Boys in the bathroom question: Why don’t the guys use a bit of TP instead of just dripping about after they're finished peeing?
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That’s what shaking is for.
There isn’t any TP available when you’re at a urinal, and nowhere to put it if you garb some first.
Most boys learn to not be messy by the time they are 7 or 8. And how so many seem to piddle on the floor has always baffled me.
Yeah, shaking is usually good enough, but sometimes I do use a bit of TP—if that makes me “effeminate”, that’s kind of the least of my worries…
My dad always used to say, “You can shake and shake all you please but the very last drop goes in your BVD’s.”
I can’t imagine shaking working very well.
@zenvelo So… why isn’t there an outcry for toilet paper at urinals? It seems to be a universally-accepted truth that shaking doesn’t cut it.
@DominicX What the heck is “effeminate” about not wanting to get pee on your clothes? Haha.
Shake, Dab, Trouser…my personal routine.
My ex, Satan Revisited, used TP afterwards. The answer is, “laziness.”
Because that’s not very manly, now is it? :) All I know is that I’ve had to shake/wiggle dry after peeing on a couple occasions when toilet paper wasn’t available to me, and it definitely didn’t work very well.
I had to look up what BVDs are – never heard of that particular brand.
@dappled_leaves I don’t see it as a universally accepted truth. It’s not even a Fluther wide accepted truth. And there’s no where to dispose for the TP if you use one.
I learned as a kid to just shake well.
Reminds me of the old aggie joke:
There was an Aggie and a T-sip (someone from Texas University) standing side by side at a couple of urinals.
The Aggie finishes first, shakes it, zips up and heads for the door.
The T-sip see this and loudly exclaims “You know, at The University of Texas they teach us to wash our hands after urinating”.
To which the Aggie replies “At Texas A&M they teach us not to pee on our hands in the first place”.
Dad used to tell that joke. :D
As others have said – there is no paper at a urinal. Especially at the urinal troughs (like at a football stadium).
Secondly if you’re home, you have to bend down to find the paper. I just finished a standing-up operation – why bend down?
Third, if by chance you take the last piece of paper, then there is the added responsibility of having to get a new roll. Better to not use the paper and avoid the hassle.
And then – not matter what you do paper-wise, you still have to take all sorts of abuse for leaving the seat up.
If you’re a guy, you just can’t win….
If you shake off when you’re done you don’t get urine on your clothes. It also saves a ton of paper each year.
I just realized that women and their urinary hygiene habits are depleting the rainforest. Shame on you ladies.
@elbanditoroso I still don’t even get why the seat needs to be up in the first place. For people who claim to have spectacular aim.
Not part of the official toilet training!
Boyz n bathroom…at first I thought this was a question about rap.
My mom taught me to use toilet paper when I was young enough to go to the ladies room with her (at the pool, is what I mainly remember). At some point after I was relegated to men’s rooms, I figured out that this wasn’t how it was done, and I remember feeling kind of annoyed and duped at having not been clued into this distinction sooner.
I’m sure all of this happened before I even started kindergarten. So, I’d just offer that as testimony that it’s a pretty primal difference.
No matter how much you shake and dance, the last few drops wind up in your pants. Especially when you’re wearing light grey wool so it shows like crazy! :/
My partner uses a bit of TP and I think that’s awesome. Who wants wee in their undies?
Why would it be considered unmanly to wipe, or effeminate?
There is never tp in range of a urinal & guys rarely (no kidding) even notice when they drip
The whole thing is so very strange. They give you stalls for if you need to poop so no one can see you, but they expect you to pee in full view of every one in the room and don’t provide anything to clean up with. It’s just weird.
I also fail to see how “They don’t provide toilet paper, so that’s just the way it is” is a particularly manly attitude. Seems kind of sad to me.
@kevbo I’m glad you didn’t pee in the pool.
I wonder…would most guys prefer some privacy when they pee? Who the hell decided they didn’t need any?
I’ve had guy friends tell me they will have other guys talk to them while at the urinal. That is just icky
Movies are rife with the “men chatting while they’re peeing in the urinal” scenes.
I think the main POV here is that they’re/we’re GUYS! It’s what we do! We shake and skate!
@Dutchess_III you can teach them all you want but once away from you in school they are subject to pee’er pressure from others and no one wants to be thought different or strange.
@rojo I think that’s what she means by being “taught”. You are taught by your peers.
I’m trying to understand the social motivation behind teaching men that the only manly way to pee is standing up, in full view of other men, and don’t use toilet paper. I mean, ick!
