How can riding horses break a girl's hymen?
I used to own a horse and I rode a lot. When I lost my virginity the guy commented on the fact that there wasn’t any blood (like that was a bad thing.) Anyway, I guess it was from riding horses, but I can’t really see how that could break it.
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40 Answers
Considering the weight of the girl is resting on her crotch, and the hymen is merely a membrane, it’s not at all surprising. Add to that the concept of horse back riding as a masturbatory exercise for young women, it means the pressure from horse back riding is directly on the area in question.
I don’t know. When I was younger I remember reading some girls have their first orgasms riding. That has never happened to me.
@zenvelo and @JLeslie I have always wondered if that was why girls liked horses so much.
When I ride a horse it isn’t part of my thought process. I can’t speak for other girls. As a very young girl it really would not occur to me at all. That part of the body was just for pee pee for me. I don’t know if some guy came up with the idea or if girls really report.
I didn’t bleed either and I’ve never been on a horse in my life.
Break perhaps, more likely stretch.
I’m a lifelong rider and I have never had an orgasm riding but..I did have my first twirling on the jungle gym bars in 3rd grade. I went back to those bars every day for weeks trying to replicate the mysterious sensation I experienced. Never happened again, well…until much later. haha
Ditto…no bleeding for me either the first time after years of galloping around.
That was how mine broke. I was riding double behind my girlfriend who was using a western saddle. The horse began bucking and I came down hard on the back ridge of the saddle.
I too did not bleed may be because I used to ride bicycle a lot and also was very active in sports. I have heard hymen could break during cycling, high jump,horse riding etc. During horse riding the hymen could break due to the positioning of the legs or extreme bouncing or mounting and dismounting.
@kritiper ” I have always wondered if that was why girls liked horses so much.” Did you REALLY just say that?
@Dutchess_III Yupper! I knew a girl years ago that, according to her cousin, liked horses, not boys. Lots of girls like horses! Could be that horse breeding thing also… Impressive!
That is the damned stupidest thing I have ever heard.
Yeh, I have always wondered this too. And I still can’t picture why it happens. I must be dense.
I’m dense too @anniereborn. I mean, why wouldn’t swings or monkey bars do the same thing? Or bikes? What’s so special about horses?
@Dutchess_III Not swings because most girls do not sit astride a swing. And one does not bounce up and down on a monkey bar.
And bikes are cited as having the same outcome, but horse back riding on a Western Saddle has a girl’s legs spread much farther apart and bouncing on the area in question.
I still don’t get it. How does bouncing break the hymen, legs astride or not?
@Dutchess_III Hey that horse MOVES under you and it isn’t exactly “cold steel.” That’s hot flesh!
You’re making me very uncomfortable, @kritiper. I didn’t ask this question to be embarrassed. Suppose you can get your mind out of the gutter long enough to figure out how a hymen can be broken when there is no penetration?
Men are always so preoccupied with touching their dicks or having someone else touch it, and it is to get their rocks off, that they think girls are the same. It just isn’t like that.
@kritiper WTH are you talking about? You have to stop. You are so wrong right now. Wrong about girls and even wrong about the flipping horse. How many people do you know who are riding bareback? Are men riding horses to get off? Or, motorcycles?
I just thought of something. Back when being a virgin was SUCH a high priority, not bleeding during your (supposed) first time could be a major problem. I’m thinking prior to 1920. Well, what did women and girls do a lot of in those days? They rode horses. Maybe they just made this whole story up to get out of trouble, and it just became part of modern lore. I’m gonna go ask Rarebear. I think he’ll know. When logic, and proportion have fallen sloppy dead….wait. I digress.
Makes sense. Great thinking there @Dutchess_III. Although, way back in the day I think a lot of women road side saddle maybe?
Is rarebear back?
Yep! As…Osoraro. :D Yay.
Well, the “ladies” rode side saddle, but I would imaging hard working farm girls didn’t have time for such silliness. I mean, if you seriously needed to ride in an emergency I don’t think you’d mess with a side saddle.
When my mom was a kid she and her sisters rode a horse to school. I think there were 3 of them on one, old sway back nag.
Osoraro? LOL. Of course.
I wonder who came up with women should bleed? Sounds like a lot of women don’t.
Oh, that’s just been a “known fact” that virgins bleed. Well, it’s BS, actually.
@Dutchess_III What about that old Shakespeare quote from Merchant of Venice: “If you prick us, do we not bleed?” is that relevant to your discussion about virgins?
Shylock’s speech originally referred to Jews; I guess you can extrapolate.
” I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is?”
I just liked the prick part, used as a verb, implied as a noun
Well, I’d assume if they did break while horse riding, it would be because of stretching the legs so far apart. But I have no knowledge of any actual events, so I’ll leave this at that.
So, is it safe to assume that all female gymnasts have broken their hymen?
^^ No. I was a gymnast, and I rode horses. I didn’t break it from either of those activities.
Did you bleed your first time?
@AshLeigh Was it painful?
I can’t imagine what it is like to have painful sex the first time.
If I had to go off the scuttlebutt that set the standard around here; the answer would be ”who cares” or ”why would you want to know that?” If it does, it does, if it don’t then it doesn’t, with the scuttlebutt that set the tone, there is no good reason to ask strangers anything such as that, one would just go ask their OB GYN.
@JLeslie, it wasn’t horribly painful, but it wasn’t comfortable either.
That’s a good way to put it @AshLeigh. Uncomfortable. And pretty boring after all the build up.
LOL! I could not figure out what all the hoopla was about!
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