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LostInParadise's avatar

What are the chances of success for Sarah Palin's new television channel?

Asked by LostInParadise (32278points) August 5th, 2014

I admit to a certain fascination with Sarah Palin. Half term governor, failed vice presidential candidate, failed reality TV star, failed author, 2012 presidential non-candidate, it seems she will do almost anything to remain in the public eye and to make money off of it. All Sarah all the time is about the most dreary thing I can imagine. $9.95 a month is asking for quite a bit. Even if the show was for free, even her most ardent fans would quickly grow tired of her.

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38 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

$9.95 a month?? Good luck LOL, man she never gives up, ya got to give ole Caribou Barbie that at least.
I might have wasted five maybe ten minutes checking it out if it was totally free, but $9.95 LOL!!

JLeslie's avatar

I wouldn’t pay, but I did like to watch her Alaska show. She is a mess in politics, but I like her for mom and girl things. She should just do a cooking show or travel show, or something that has no significant meaning to our daily safety or relationships with other nations.

filmfann's avatar

People would only pay that if it included scenes of her in the shower.

ibstubro's avatar

Ah. Would that we could quarantine Sarah to a single channel of the telly. Maybe they could sell subscriptions for $1 a month with a promise that she would be exclusively available on her TV channel?

El_Cadejo's avatar

Lol that’s a higher monthly charge than Netflix…... Good luck with that one… Honestly I’m shocked she’s still even considered relevant.

JLeslie's avatar

Is her channel all Sarah all the time?

zenvelo's avatar

It’s not a TV channel, it’s a web based channel. It will disappear without a whimper by the end of the year, she is unable to keep her attention on anything longer than that.

jca's avatar

@JLeslie has a good idea about it having just lifestyle and travel.

JLeslie's avatar

I hope it’s lifestyles and travel and not another Fox news.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Maybe if she is busy starting a business and trying to make a profit (i.e. work for a living) she might have less time for TV or similar appearances.

$10 / month? Dream on. Glenn Beck sure was a success with his, right?

zenvelo's avatar

Lifestyles and travel: so it would be about the benefits of teen pregnancy, shooting wolves from helicopters, travelling on other people’s money?

Pachy's avatar

With apologies to Palin fans but to put it bluntly, I dislike everything about her and would not watch this show if she paid me.

Talk about a waste of bandwidth, both mine and my ISP’s!!!

flutherother's avatar

I would pay $9.95 a month to never hear from her again.

ucme's avatar

$9:95 a month, that’s $8 more than she’d earn as a prosti…#milf #bawdyhumour

Darth_Algar's avatar

Ugh. Why is this vapid gasbag continually given a platform?

Pachy's avatar

Brilliant, @flutherother !!!

stanleybmanly's avatar

Sarah Palin is no better or worse than any other idiot celebrity. It’s perfectly understandable that someone with her “qualifications” would grab any opportunity for earning a buck that presents itself. It’s pointless faulting an idiot for lacking the wit to realize it. The marvel of Sarah Palin is that a certifiably empty headed individual can achieve the nomination for Vice President of the United States through the sole exercise of openly parading her cognitive deficiencies before the electorate! It boggles the mind and speaks telling volumes on the intellectual proclivities of the voting public in the United States. Consider that she is already a millionaire from her “speaking tours” in which she spanned the nation to venues packed with folks oblivious to the fact their mere paid attendance marks them indelibly as fellow idiots.

jca's avatar

@stanleybmanly: I don’t think most people knew how stupid Palin was until after she got the nomination for VP. In the beginning, she came out, gave the big speech, looked very pretty and wowed everyone. It was only after that, when she started getting interviewed, that the cat was out of the bag.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You’re being too generous, but I will concede your point. And the success of the tours, after all doubt has been removed?

Darth_Algar's avatar

But guys, she can see Russia from her house. Surely that alone makes her more qualified than anyone else in the nation to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s laughable now, but the implications of her near miss are really sobering. What does it say when a very significant proportion of our populace can watch and listen to her antics and somehow just not “get it”?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@stanleybmanly – it also shows how weak and stupid John McCain was, to have let himself get rolled by the republican gentry in order to get Sarah Palin put on the ticket.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

The chance of her website succeeding has potential. It seems user-friendly and filled with topics that feed the Fox viewers and President Obama haters. While the price may be prohibitive to some, people are willing to spend money for their beliefs.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

That would be “slim chance” and “no chance.”