@Dutchess_III I think that it is just an extension of a natural way of peeing. If we look at primitive societies (or even ourselves on a camping trip) a guy is just going to stand over by a bush and pee, not squat behind it, and there is a very good chance he will pee ON something (see “cleanin’ tha pan” or “Hosing down the deck”) or at least aim at something. That is why they put little deodorized cakes and screens into urinals. If you give a man something to aim for chances are lessened that he will coat the floor, walls, ceiling, etc. Interesting urinal pic
And, most american bathrooms will have little urinal partitions for a modicum of privacy.
I understand it’s purely logical to pee standing up. Wish I could! But the rest of it is societal, the peeing in front of everyone, etc. and I wonder where that comes from. It’s just strange. Women get a stall, even though we show a WHOLE lot less than men when we pee.
My girlfriend asked me this question last week. It was a result of her query concerning why I sit down instead of stand up while peeing.
(Answer: Saves me the trouble of aiming. And I’m lazy.)
The only reason I could come up with for guys not dabbing with toilet paper (besides the obvious fact that there’s no toilet paper near urinals) is…
…it’s not something we were taught to do growing up.
As to why some of us weren’t taught, I haven’t the slightest idea ‘cause dabbing certainly makes more sense than shaking. And since this is the second time this topic has been brought to my attention, I’m beginning to see just how odd a ritual this is.
My Ex always stood up sometimes and sat down sometimes. i always wondered why he chose one over the other.
I’ve seen urinals that have a little bee molded into the ceramic to establish a point of aim. Pretty cool I’d say.
To offer a counterpoint, we also don’t get up from the table, announce we have to go to the bathroom and then turn to our best friend and say, “Hey, John, do you want to come with me?”
Let’s bowl right into a discussion about why men don’t like to sit when peeing. There is a very practical reason.
The shape of the toilet bowl.
read the section below on Bowl Shape
Round bowls are 3 inches shorter than elongated bowls. If a person has a big butt or a long member, the body will not comfortably fit on a round bowl. An elongated bowl is more comfortable for a big person, but is not in everyone’s home (although most toilets bowls at businesses are elongated).
And if the toilet bowl is round (and too short) then there is a serious risk of uncontrollable forward pee spray because body parts simply don’t fit.
So women, walk to your bathrooms right now – if your toilet bowl is round, then that’s a big potential negative.
@elbanditoroso Are round bowls a thing in the US? I have never seen a round bowl in my life!
@elbanditoroso! I am pleased to announce the results of my intensive research on my toilet….It’s not round!
@Dutchess_III Nobody taught me that, it was out of necessity. Trial and error. Pure logic. If you don’t shake it, what remains will dribble down your leg and/or leave a wet spot in your Levis. As simple as that!
Yet another reason to stand up. Read this article from this week’s Economist magazine
Economist Aug 2 issue
Wow, I prefer the round toilets. I’m remodeling and am replacing the toilets only because they are elongated and I don’t like them.
@MollyMcGuire The poster above was speaking from a man’s POV.
@kritiper and @elbanditoroso I’m not questioning the standing up or shaking thing. But from all I’ve heard, no matter how many times you shake it there are still some final drops. The question is, why not use some TP and get ALL of it?
I took this question to my physician for a good laugh, and to talk to him about my aging problems. At my age the ol’ Shake and dance just isn’t enough any more. And men have a significant amount of plumbing after the sphincter and prostate, which means after the bladder is voided, there may still be a lot “still in transit” what often happens is as prostates become enlarged, the barrel can be completely empty and residual urine will still pass through the urethra sometimes minutes after shaking, squeezing and milking and even dabbing things dry. The urethra folds flat like firehose so normally once voiding is completed, all or most of the urine is squeezed oit the end so tissues aren’t necessary so long as you shake off that last drop. Older hoses don’t have quite the elasticity they once did.
@Dutchess_III I guess that time would become the tell-tale element here. Even if you dab the excess off, some will still go down your leg unless you apply the TP for 2 or 3 minutes and some dribbling may yet occur. I think it is just too much of a no-win situation to worry too much about.
Do uncircumcised devils have more dripping problems that the circumcised?
Perhaps the answer is a “raincoat” be worn at all times except when urinating.
@rojo About the same, I’d bet. But who could answer except a grown person who was only recently circumcised?? I doesn’t make a difference if you wear a hoodie or not, if your gonna drool, your gonna drool.
@Dutchess_III – who says they don’t? Maybe they’re too genteel to talk about it.
Or maybe womens’ parts are more elasticized and close tighter.
+ what I find amusing is how interested you are in mens’ urination habits +
Well, I’m a woman and I don’t have that problem.
It was an offshoot of another question, which was “Women, would you force your man to sit (on the stool)?”
@Dutchess_III Probably because the female’s urethra is shorter and there is less canal past the shut-off to hold the minuscule excess that in males is the post drip.
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