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talljasperman's avatar

If all of Earth's culture and knowledge is deleted how much of it can you save from your memory?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) August 3rd, 2014

I personally can restore some of the television programming (no special effects yet) and some of western culture . What knowledge can you salvage after a disaster? Family recipes put on assembly lines and songs included. Every thing worth keeping.

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7 Answers

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Not much, we are not really designed to remember details. However, almost all of the collective information is present just spread out between everyone. We could get some of the important stuff back. We lose information all the time. Most of the engineers who worked on Apollo are retired or dead so Nasa effectively “forgot” how to go to the moon since this information was not cascaded down the line. We can figure it out again and it would be easier this go around but it will not happen soon. Unless we archive and maintain information we don’t really have it.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I can restore some songs, some movies, and a little of random culture I may be able to restore superstition and religion too but I choose not to :P But then everything will be really messy. You can’t recognize any clear culture based on what I have restored.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

About 240,000 Gigs of random stuff.

ragingloli's avatar

Nothing, because it is all deleted.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Why would you want to? Seriously, if modern culture were to end, what possible use would knowing the episodes of The Brady Bunch be?

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

From the top of my head, I could make either complete or incomplete designs for much of our modern technology. This would include the internal combustion engine, a basic water pump, about half of the periodic table and a basic understanding of chemistry, an AC or DC electric motor/generator, a basic battery, an old style TV, an x-ray machine with film, a basic understanding of optics, most stringed instruments, the jet engine and aeronautical control surfaces, and a basic understanding of weather systems, amongst other things. I think my primitive little village would do okay. However the missing link in all of this is materials science, and knowledge of how to extract various elements and make appropriate compounds from them. But thanks to me people would know these things were possible, and then they’d have to iron out the wrinkles themselves.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

The alien civiliZation was able to download every last bit of data directly from my brain.

They found our solutions to be crude but ingenious.

One individual was absolutely fixated on the concept of the phonograph.

It? was struck by the idea that music stored and reproduced mechanically could provide enough warmth and color to move the listener emotionally.

They found it endearing that we so often held to rudimentary tools “for aesthetic reasons.” I tried to explain that some unsophisticated devices were capable of possessing character, a soul if you will. They appreciated this though I do not believe they never fully understood.

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