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’m with @zenvelo, @Pachy, and @flutherother on this. BARF!

ragingloli's avatar

If by success you mean that some retarded suckers will actually pay for this crap, then yes.
The irony is that hundreds, maybe thousands of followers of so-called fiscal conservatism will waste 10$ a month listening to a screech-voiced, dunderheaded mouth-breather.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@elbanditoroso McCain has his faults, but Sarah was literally forced on him with “my way or the highway” from the party’s movers and shakers.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@stanleybmanly McCain wanted his running mate to be Joe Lieberman, but the party leadership cried “foul.” As a Democrat posing as an independent and caucusing with Senate Democrats, Lieberman was much to moderate and reasonable for the party’s tastes. McCain was pressured into choosing Palin, a decision that he immediately regretted. It didn’t take long for McCain, and everyone else involved, that Palin was both unqualified and out of control.

rojo's avatar

Until he decided he needed to suck up to the Christian Right, McCain was a viable candidate in my book but he lost me then. Lieberman would have brought some credibility back.I would have given a McCain/Lieberman ticket some thought.

A McCain/Palin did not even register as serious ticket, let alone a possibility.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@rojo And there you have the real struggle within the Republican Party. When George Will threw up his hands in disgust, there was little attention paid. I am an unabashed liberal, but even I realize that no one benefits from a conservative movement pimping devotees to ignorance as viable leaders.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

When George Will threw up his hands in disgust…

@stanleybmanly George Will is an intellectual, like William Safire before him. Intellectuals are anomalies in both parties, mostly distrusted because they think too much, and can’t be relied upon to remain uncritical or to blindly tow the party line like good soldiers when the party finds itself in well-deserved shit—traitorous bastards. But they are useful when, during those rare moments when the educated, moneyed elite of America requires soothing and reassurance that the Party really isn’t all knuckle-dragging mouth breathers who just want the government to stay out of their Medicare. Intellectuals throw their hands up in the air all the time, especially at the collective willful stupidity of the great unwashed. It’s like their favorite thing. It’s how they get their physical exercise. When they do it, it’s never really taken seriously by anybody, because nobody really understands them. They’re intellectuals and this is America. They can’t be trusted.

The Republican Party tradition of pushing certifiable morons to the fore—(newer, better versions of the bouncy, rootin’ tootin’ Palin, and the Idiot Son with all his interesting strategerizin’ and his astute observation that the U. S. Constitution had been written on paper!)—is still alive and well. through the strategerical promotions by the still extant puppet masters Rove and Co, and their evil offspring. They are enormously successful to this very day Tea Party and fundi-backed candidates like Rubio, and last spring’s crop of nutcases form Arizona, Texas and Mississippi.. You just have to hang with the right demographic to see it. If you live in someplace nice, like northern California or anywhere else but the deep south I suppose, you might miss this show completely—until it rears it’s ugly head out of Orange County or some other wealthy Republican command and control center.

The pimping—no—the pumping of controllable and cerebrally deficient, blindly-loyal Republican candidates into the ocean of ignorance and apathy that is our society, sadly, is their best recruitment tool and vote getter. Their hook is taps into the latent angers and fears of this very angry and paranoid society and focusing it on every other political entity but themselves. It works and is working just fine at this very moment. Never underestimate the enemy, stanley. It gives them the element of surprise. Your optimism, although admirable, is premature.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You really believe that I am an optimist? I don’t think I have had 2 pleasant things to say about anything or anyone since my arrival here.

LostInParadise's avatar

Just in case you were wondering what the channel is like but don’t feel like wasting your money, check out this review

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@LostInParadise OMG she is indeed a true nutbar to say it nicely.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

It costs $100 to access this nonsense?!?! Who’s going to cough-up that money and tune-in?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@SadieMartinPaul Every extreme right wing neo-conservative Republican out there , at least that seems what she is counting on.

ibstubro's avatar

I find it interesting that both major American political parties fielded Presidential candidates from the top 10 most corrupt states: Obama from Illinois and Palin from Alaska. Of course, Al Gore was from Tennessee.


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