Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Women, would you force your man to sit?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33649points) August 3rd, 2014

This is from Slate’s website – I saw it a couple of weeks ago and couldn’t believe it was real. But it appears to be:


The original writer might have a point, cleanliness wise. We have only her word on that.

But what does it say about her?

Women, would you require a male to sit?

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45 Answers

LuckyGuy's avatar

After my prostate surgery and its associated recovery, I learned a few tricks of the trade.
Rather than sitting, have the guy pee into am 18 oz Solo cup. That offers all kinds of advantages.

- There is absolutely no mess.
– You can easily weigh it for data collection.
– You save water by reducing the need for flushing. Just pour it down the sink and chase it with a hand wash and/or tooth brushing.
– In the winter you can leave the full cup on the counter to extract the body heat. (not recommended unless living alone)
– While the groin area is still swollen from surgery it might take 3 minutes to fully empty. The cup allows the guy to “go mobile” and use his computer to read email or use the phone while draining.

Store the cup on the back of the toilet tank. Solo cups come in two colors, red and blue, to either match your decor or your political affiliation.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Uh, no. I can’t even imagine the look on my husband’s face if I tried to tell him how to pee, whether it be sitting or in a separate container. I’m just not sure what kind of man has such an aiming problem that the floor is wet when he’s done. That’s gross. I guess if my guy couldn’t urinate like a boy over the age of 10, I might feel differently, but even my half-blind husband hardly even gets anything on the rim, let alone anywhere else. I’m not a clean freak by any means, but my bathroom isn’t covered in urine thanks to my standing-while-peeing spouse.

He doesn’t tell me how to use the bathroom and I’m not going to tell him how to do it either. He’s an adult.

dappled_leaves's avatar

In some parts of the world (e.g., Germany), it is culturally unacceptable for men to pee standing. They are taught to sit from a young age. It’s not because “women force them to”.

hearkat's avatar

“Force”? I’m not a gun owner, so I don’t know how else I might force someone to do something if they didn’t want to.

I did train my son to pee sitting down; but once he saw his father standing, that was the end of that.

It is the men who clean the bathrooms in our household; so any messes they make are theirs to clean up.

cazzie's avatar

I wish. I had three men in the house whose attitude was ‘close enough is good enough’ and NONE of them ever cleaned a toilet. Now I just have the little man and his wild, inattentiveness at the bowl.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

@hearkat you’ve trained them well!

canidmajor's avatar

Force? Really? Force? Absurd. I would ask him to sit, because I have never met anyone with a stream so clean there’s no spatter. If he must (simply must) stand, he can clean the bathroom himself.
I have spent a number of years racing, working, living on sailboats, and for safety it was required that the men sit. No one had a problem with that.

If his sense of his manhood is so tied up with standing to pee, then the chances are pretty good that I wouldn’t want to be with him anyway.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Of course not. The toilet has to be cleaned regularly anyway. It won’t hurt a thing to have a few drops of pee on the rim, or on the floor, for a few dasy.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@hearkat LOL! Same here! When my son learned he could pee standing up that’s all he wanted to do, everywhere that he could! That went on for about 3 months. :D One time I pulled the toilet to lay new linoleum down on the bathroom floor. Little Chris came in, saw the hole in the floor and got very excited and immediately peed in it. I mean, everywhere he could. Outside against the fence, in the bushes, everywhere. He just thought that was the greatest thing ever.

LuckyGuy's avatar

For the more well-endowed crowd there are few things as disgusting as having the tip dip into the dirty water below or brush against the underside of the toilet bowl rim while sitting. Bleeech!!!!
(Not that I would know. )

ucme's avatar

She has to be taking the piss.

rory's avatar

Well, I don’t date men, but I do live in a college dorm during the school year. There are four guys and ten girls on my hall. Two of the four guys pee sitting down anyway (I don’t know why, but I don’t really understand male urination practices, and tend not to care to). The other two leave the toilet seat up and sometimes drip. I accept that it’s pretty much a part of how their bodies work. They should be considerate, but I figure that when they screw up and aren’t, it’s akin to me leaving a tampon wrapping on the floor or something.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Um no. ‘force’ is not what my marriage is about & he has his own bathroom so non issue.

ibstubro's avatar

I learned to pee standing up and I hate to pee sitting down. It seems like the only way to get the last bit out is to stand up and turn around, and by then I’ve dripped on the seat. If I’m already sitting for one order of business, I’ll usually stand to do the other, especially if I’m in a public restroom with a urinal.

jonsblond's avatar

We have one bathroom and three adult men in the house and I rarely find urine on the seat or bathroom floor. I keep anti-bacterial wipes near the toilet for any accidents, but that only happens when my husband has had too much to drink.

I don’t care how you piss, just please close the door when you do.

cazzie's avatar

I was trying to potty train my little one to sit, but his fathers ego seemed hurt that I would train his son to sit, so i settlede on getting him to dab with a bit of paper so there was no drip on his pants. Even that seemed a threat to masculine practices. Now that his father is out of the picture, he washes his hands more, but we still need to work on toilet aim and cleanliness. Toward the end of the relationship, he used his urine and cigarette butts to be passive aggressive.

trailsillustrated's avatar

He would think I had lost my damn mind to even mention it. I never see pee anywhere but where it should be anyway. Interestingly, I was previously married to a vp at a large american company. That guy peed all over the place it was gross. I think it was an anger thing.

