a mild discussion with one, that they all miss the BIGGEST conspiracy of all: Historically religions have been used by governments to control the masses via fear, intimidation and threats of hell and excommunication.
It’s the very reason the separation of church and state was incorporated into the American Constitution.

So that’s my thought for today. And, also, fried green tomatoes are pretty good. Had them for the first time last night.

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43 Answers

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XOIIO's avatar

…Why do my balls smell like bleach?


Berserker's avatar

Conspiracy theorists annoy the fuck out of me, as most of their claims are wrought of opinions and science fiction movies, logic and common sense are rarely present. Most of em just seem to want everyone to think they know something we all don’t.
When something is shrouded in mystery, it’s easy to make shit up about it and get all outrageous. Chances are, pyramids were nothing more than tombs. People wonder about them because we don’t know how they were built, but nobody talks about huge medieval cathedrals, since we know how those came to be. And those are a lot more complex and intricate than pyramids…
It’s not because we don’t know how Stonehenge or the Easter Island heads came to be that it automatically means aliens placed them there, or that George Bush did it through time travel.

It’s not that I don’t believe in aliens or the inner machinations of crooked governments, far from it. The problem is conspiracy theorists not being able to convince me, as their explanations revolve around some primitive mindset that belongs in the medieval times.

XOIIO Go to the ball washer, now.

XOIIO's avatar

@Symbeline Lol, I can picture a homeless guy at a golf course doing that.

kritiper's avatar

Lunch, and doing the dishes.

Coloma's avatar

Feeling like crap in the midst of a raging wildfire over here. Thinking ” OMG..I have to go now ” and I am dying from smoke related sinus misery and do not want to leave the house.

jca's avatar

I’m on the deck. It’s so beautiful out. I want to clean my floor (which I will probably do on my hands and knees, naked) and then take another shower, since I will feel dirty afterwards. I am making egg salad for a late lunch and the eggs are boiling now. Then I am going to cut up stuff to make chicken soup for dinner, which I will do later on.

I am taking my daughter to a birthday party tomorrow and I don’t particularly look forward to that, but it may be interesting. The party is given by a classmate who lives on a horse farm.

After I clean my floor and take a shower and have my late lunch, I am going to read a New Yorker article that I have been reading, about Chris Christie and the corrupt NJ politics.

Kardamom's avatar

I’m debating whether or not to pry my arse out of this chair and go on over to the ice rink where it will be cool. I don’t have any skates right now, and the one that they rent are horrendous. I was just going to watch the skaters and possibly bring my book and just sit and read for awhile, in the coolness. Unfortunately, my arse, seems to be stuck to this chair.

Coloma's avatar


I am just so upset right now. :-(!bndRLi

The evacuation for people and livestock/animals is at the fairgrounds a mile from me. They just rescued a 200 lb. Tortoise. The devastation is horrible, beautiful homes and wilderness on fire.

Kardamom's avatar

@Coloma Oh dear, we just went through that. We, luckily didn’t have to evacuate, but some friends of ours did. Make sure you have your important papers, and photographs in a box (with handles so it’s easy to carry) or even put them in a laundry basket, so you can grab and go at a moment’s notice. You also might want to put a sleeping bag, a tarp and a pillow in your car and leave it there. If you have to evacuate, you never know where you might have to lay your head for the night. The tarp will keep your sleeping bag dry and clean.

wildpotato's avatar

My sick mama goat, Chicory. Her previous owner allowed her to become severly, falling-down anaemic from internal parasites by keeping her in not ideal conditions, not worming her and letting her nurse “a few” extra kids in addition to her own two. After a week with us she’s finally getting a bit better with the clean pasture, fresh air, and meds, but we were thinking that she might not make it for a short time there.

talljasperman's avatar

Has anyone played D&D as a commoner? Or with ranks in commoner?

jonsblond's avatar

Why do I have such a hard time finding a friend who enjoys the same activities that I do? I would love to have a friend to go kayaking, biking, fishing or hiking with. The women I’ve met would rather go for cocktails, go shopping or do scrapbooking at church. That sounds so boring to me.

