How do I save a You Tube video to disk?
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August 6th, 2014
A friend posted a real neat You Tube video, and I would like to save it on a disk but haven’t got the know how to do it.
In real simple instructions could someone tell me how to do that?
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9 Answers
And no it’s not copy righted ,and said I could if I want, but he nor I know how to do it.
Take your pick with my Mac I mainly use safari, but have chrome as well, windows I bouce back and forth from IE to Chrome.
There are a lot of sites that will convert a youtube video to an MP3, AVI, etc… From there it’s just burning as usual.
Type “convert youtube to MP3” in google. Pick a free one.
I use the flashgot plugin. Works on almost every streaming site.
It also allows you to rip entire galleries from a page.
If you can download it, youtubedownloader has worked pretty well for me. It can turn it into an avi, mp4, mp3, etc. file. There’s a lot to name. It’s free, but it gets updated a lot.
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