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FireMadeFlesh's avatar

The best solution here is the one used in Amsterdam Schipol Airport – they have little stickers of flies inside the toilet bowl. Us men are amused by such things, and can’t help but aim very accurately for the fly. I heard it reduced the airport cleaning bill by several million dollars annually.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I honestly don’t understand why, if one can’t pee directly into the bowl, one can’t also clean up afterwards. This applies to women as well as men.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@dappled_leaves – timing. Peeing takes 20 seconds. Cleanup takes longer. It makes a hit-and-run visit into a lengthy stay. And from a priority point of view, the important action (urination) was already accomplished.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@elbanditoroso “the important action (urination) was already accomplished”

So, it basically means the pee-er has no respect for anyone but him/herself. Well, that’s not surprising, I just hoped there might be a reason forthcoming as to why that is so frequently expressed through urination.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@dappled_leaves – are you trying to guilt me using pee-er pressure?

dappled_leaves's avatar

@elbanditoroso No, I’m just trying to pee-er into your soul!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Women can fix this! All they need to do is say: “John, Do you have any idea how much it excites me to find the toilet area sparkling clean after you use it? It makes me want to return the favor and excite you between the sheets.”
Done! Guys would be walking around all day with Mr Clean Magic Scrubbers in their back pockets! And the toilet would glisten like a pair of boobs in a coed shower!

elbanditoroso's avatar

@LuckyGuy – aha, you want to use psychology and a rewards system. You’re probably right in that you will (as the saying goes) catch more flies with honey.

However, is that approach, on a very simple level, prostitution? Is the spouse, in this case, selling her sexual goods for a very low price? (a clean toilet)

A side issue (sorry, unfortunate choice of words in at least two ways)—among gay couples, is this a similar contentious problem?

livelaughlove21's avatar

I agree with @elbanditoroso. I tend to shy away from using sex as a weapon, especially when these are things that you should probably be doing anyway. Having sex with your spouse shouldn’t be a reward for cleaning a toilet and sex shouldn’t be the incentive for a dude to wipe up his urine after he uses the bathroom. He should clean up after himself without being bribed. I mean, offering sex for a task will usually work for a guy – it certainly would for my husband – but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to do it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

To me, the idea of exchanging sex for house work speaks to one very immature individual who won’t do what they should do without getting a cookie. Does she get some sort of award for keeping the toilet clean?

As my dad used to say, “You can shake and shake all you please, but the very last drop goes in your BVD’s.”

Question men…why don’t you use a dab of toilet paper to clean up the last bit?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Dutchess_III -

I learned it as follows:

“No matter how you shake and dance
The last few drops go down your pants”

same idea.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But why don’t the guys use a bit of TP instead of just dripping about?

livelaughlove21's avatar

@elbanditoroso I thought it was, “if you shake it more than twice, you’re playing with it.” ~

Dutchess_III's avatar

Fine. I’ll ask a question!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Ah Grasshopper… you miss the point…. You are not merely exchanging sex for a toilet bowl cleaning .
You are training the dumb sap the same way Pavlov’s trained his dogs. He will learn that doing something nice for her is appreciated. He tries to please her as she tries to please him.
Life is give and take. If is wasn’t, 95% of all oral sex would stop. ~

livelaughlove21's avatar

@LuckyGuy I must give the other 5%, because I don’t do it for the “take.”

LuckyGuy's avatar

@livelaughlove21 Call me. My number is 867–5309.

trailsillustrated's avatar

@LuckyGuy hahaha good one- but it’s 857… @Dutchess_III surely you remember tommy tutone…

dappled_leaves's avatar

@trailsillustrated Apparently, we can call him Jenny.

Mariah's avatar

Jesus, no. I hate controlling behavior applied to me and I won’t apply it to my S.O.

But I’m also not the least bit squeamish and have my own bathroom-related idiosyncrasies that I ask my partner to accept, so I might be an unusual case.

stanleybmanly's avatar

What women never realize and a lot of men are very slow (as well as surprised) to discover is that with age, the accuracy and force of a man’s stream degrades considerably. Young men can knock insects out of the air at ten feet and conclude by shutting things off without drip of a single drop. Peeing while standing is an ingrained habit that’s difficult to suspend. To further frustrate the opportunities to sit, as men advance in age, they are swamped by plumbing indignities which increase the urgency to urinate. It’s nature’s revenge on we hapless men, who when young could not appreciate either the frequency or the rush of lady friends to reach the throne. Unless your offending man lives in his pajamas, you’re probably wasting your time trying to force him to sit. Better to point to the evidence of his inaccuracy and hold him accountable to quick and THOROUGH removal of the evidence.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@stanleybmanly is nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for Peeing – what a well stated point!!!

MollyMcGuire's avatar

No. There is something cute about the way guys from 3 to 60 look from behind when they are peeing. Dripping has never been a problem, much less missing the toilet bowl.

LuckyGuy's avatar

And remember,... When peeing with your little brother, Never Cross The Streams!

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