Coloma's avatar

@jonsblond Scrapbooking, gah.
Lets go fishing I’ll bring the happy brownies. haha

talljasperman's avatar

Has anyone else pre-ordered Civ 6 Beyond Earth? I get my copy in October.

jonsblond's avatar

@Coloma all the cool people are on fluther. why do you have to live so far away?!

Coloma's avatar

@jonsblond I know…damn it all!

Well…the horrible “Sand” fire burning over here has hit 4,000 acres. Last tanker drop of the night, it is raging out of control, over 750 firefighters on scene and NOW a new fire in Yosemite. Burn California burn!
Right now I am thinking how sad I am as it rages towards my old home of 8 years about 10 miles south of me right now.

Massive evacuations going on, 5 homes destroyed and many more homes threatened in these rugged and parched hills. A night in hell descends. :-(

Haleth's avatar

I would like to visit the Very Large Array.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I remember reading about the VLA in astronomy class. VLA sounded so…mysterious and other-worldly. Turned out ‘VLA” just stood for….Very Large Array. I thought “OK. When are they going to come out with a HGGHHA? (A Huge, Gigantic, Ginormous, Humongously Huge Array.)

Man, Rick and I went road trippin’ like we do every Saturday and so now it looks like there’s a good chance we could buy a new house.. It’s stones throw from my son’s house. (I already checked. He’s cool with me moving in half a block away!)

Dutchess_III's avatar

And I’m wondering if we’re doing all the right things for Vanta. Like Rick said, that’s the smallest thing without a Mommy we’ve ever had in this house.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I know one person who used to write on Facebook: “People get mad at you when you treat them the same way they treat you”. That person behaves exactly like the “people” they were talking about…

Dutchess_III's avatar

I wonder why so many women are posting crap on fb like “I’m fine until you piss me off than I’m a bitch from hell,” kind of crap. Why do they do that?

Haleth's avatar

@Dutchess_III It’s a mystery for the ages! And a LOT of women I know do it.

And the misattributed Marilyn Monroe quotes, dear god.

jonsblond's avatar

I just realized as I stepped outside and shivered that I’ve worn my sweatshirt more this summer than I have my swimsuit.

Dutchess_III's avatar

ALL the quotes are misattributed. I like the one that says, “Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.”~ Abraham Lincoln.

@jonsblond I know. Had 3 scorching days then woke up to fall blowing in through my window again this morning.

I wish like hell that realtor would call me back.

dxs's avatar

I want to learn a new song on the guitar but don’t know which one.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Creepypastas are just made up stories, but there was a time when I believed them :p

Dutchess_III's avatar

@dxs Smoke On The Water.

dxs's avatar

@Dutchess_III Skip the clichés, I know them all.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Pfffft! Here’s your sign,!

Serious question…can you do Classical Gas?

dxs's avatar

@Dutchess_III Gotta love Wayne’s World. But I don’t know who/what Classical Gas is. We’ll see…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, wow! Well, put this in your pipe and smoke it! :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

And, of course, Tommy Emmanuel.

Those two should keep you busy for the next year or two!

dxs's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar

ha ha ha!!! :D Tommy Emmanuel is flippin awesome. Some of his songs, you swear you can hear lead guitars and drums and…a whole band, and it all comes from his guitar. Might spend sometime listening to him.

Kardamom's avatar

@Dutchess_III Although this refers more to stupid e-mails, this is kinda like what you’re talking about regarding stupid FB postings.


Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh really!!


rojo's avatar

It pisses me off that you have to sit though all this recorded bullshit to leave a message on a cellphone only to be told that “The mailbox is full, no more messages can be left. Please try again later”.

WTF! If it was full why did you not just say so instead of kicking me to the mailbox only to kick me out?

Why can you not have a message saying that the owner of this mailbox is either to lazy or incompetent to empty their mailbox so we are cutting off their service until they do so?

Dutchess_III's avatar

:D I have a secret for you. If you push # it interrupts the message and takes you straight to the mailbox. USUALLY it’s #, but with some carriers it’s *. The problem with hitting the wrong one is that thephone will assume you’re the user and want to change settings on your voicemail and it asks you for your code. Then you have to start all over.

rojo's avatar

can you pretend to be the user and delete all the old messages?

Dutchess_III's avatar

If you know the code you can!

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